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resp mr.broyles

study guide quarter II respiratory exam #1

Hypoxia An inadequate, reduced tension of cellular oxygen
Hypercapnia Greater than normal amounts of carbon dioxide in the blood
Hypoxemia An abnormal deficiency of oxygen in the arterial blood
Apnea an absence of spontaneous respiration (not to breath)
Cheyne-stokes respirations An abnormal patter of respiration characterized by alternating periods of apnea and deep, rapid breathing.
Bradypnea A slow respiratory rate of fewer than 12 breaths per minute
Tachypnea An abnormally rapid rate of breathing
Adventitious Abnormal sounds superimposed on breath sounds
Bronchoscopy Visual examination of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi using a standard rigid, tubular metal bronchoscope or a narrower, flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope.
Cyanosis Slightly bluish, gray, slatelike, or dark purple discoloration of the skin resulting from the presence of abnormally reduced amounts of oxygenated hemoglobin in the blood.
Dyspnea Shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing; may be caused by disturbances in the lungs, certain heart conditions, and hemoglobin deficiency
Orthopnea An abnormal condition in which a person must sit or stand in order to breathe deeply or comfortably
Wheeze Adventitious breath sounds that have a whistling or sighing sound resulting from narrowing of the lumen of a respiratory passageway. May be heard both on inspiration and expiration. Wheezes characteristically clear on coughing
Sibilant wheeze Musical, high-pitched, squeaking, or whistle like sound caused by the rapid movement of air through narrowed bronchioles
Sonorous wheeze Low-pitched, loud, coarse, snoring sound
Stertorous Pertaining to a respiratory effort that is strenuous and struggling, which provokes a snoring sound
Thoracentesis The surgical perforation of the chest wall and pleural space with a needle for the aspiration of fluid for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes
Hyperoxia Abnormally high oxygen tension in the blood
Laryngeal cancer S/S Persistent hoarseness is usually the first sign; advanced lesions may cause a sore throat, dyspnea, dysphagia, and cervical adenopathy.
Causes of layngeal cancer chronic alcoholism and heavy use of tobacco increase the risk of developing the cancer; more common in men than women. between 50-70 yrs/age
adenopathy enlargement of any gland
Laryngectomy surgical removal of the larynx performed to treat cancer of the larynx
Epistaxis bleeding from the nose caused by local irritation of mucous membranes
Chemoreceptors a sensory nerve cell activated by chemical stimuli.
Example of chemoreceptor in the carotid artery are sensitive to the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the blood; they signal the respiratory center in the brain to increase or decrease the rate of breathing
Rhinitis inflammation of of the mucous membranes of the nose, usually accompanied by swelling of the mucosa and nasal discharge.
Sinusitis inflammation of one or more paranasal sinuses. With swelling of nasal mucous membranes the openings from the sinuses to the nose may be obstructed, resulting in an accumulation of sinus secretions, causing pressure, pain, headache, fever, local tenderness
Laryngoscopy the use of a laryngoscope to view the larynx
Layrngitis inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the larynx
Nasal Polyp a rounded, elongated piece of pulpy, dependent mucosa that projects into the nasal cavity
Tonsillectomy the surgical excision of the palatine tonsils, performed to prevent recurrent tonsillitis
Oxygen deficiency indicators Apprehension, anxiety, restlessness, decreased ability to concentrate, disorientation, decreased level of consciousness, increased fatigue, vertigo, behavioral changes
Oxygen deficiency indicators Increased pulse rate; as hypoxia advance, bradycardia results, Increase rate and depth of resp, shallow, slow resps, elevated blood pressure it will decrease
Oxygen deficiency indicators cardiac dysrhythmias, pallor, cyanosis, clubbing, dyspnea
Daily fluid intake amount 2500-3000 cc; 3L
Assessment of lungs pt encouraged to describe any symptoms, such as SOB, dyspnea on exertion, or cough. Data should include: onset; duration; precipitating factors; and relief measures.
Assessment of lungs Description of cough-productive or nonproductive-harsh, dry or hacking; and color and amount of mucus expectorated. Data should be recorded as direct quotes from pt.
Assessment of lungs objective: Observation. The pts expression, chest movement, and respirations. Flaring nostrils. Pts skin color and turgor. Resp. distress, wheezes. adventitious sounds or orthopnea.
post thoracentesis the patient is poitioned on the unaffected side. 30% semi fowler's, supplemental 02, watching for bleeding at site, watch for changes in vital signs, color, mental status and auscultate lungs IF changes occur and routinely even if no changes
nursing intervention for epistaxis keep pt quiet, in sitting position, leaning forward with head an shoulders evelevated., apply direct pressure by pinching nose 10-15 min, apply ice compress to nose, monitor for s/s for hypovolemic shock
Created by: chulitachorty26
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