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Conner MT1

med terms ch1-2

adenic pertaining to the gland or glands
adenopathy any disease of the gland/s
adenectomy surgical removal of part or all of a gland
adenosis any condition of a gland
adenotomy cutting into a gland
adenoma a glandular tumor
blepharadenoma a glandular tumor of the eyelid
nephradenoma a glandular tumor of the kidney
angiitis inflammation of a vessel or vessels
angiectomy surgical removal fo a vessel/s
angiomegaly enlargement of a vessel/s
angiopathy any disease of the vessel/s
angiomalacia softening of the vessel/s
angiosis any condition of the vessel/s
arthral pertaining to a joint
athritis inflammation of a joint
athrotomy cutting into or an incision of a joint
athrosis any condition or disease of a joint
arthropathy any disease of a joint
blepharal pertaining to the eyelid
blepharoplasty plastic repair or surgery of the eyelid
blepharospasm involuntary contractions of the eyelid
blepharitis inflammation of the eyelid
blepharectomy surgical removal or excision of all or part of the eyelid
cardiac pertaining to the heart
cardiopathy any disease of the heart
carditis inflammation of the heart
cardiology the study of the heart
cardiologist a specialist in the study of the heart
cardiomegaly enlargement of the heart
cardiomalacia softening of the heart
cardiotomy cutting into or incision of the heart
cerebral pertaining to the brain
cerebrum the main part of the brain
cerebritis inflammation of the brain
cerebrospinal pertaining to the brain and spinal cord
cerebrosis any condtion or disease of the brain
cerebromalacia abnormal softening of the brain
cerebrology the study of the brain
cerebropathy any disease of the brain
dermal pertaining to the skin
dermatic pertaining to the skin
dermic pertaining to the skin
derma the skin
dermis the skin
dermatitis inflammation of the skin
dermatomegaly enlargement of the skin; a condition in which the skin is larger than necessary to cover the body so it hangs in folds
dermatosis any condition or disease of the skin
dermatopathy any disease of the skin
dermatoplasty plastic or surgical repair on the skin i.e skin grafting
dermatology the study of the skin
dermatologist a specialist in the study of the skin
dermabrasion a scraping of the skin in order to repair acne, scars, blemishes etc.
enterectomy surgical removal or incision of all or part of the intestines
gastrectomy surgical removal of the stomach
nephrectomy surgical removal of the kidney
enteral pertaining to the intestines
enteric pertiaining to the intestines
gastroenter the stomach and intestines
enteritis inflammation of the intestines
enteropathy any disease of the intestines
enteroplasty surgical or pastic repair of the intestines
enteraden any gland of the intestines
enteradenitis inflammation of the glands of the intestines
gastric pertaining to the stomach
gastrointestinal system the digestive system, including the stomach,intestines responsible for the digestion of food
gastroenteric pertaining to the stomach and intestines or digestive system
gastradenitis inflammation of the glands of the stomach
gastrectomy surgical removal or incision of all or part of the stomach
gingival pertaining to the gums
gingiva the gums
gingivae the gums
gingivitis inflammation of the gums
gingivectomy excision of the gums
gingivoplasty surgical or plastic repair of the gums
hepatic pertaining to the liver
hepatitis inflammation of the liver
hepatology the study of the liver
hepatologist a specialist in the study of the liver
hepatomegaly enlargement of the liver
hepatonephritis inflammation of the liver and kidney
hepatonephromegaly enlargement of the liver and kidney
hepatectomy surgical removal or excision of the part of the liver
hepatomalacia softening of the liver
gastritis inflammation of the stomach
adenitis inflammation of a gland/s
nephritis inflammation of the kidney
rhinitis inflammation of the nose
angiocarditis inflammation of the heart and blood vessels
blepharadenitis inflammation of the glands of the eyelid
enteradenitis inflammation of the glands of the intestines
gastroenteritis inflammation of the stomach and intestines
enterohepatitis inflammation of the intestines and the liver
gastradenitis inflammation of the glands of the stomach
gastrohepatitis inflammation of the stomach and liver
gastronephritis inflammation of the stomach and kidney
hepatonephritis inflammation of the liver and kidney
adenomalacia softening of the gland/s
nephromalacia softening of the kidney
angiomalacia softening of the walls of a blood vessel
gastromalacia softening of the walls of the stomach
adenomegaly enlargement of a gland
cerebromegaly enlargement of the brain
enteromegaly enlargement of the intestines
gastromegaly enlargement of the stomach
nephromegaly enlargement of the kidney
cardiohepatomegaly enlargement of the heart and liver
megalocardia abnormal enlargement of the heart
megalogastria abnormal enlargement of the stomach
megalohepatia abnormal enlargement of the liver
nephric pertaining to the kidney
nephrosis any condition of the kidney
nephroma a tumor of the kidney
nephropathy any disease of the kidney
nephrotomy cutiing into or incision of a kidney
nephrectomy surgical removal of all or part of a kidney
nephrology the study of the kidney
nephrologist a specialist in the study of the kidney/s
nephradenoma a glandular tumor of the kidney
hepatonephromegaly enlargement of the liver and kidney
enterologist specialist in the study of the intestines
gastrologist a specialist in the study of the stomach
rhinologist specialist in the study of the nose
gastroenterologist a specialist in the study of the stomach and intestines
pathologist a specialist in the study of diseases
pathology the study of diseases
cerebroma a tumor of the brain
dermatoma a tumor of the skin
angioma a tumor which tends to be made up of blood vessels
gastrosis any condition or disease of the stomach
enterosis any condition of the intestines
hepatosis any condtion of the kidney
acidosis a disease or condition of acid in the body
enterotomy cutting into or incision of the intestines
gatrotomy incision of the stomach
hepatotomy incision of the liver
pathic pertaining to a disease or feeling
pathosis a condition or disease
hepatopathy any disease of the liver
rhinopathy any disease of condition of the nose
arthroplasty surgical or plastic repair of a joint
cardioplasty surgical or plastic repair of the heart
rhinoplasty plastic repair of the nose
rhinitis inflammation of the nose
rhinal pertaining to the nose
angiospasm involuntary contractions of a vessel
cerebralgia headche
cephalalgia headache
arthralgia pain in the joints
myalgia muscle pain
cardialgia heart pain
gastralgia stomachache
algesia sensitiveness to pain
hyperalgesia excessive sensitivity to pain
hypoalgesia abnormally low sensitivity to pain
algesic pertaining to pain; painful
algospasm painful cramp
algiomuscular painful muscular movements
cervical pertaining to the neck
cervicofacial pertaining to the neck and face
cervicoplasty plastic surgery on the neck
cervicitis inflammation of the neck of the uterus
choleic pertaining to bile
cholangi bile duct "the common bile duct" joins the liver and gallbladder
cholecyst gallbladder
cholangitis inflammation of the bile duct
cholecystectomy surgical removal of the gallbladder
cholecystalgia pain in the gallbladder
cholecystitis inflammation of the gallbladder
cholecystopathy any disease of the gallbladder
cholecystogastric pertaining to the gallbladder and the stomach
cholecystenteric pertaining to the gallbladder and intestines
chondral pertaining to cartilage
chondroma a tumor composed of cartilage
chondropathology the study of the diseases of the cartilage
chondrotomy surgical incision of cartilage
chondritis inflammation of cartilage
chondrectomy surgical excision of cartilage
chondrodermatitis inflammation of the cartilage and skin
cranial pertaining to the skull or cranium
craniectomy surgical removal of part of the skull
craniomalacia abnormal softening of the skull
craniopathy any disease of the skull
craniopuncture puncture of the skull to search for cranial disease
cyanic pertaining to the color blue
cyanoderma a bluish discoloration of the skin
cystalgia pain in the urinary bladder
cystospasm spasm of the bladder
endocystitis inflammation of the membrane lining of the bladder
cystic pertaining to a cyst, the bladder,or gallbladder
cystectomy excision of a cyst or the bladder
endangium the inner lining of a blood vessel
endocardium the inner lining of the heart
endarterial within an artery
endocardial pertaining to within the heart
endangiitis inflammation of the inner lining of a blood vessel
endocarditis inflammation of the lining of the heart
entostosis abnormal bony growth within the hollow interior of a bone
hematology the study of the blood
hematologist a specialist in the study of the blood
hematic pertaining to the blood
hematoma a tumor containing blood
hemangioma a tumor made up of blood vessels
hemic pertaining to blood
cyanemia a bluish condition of the blood
hyperemia an excess amount of blood in a body part
hemialgia pain affecting one side of the body
hemicrania pain or aching on one side of the head
hemihepatectomy surgical removal of part of the liver
hemisection a division into 2 sections
hemispasm a spasm affecting one side of the body only
hemigastrectomy excision of one half of the stomach
hyperpsychosis an exaggeration of mental activity
hyperostosis excessive formation of bone tissue especially in the skin
hypertension excessive tension, hogh blood pressure
hypoadenia diminshed glandular activity
hypohepatia deficient functioning liver
hypotension low blood pressure
hypodermic underneath the skin
hypogastrium the region of the lowest part of the abdomen
hysteralgia pain in the uterus
hysterectomy surgical removal of the uterus
hysterocervicotomy incision of the neckof the uterus and lower part of the uterus to relieve difficult labor
hysterology the study of the uterus
lipoid fatlike
lipocardiac fatty heart
lipemia abnormal fat on the blood
lipoarthritis inflammation of the fatty tissue of a joint
fibrolipoma a tumor containing fiberlike structure and fat
lipoma a fatty tumor
myolipoma a tumor made of muscle and fat
lithic pertainin to stone/s
cholelith gall stone
nephrolith kidney stone
arthrolithiasis concretion in the joints
cystolithiasis concretion fo the bladder
litholysis dissolving of stones in the bladder
hemolysis the breaking down and dissovling of the red blood cells
gatrolysis the operation of loosening the stomach from adhesions
autolysis the destruction of body tissue or cells due to internal causes
myoma a muscle tumor
angiomyoma a tumor consisting of muscle and blood
myomatectomy surgical removal of a muscle tumor
adenoid glandlike
dermoid skin like or resembling skin
fibroid fiberlike
myoid resembling muscle
ophthalmologist a specialist in the study of the eyetreats diseases of the eye
ophthalmic pertaining to the eye/s
ophthalmolith a stonelike substance in the eye
ophthalmalacia abnormal softening of the eye
optical pertaining to the eye or to vision or sight
optometrist a specialist that treats visual defects not a phphysician
optician a person that prepare lenses from a prescription
ostalgia pain in the bone
osteoma tumor composed of bone
osteopathy any disease of the bone
osteoarthropathy any disease of the bone and joints
ossicle a small bone
osseous pertaining to bone, bony
osteal pertaining ot bone, bony
gastroenterostomy surgical creation of an artificial passage between the stomach and intestines
enterocholecystostomy surgical opening of a passage between the intestine and gallbladder
hepaticocholangiocholecystenterostomy create an opening btween the gallbladder and liver duct and between the intestine and gallbladder
stoma mouth, mouthlike opening
stomal pertaining to the mouth
paramedical side by side with medicine having a connection with medicine
paracystitis inflammation of the tissue aoound the bladder
parosteal pertaining to the side of the bone
paralysis faulty loosening
proctology the study of the anus
rectal pertaining to the rectum
proctologist a specialist in the study of the anus
proctoplasty the plastic surgery of the anus
psychic pertaining to the mind
psyche the mind
telescope an instrument for observing distant things
microscope an instrument for observing small things
stethoscope an instrument for observing the chest
Created by: pamconner
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