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Stack #208139
5th Religion Ch. 6-10 Vocab
Question | Answer |
A title for Jesus that states that he is truly God. | Lord |
Atitle for Jesus that states that he is the Messiah whom God promised to send to save his people. | Christ |
From the Latin word meaning "putting on flesh," to have a real body; the Son of God became human, while keeping his divinity. | Incarnation |
Mary, the Mother of Jesus who is true God and tru man. | Mother of God |
The Jewish feast celebrating the sparing of the Hebrew children from death and the passage of God's people from slavery in Egypt to freedom in the land God promised them. | Passover |
The "passing over" of Jesus from life through death into new and glorious life: the Passion, death, Resurrection and glorious Ascension of Jesus. | Paschal Mystery |
the event of Jesus being raised from the dead to a new and glorious life. | Resurrection |
A word meaning "a going up"; the return of the Risen Christ in glory to his Father. | Ascension |
The writers of the four Gospels in the New Testament- Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. | Evangelists |
The third Person of the Holy Trinity, sent to us by the Father in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ. | Holy Spirit |
Title or name for the Holy Spirit, which means "one who is at our side," or "one who speaks for us." | Advocate |
Craces, or gifts, given by the Holy Spirit to build up the Church on earth for the good of all people and the needs of the world. | charisms |
The passing on of the teachings of Christ by the Church through the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit. | Sacred Tradition |
The Body of Christ; the new People of God called together in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. | Church |
One, holy, catholic, apostolic; the four signs, or essential qualities of the Church founded by Jesus. | Marks of the Church |
All people and creation living in communion with God at the end of time when the work of Christ will be completed, and he will come again in glory. | Kingdom of God |
All the faithful followers of Jesus, both the living and the dead, those on earth, in purgatory, and in heaven. | Communion of Saints |