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Upper Resp (1 of 2)

SOPN Upper Resp (1of 2)

Inflammation of the mucus membrane of the nose Rhinitis
The common cold resulting from and infection from rhinovirus over 100 rhinoviurs Acute Viral Rhinitis
Highly contagious by inhalation of droplet nuclei and direct contact Rhinitis and Acute Viral Rhinitis
Full blown infection with 48 hours Acute Viral Rhinitis
TX: No antibiotic not bacterial, decongestants, antitussives Acute Viral Rhinitis
Mani: *watery eyes, thin watery nasal discharge, itchy eys and nose and HA* Allergic Rhinitis
Mucous membranes appear PALE AND EDEMATOUS instead of red as in the common cold Allergic Rhinitis
A/C is a treatment so is antihistamines, decongetants what is Allergic Rhinitis
Mani: fever, chills, nasal congestion, pain in sinuses, HA Sinusitis
All complications of what: Abscess, sepis, menigitis Sinusitis
Phenylephrin (neo-synepherine or pseudoephedrin all prescribed for what? Sinusitis
Prolonged infections lead to what? Chronic Sinusitis
Treatment: Caldwell-Luc Procedure, Spheno-ethmoidectory Chronic Sinusitis treatment can cause optic nerve damage or infection
Sore Throat Pharyngitis
what is the most serious Pharyngitis Group A beta hemolytic potential for hear and renal complicatons
Is Pharyngitis Contagious Yes
S/S: fever, chills, yellow or white patch exudates covers tonsills, lymph enlargement Pharyngitis
Diagnosis: Opticl Immunossay OIA, and Bio star Rapid tests for Pharyngitis
Complications of strep throat Heart complications, rheumatic fever, glomerular nephritis, ottis media, mastoditis
Aspiration of stomach contents, toxic material, or a foreign body into lower respir track temp elevated after two hours Aspiration Pneumonia Syndrome
Prevention Aspiration Pneumonia Syndrome Side lyning, mouth care, HOB 30 degress, with hold feed if residual is greater than 100 ml Call MD
A localized collection of pus within lung Lung Abscess
Caused from Staph, TB, fungal infections, aspiration, pulmonary infarcct, Lung Abscess
Mani: anorexia, weight lose, syspnea, chest pain, fever Lung Abscess
NI: TCDB, monitor RR, Temp, Vitals, antibiotics if last 6-12 weeks Lung Abscess
Type A mutates most and is responsible for most deaths, esp young and old Influenza Virus Infections
Infuenza Virus Infections complication bacterial and viral pneumonia
Amanatadine Hcl (symmetrel) Must be given early to be effective in Guillian Barre Syndrome
Encephalitis, sinusiitis, Resp Disease, DM Heart disease, renal disease, cirrhosis Guillian Barre Syndrome
Prevention for Guillian Barre Syndrome Flu Vaccine
S/S: HA, non productive cough, fever, sweating, sore throat, muscle aches Giullian Barre Syndrome
S/S: inhaled into lungs via droplet nuclie after and infected infdidual coughs, sneezes, bacterial lodges in the aveoli with resultant ghons lesions spread to lymph and blood TB
Causes pneumonia and meniges of the brain TB
.1 ml of pruifeid proten derivateive is injected intradermally into forearm Mantoux or PPD Test
+ results is indicated by induration of 5-15 mm, immuno person may have false + Mantoux or PPD Test
3 (-) sputnum acid fat bacillus smears means Discharge for TB
Pressure treated room, HEPA masks by Nurse, HIV testing recommeded drug treat 6 mo - 2years TB
Isonizid, (INF), refampin, Pyrazinamide or Ethanmbutol or Streptomycin TB Meds Combo Therapy
Bacille Calmete Guerin Vaccine You will have positive PPD or mantoux test, not used in US for TB
Collection of pus fluid in the pleural space Empyema
Cause: Lung abscess, pneumonia, TB, chest wounds Empyema
Treatment Empyema Drainage of pleural space, chest tube, antibiotic, 02, monitor 02, & RR
Inflammation of the pluera, almost always a secondary effect of underlying disease Pleuritis (Pleurisy)
SS: Sharp pain related to resp movement, friction rub may be heard over the infected area on ausculation Pleuritis (Pleursiy)
Treatment: NSAIDS, analgesics, anti-inflammatory Pleuritis
Chronic Inflammatory disorder of airway Asthma, more common in African Americans 15-24
Severe asthma attack lasting hours or days does not respond to treatment Status Asthmaticus
Quick Relief Status Asthmaticus (1) Beta 2 Adrenergic Agonist = Albuteral, terbutaline or andticholinergic
Quick Relief Status Asthmaticus (2) Beta 2 agonist Ipratropium bromide (atrovent) a bronchodilator with decreased cardio side effects
Quick Relief Status Asthmaticus (3) Steriords or PO prednisone
Long term treatment Asthma PO steriods or long tern Beta 2 agonists to drecrease leukotrines. 02 therapy
Hand held device measures hwo fast air can blow out of lungs perform 3X's take highest reading Peak Flow Meters: for clincial signs before they appear in Asthma
What should you never administer to Asthmatic Patients INDEROL, Beta Blocker causes Brochoconstriction
Includes: Chronic Bronchitis, Emphasema, Bronchiectasis, and sometime Asthma Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Excess production of mucus, by chronic cough last 3 months of year for two years Chronic Bronchitis.
Cause: prolonged exposure to toxic fumes Chronic bronchitis, more common white males over 45
Decreased Pa02, Increase PaCO2, cyanosis, dsypnea on exertion, R sided heart failure Late stages of Bronchial Inflammation
Enlarged heart on XRAY, repeated resp infections Bronchial Inflammation
Classic finding of Bronchitis Late Stage: Decreased Pa02, INCREASE PaCo2, cyanoisi, DOE, stocky body, episodes of R sided heart failue with dependent Edema.
DX of Bronchail Inflammation Pt history with repeated resp infections, enlarged heart, right sided heart failure.
Charcterized by enlarged air spaces and destruction of aveoli walls and supporting structures: Emphysema
Decrease alpha antitrypinsin an enzyme inhibitor: Emphysema
lung tissue loses its elasticity, causing stiffening of the lung loss of lung compliance Emphysema
Primary drive to breath is a low 02 level in blood Emphysema
C02 in arterial blood determines respirations for who Normal person, no disease
More central portion of the lung lobe more common in men, brochiles enlarged, walls are destroyed and bronchioles become confluent: Centrilobular Emphysema
Destruction of the actual aveoli and bronchiles equally effects men and women: Panlobular Emphysema
Dyspna worsening until become dyspnea at rest: Emphysema
Expriations will be prolonged, CO2 retained, leading to CO2 necrosis, signs of what Emphysema
DX: Forced expiratory volume in first second of expiration is prolonged, enlarged thoracic cage, BARREL CHEST: Emphysema
B2 Agonist = albuterol, metaproterenol, broncho dilators such as theophylline to maintian a theraputic level of 10-20 Drugs for Emphysema
Prednisone, steriods, 02 to maintain Pa02 to at least 60 mg, 3 L min for 12-15 hours day For Emphysema
NI: Diaphragmatic breathing, pursed lip breathing, monitor tachycardia, increase fluids for what: For Emphysema
Created by: keldog09
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