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Army Board quiz

Board for SGT-SSG (BIG SET)

Barred by policy from attacking North Vietnam, what general adopted a strategy of attrition, seeking to inflict enough casualties on teh enemy in the South to make him more amenable to American objectives. General William C. Westmoreland
What was the cost, in lives, of the Vietnam War? It has been estimated that over 58,000 Americans lost their lives and more than 1 million Vietnamese.
What was the full scale assualt conducted by the enemy on all major South Vietnamese cities in early 1968 called? Why was it called this? The Tet Offensive; it occurred during teh Tet-lunar new year, normally a Vietnamese holiday.
What do the Letters "VC" stand for? Viet-Cong
When did the war in Vietnam officially end (for the United States)? In 1973, with the signing of the Paris Peace Accords.
What event sparked the Persian Gulf War? Saddam Hussein's armies overran Kuwait in August 1990 and appeared poised for a further advance on Saudi Arabia.
In what year did the United States withdraw completely from Somalia? 1994
What publication covers Operation process? ADP 5-0
What publication in the NCO Guide? TC 7-22.7
What publication covers First Aid? 4-25.11
Who wrote the National Anthem and what year? Frances Scott Key in 1812 (It started as a poem when written)
What manual covers Protection? ADRP 3-37
What publication covers Unified Land Operations? ADP 3-0
What publication covers Drill and Ceremony? TC 3-21.5
What publication covers physical readiness training? FM 7-22
What publication are for Training and Developing Leading? APD/ADRP 7-0
Who wrote the National Anthem and what year? Frances Scott Key in 1812 (It started as a poem when written)
Who invented cadences? PVT Willy Duckworth
What manual covers Protection? ADRP 3-37
What publication covers Unified Land Operations? ADP3-0
What publication covers Operation process? ADP 5-0
What publication is the NCO Guide? TC 7-22.7
What publication covers Drill and Ceremony? TC 3-21.5
What publication are for Training and Developing Leading? APD/ADRP 7-0
Who was the only female recipient of the Medal of Honor? Dr. Mary E. Walker in 1865.
Where did the word "Cavalry" originate? What does it mean? In France; it is the French word for "horse".
Who was "Uncle Sam"? It is generally accepted that Uncle Sam was Samuel Wilson, a government meat inspector during the War of 1812 who stamped "U.S." on containers of meat that met his approval. (Myth perpetuated by workers)
When was the Army first established? 14 June 1775
What were the original NCO ranks? Corporal, Sergeant, First Sergeant, Quartermaster Sergeant, and Sergeant Major
When was the modern rank insignia adapted? 1902
When was 519th MP organized and where? Originally organized as the 15th Military Police Battalion in October 1927, the 519th Military Police Battalion was called to active duty at Camp Chaffe, Arkansas in April 1944
When was the NCO Manual established? 1917
What additional ranks were added in the late 1930s? Technician ranks (later appeared as 'specialists' in 1955)
When did the first Non-commissioned Officer Academy (NCOA) open? 17 October 1949 at Flint Kaserne, Bad Toelz, Germany
​ What does METT-TC stand for? A: Mission, Enemy, Terrain and Weather, Troops and Support available, Time available, Civil Considerations (METT-TC)
What is the foundation of Unified Land Operations built on? Initiative, Decisive Action, and Mission Command
How does the Army Seize, Retain and Exploit the Initiative? By striking the Enemy, both Lethally and Nonlethally, in time, places, or manners for which the Enemy is not prepared
AR 27-10 Military Justice
AR 600-8-8 Sponsorship
AR 600-8-19 Promotions
AR 600-8-22 Awards and Decorations
AR 600-25 Salutes, Honors
AR 600-280 Retention
AR 670-1 Uniform and Appearance
AR 840-10 Flags and Guidons
AR 930-4 Army Emergency Relief
AR 930-5 Army Red Cross (American)
When was the Army first established? 14 June 1775
What were the original NCO ranks? Corporal, Sergeant, First Sergeant, Quartermaster Sergeant, and Sergeant Major
When was the modern rank insignia adapted? 1902
When was the NCO Manual established? 1917
What additional ranks were added in the late 1930s? Technician ranks (later appeared as 'specialists' in 1955)
When did the first Non-commissioned Officer Academy (NCOA) open? 17 October 1949 at Flint Kaserne, Bad Toelz, Germany
When was the NCO Education System (NCOES) established? 1966, by General Ralph E. Haines Jr.
When was the NCO Creed written? 1973 (published in 1986)
What does the NCO Creed provide? 1) It provides inspiration to lead and provides a "yard stick" for NCO's to measure themselves. 2) It provides implied responsibilities for conducting NCO business.
What did the NCO creed provide? Inspiration to lead and implied responsbilities for conducting NCO business
What does the NCO creed identify? What an NCO must "Be, Know, and Do" as defined by the Army Leadership requirement model
What do courtesies provide soldiers? Discipline; Courteous behavior for developing good relations; Respect
How is trust established between the Nation and its soldiers? Through the Oath of Enlistment
What are the five compelling reasons soldiers conduct must remain within ethical and moral boundaries to win the hearts and minds of our enemies and to safeguard honorable service? *Humane treatment of detainees; *Humane treatment of noncombatants; *Make ethical decisions in action fraught with consequences; *Leaders must not tacitly accept misconduct or encourage it; *Soldiers must live with the consequences of their conduct
When was the first official Army flag unfurled? 14 June 1956 (Flag Day and Army Birthday)
What do the colors on the Army flag represent? Red: hardiness and valor; White: purity and innocence; Blue: perseverance and justice
What objectives are accomplished by drill? professionalism, teamwork, confidence, pride, alertness, attention to detail, espirit de corps, and discipline
What are the three methods of instruction used to teach drill to Solders? Step-by-step, talk-through, and by the numbers
What do military inspections provide? An assessment of the capabilities of an organization and identification of any potential problems
What does the Army's formal leader development process involve? training and educatoin; experience; assessment; counseling and feedback; remedial and reinforcement actions; evaluation, and selection
What are the three attributes of Army Leadership? Character, Presence, Intellect
What are the three core competencies of Army Leadership? Leads, Develops, Achieves
What is leadership? The process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization
What is character? dedication and adherence to the Army Ethic, including Army Values, as consistently and faithfully demonstrated in decisions and actions
What is the Army's primary mission? Organize, train, and equip forces to conduct prompt and sustained land combat operations
What are Unified Land Operations? the concept used to describe how the Army seizes, retains, and exploits the initiative to gain and maintain a position of relative advantage in sustained land operations.
An Army Professional is certified in three areas. Name them Competence, Commitment, and Character
When does an individual become a part of the Army Profession? After taking the initial oath of enlistment
What are the three domains of leadership development? Institutional training and education, operational assignments, and self-developmen
Created by: 1203769701
Popular Military sets




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