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Social Studies Civilation

Mesopotamia is located in the modern country of? Iraq
Where was the ancient land known as Mesopotamia? Where was the ancient land known as Mesopotamia?
The earliest settlements in Mesopotamia were like small, independent countries. They are called? city-states.
What made Mesopotamia a difficult environment to live in? he sun was hot, and there was little rain.
in Neolithic times, the first people to begin farming in Mesopotamia lived in the Zagros Mountains
What was the major disadvantage to the rapid population growth in the foothills? food shortages
The foothills provided conditions that were good for farming and building shelters. What conclusion can you draw from this statement? People settled in one place, and the population grew.
In Sumer, the water supply was unreliable. Farmers had either too much water or too little
What was the key to successful farming in Sumer? controlling the water supply
Water is to reservoir as money is to bank.
Why did farmers clean canals regularly? A clogged canal could spoil the entire system
When farmers cleaned the canals, they were working for he common good.
What caused Sumerians to build larger communities? the need to maintain irrigation systems
Suppose you are a Sumerian farmer, and you don’t like having to clean out canals. What might happen if you refused to help? The system could clog up and ruin everyone’s crops.
Why did Sumerians build walls around their cities? to protect themselves against attacking neighbors
What is the major flaw in the Sumerian system of canals that flowed through many different cities? Cities located upriver could block the water flow for cities downriver.
How did the Sumerian city walls relate to the environment? The walls were made of bricks using local mud
A system of government is one characteristic of civilization
Why is a stable food supply necessary to make a society into a civilization? It ensures that the society has food to survive
Which of the following is an example of technology? an axle
When people in a civilization have different social levels and jobs, this is called social structure
One thing the Sumerians invented to help them establish a stable food supply was the plow
The remains of different types and sizes of houses in Sumerian cities showed that Sumerians had a social structure
The top class of Sumerians included government officials and priests
An artisan is someone who practices crafts such as metalworking
Which of these ancient Sumerians most likely made swords for the army? a metalworker
One of the Sumerians strongest beliefs was obeying the will of the gods
Who in Sumer was responsible for collecting taxes, enforcing laws, and leading the army? the king
The job of a scribe was to write
Which characteristic of civilization was most related to the job of patrolling irrigation canals in Sumer? a stable food supply
The main reason ziggurats were important in Sumerian civilization because they were expressions of religious belief
Culture is a characteristic of civilization that includes beliefs and behaviors of a society or a group of people,creative forms of expression
Why might evidence of music in an ancient civilization lead an archaeologist to conclude that the civilization had a stable food supply? It suggests that people had time and energy for expressions of art
Sumerians first used the wheel to make pottery
According to some historians, what is the Sumerians greatest architectural achievement? the arch
Sumerian scribes etched their writing onto clay tablets
Plow is to farming as stylus is to writing
What is the name for the system of writing developed by the Sumerians? cuneiform
How did the Akkadians change Sumer? hey conquered the independent city-states and united them
Sargon built the Akkadian Empire by using his military skills
How did Sargon maintain control over his empire? He destroyed the walls of many cities to make it harder for people to rebel. He replaced disloyal officials with his own men.
What did Sargon use to build up his capital city? tributes collected from the people he conquered
What did the Akkadian and Sumerian cultures share? They worshiped the same gods and goddesses
Why did the Akkadian Empire weaken under the leadership of kings after Sargon? Later kings found it difficult to rule such a large territory
What happened between the fall of the Akkadian Empire and the rise of the Babylonian Empire? Sumer was once again a collection of independent city-states
What did Hammurabi use to unify the Babylonian empire and preserve order? his code of laws
Why was Hammurabi's code an important achievement? It was the first set of laws to apply to everyone.
How did Hammurabi make sure that there was plenty of food for Babylonia? He kept the irrigation systems working properly.
What helped Babylon become an important center of trade? its location on the Euphrates River gave it access to trade routes
Unlike in most ancient societies, Babylonian women could own property
What new weapon did the Assyrians develop for warfare? battering ram
How did the Assyrians weaken their enemies before battles even began? They created fear by spreading tales of their cruelty
How did Assyrian kings relate to Assyrian gods? The kings were required to obey the gods
After the fall of the Assyrian Empire, the Babylonians regained control over Mesopotamia
After Nebuchadrezzar II conquered part of Canaan, he took most of the Hebrew captive and brought them to Babylonia
How was Nebuchadrezzar influenced by Hammurabi? Nebuchadrezzar worked hard to restore the splendor of Babylon under Hammurabi
Who conquered Babylon and brought the Neo-Babylonian Empire to an end? the Persians
Which is the proper sequence of empires that ruled Mesopotamia? Akkadian, Babylonian, Assyrian, Neo-Babylonian
A large territory where groups of people are ruled by a single leader or government is called an empire
Created by: montz



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