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Medical Terminology

HOB Head of bed
Os Mouth
GI Gastrointestinal
GU Genitourinary
Fx Fracture
DM Diabetes Mellitus
MS Multiple Sclerosis
UTI Urinary tract infection
URI Upper respiratory infection
AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
DNR Do not recuscitate
d/c *Make note that the letters are lower case* Discontinue
D/C *Make note that the letters are upper case* Discharge
et And
Hx History
NPO Nothing by mouth
PO By mouth
Px Prognosis
stat At once
w/c Wheelchair
p.c. After meals
h.s. bedtime / hour of sleep
noc Night
qd Every day
a.c. Before meals
(CVA) cerebrovascular accident Stroke
CHF Congestive heart failure
COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(MI) myocardial infarction Heart attack
superior (cranial) Toward the head
inferior (caudal) Toward the bottom / feet
anterior (ventral) Toward the front
posterior (dorsal) Toward the back
medial Toward the mid-line of the body
lateral Toward the side of the body
internal (deep) Away from the surface of the body
external (superficial) Toward the surface of the body
proximal Toward the main mass of the body
distal Away from the main mass of the body
visceral Related to internal organs
parietal Related to the body walls
diaphragm Separates the thoracic cavity and the abdominal cavity
(RUQ) Right upper quadrant Liver, gallbladder, duodenum, head of pancreas, right adrenal gland, upper lobe of right kidney, hepatic flexure of colon, section of ascending colon and transverse colon.
(LUQ) Left upper quadrant Left lower part of liver, upper lobe of left kidney, splenic flexure of colon, section of transverse and descending colon, stomach, spleen, pancreas, left adrenal gland.
(RLQ) Right lower quadrant Lower lobe of right kidney, section of ascending colon, right fallopian tube (female), right ovary (female), part of uterus (if enlarged), right spermatic cord (male), cecum, appendix, right ureter
(LLQ) Left lower quadrant Lower lobe of left kidney, section of descending colon, left spermatic cord (male), part of utuerus (if enlarged), sigmoid colon, left ureter, left ovary (female), left fallopian tube (female)
Transverse plane Plane separating the top half of the body from the bottom
Frontal plane Plane separating the front (ventral) half of the body from the back (dorsal) half
Sagittal plane Plane down the mid-line of the body separating the left side from the right side
AAT At all times
AAROM Active-Assistive Range of Motion
A.D. Right ear
A.S. Left ear
ad. lib. As desired
ADL Activities of daily living
AEB As evidence by
A.E. Adverse effects
AKA Above-the-knee amputation
ALP Assisted living program
AMA Against medical advice
Amb. Ambulate
Amp. Amputation
Amt. Amount
AP Apical pulse
ATC Around the clock
AROM Active range of motion
ā Before
A.U. Each ear
BKA Below-the-knee amputation
bid Twice each day
BLE Both lower extremities
BLS Basic life support
BM Bowel movement
BP Blood pressure
BR Bathroom
BRP Bathroom priviliges
BUE Both upper extremities
"c" with a line over it With
cc Cubic centimeter
°C Centigrade or Degrees Celsius
CA Cancer
Cal. Calorie
Caps Capsules
CAT Consistency as tolerated
cath. Catheter
gtts. Drops
CDI Clean, dry intact
C/O Complains of
C + S Culture and sensitivity
CQI Continuous quality improvement
cm centimeter
CSM Circulation, sensation, movement
CPR Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation
CRF Chronic renal failure
CXR Chest x-ray
D&I Dry and intact
DS Double strength
DVT Deep vein thrombosis
Dx diagnosis
EC Enteric coated
ER Emergency room
°F Degrees fahrenheit
FBS Fasting blood sugar
FIM Functional Independence measure
FNP Family Nurse Practitioner
FROM Full range of motion
FWB Full weight bearing
gluc. Glucose
gm Gram
GNP General Nurse Practitioner
gr Grain
gtt. *Make note of the lowercase letters* Drop
MD Medical Director
HA Hearing aid
HCT Hematocrit
Hgb. Hemoglobin
H2O Water
HOB Head of bed
HOC Hands on care
HOH Hard of hearing
H&P History and physical
hr. Hour
ht. Height
HTN Hypertension
ie Example
IM Intramuscular
Indep Independent
INR International Normalized Ratio
IV Intravenous
I & O Intake and output
Kg. Kilogram
KVO Keep vein open
L Liter
L/min Liters per minute
Lab Laboratory
lb. Pound
LEs Lower extremities
lg Large
Lim. Limited
liq. Liquid
LLE Left lower extremity
LOC Level of consciousness
LOTA Leave open to air
LPN Licensed Practical Nurse
LROM Limited range of motion
LTC Long term care
Lt. Left
LUE Left upper extremity
LUQ Left upper quadrant
LLQ Left Lower quadrant
M Meter
MAR Medical Administration Record
Max Maximal
MDR Main dining room
MDS Minimum data set
Mcg Microgram
Meq Milliequivalent
Min. Minimal
mg Milligram
ml Millileter
mo Month
mod. Moderate
MOM Milk of Magnesia
mm Millimeter
ms *Make note of the lower-case letters* Mechanical Soft (diet)
MS Multiple Sclerosis
MT Maintenance Therapy
NAS No added salt (diet)
NC Nasal Cannula
NCS No concentrated sweets (diet)
NNO No new order
N.O. New order
NP Nurse Practitioner
NS Normal saline
NSG Nursing
NSR Normal sinus rhythm
N/V Nausea and vomiting
OBS Organic brain syndrome
occ. Occasionally
OOB Out of bed
OD Right eye
OS Left eye
OT Occupational Therapy
OTC Over the counter
OU Both eyes
oz. Ounce
O2 Oxygen
p Pulse
"p" with a line over it after
PEARL Pupil equal, accommodating and reactive to light
per By
S.O.B. Shortness of breath
POA Power of attorney
POC Plan of care
PP Peripheral Pulses
PRN When necessary
PROM Passive range of motion
PT Physical Therapy / Prothrombin
PTT Partial thromboplastin time
PWB Partial weight bearing
q every
QA Quality assessment/assurance
qd Every day
QI Quality improvement
qid Four times a day
QM Quality management
qod Every other day
qs Every shift
QS Quality sufficient
Q Quart
R Respiration
RAI Resident assessment instrument
RAP Resident assessment protocol
RBC Red blood cell
RCP Resident care plan
RDA Recommended daily allowance
Res. Resident
RLE Right lower extremity
RLQ Right lower quadrant
R/O Rule out
ROM Range of motion
RN Registered nurse
RRR Regular rate and rhythm
Rt or R Right
R/T Related to
RUE Right upper extremity
RUQ Right upper quadrant
RW Rolling walker
Rx Prescription
"s" with a line over it Without
S/A Sugar and acetone
SFP Self feeding program
SLB Short leg brace
sm. Small
SNF Skilled nursing facility
soln./sol Solution
S/P Status post
Spec. Specimen
SS Social services
SSE Soap suds enema
S.T. Skilled therapy
S/S Signs and symptoms
SQ Subcutaneous
Supp. Suppository
Susp. Suspension
T Temperature
T.O. Telephone order
tab Tablet
TAR Treatment administration record
Tbs. Tablespoon
TF Tube feeding
TIA Transient ischemic attack
tid Three times a day
TLC Total lung capacity
tol. Tolerate
TPR Temperature, pulse, respiration
tsp. Teaspoon
Tx Treatment
U/A Urinalysis
UDA User defined assessment
UDR Unit dining room
UEs Upper extremities
URI Upper respiratory infection
UTI Urinary tract infection
V.O. Verbal order
VS Vital signs
VSS Vital signs stable
WBC White blood cell
WBQC Wide base quad cane
W/C Wheelchair
WNFL Within normal functional limits
WNL Within normal limits
w/o Without
wt. Weight
x Times
Increased, elevated
Decreased, reduced
Created by: azap55
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