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Stack #212372

Rheumatic fever Inflammatory disease from untreated strep throat. Sx present weeks after Strep throat. Can Damage heart and interfere with normal blood flow.
Scarlet fever Occurs with soar throat. Sx sore throat, fever a "strawberry" tongue/sandpaper rash on upper body. NOT rheumatic fever but can progess into that condition as the infection develops.
Sinuses: What is a normal finding? Firm pressure with no pain
Tonsils: What is a normal finding? Same in color as surrounding mucous: granular, surface, shows deep crypts.
The expected finding for a negative Weber Test? -SOund heard in both ears-sound lateralizes to one ear to the other-air conduction is greater than bone conduction-bone conduction is greater than air conduction
Regional Lymphadenopathy Lymphatic drainage of the external ear flows to the parotid, mastoid, and superficial cervical nodes.
Sensorineural hearing loss Tinnitus common. Dizziness common. Hears poorly in loud environment. Normal appearance of external canal and tympanic membrane. Weber test: Lateralization to unaffected ear (sound louder in good ear.) Rinne: Sound (-) In both ears AC<BC.Cause: Nervdam.pre
Conductive hearing loss Assessment Evidence of obstruction, abnorm. tympanic membrane, speaking softly, Hears better in a noisy environ. Rinne test: AC<BC. Weber: Lateralized to affected ear. (sound better in bad ear)
Weber test Tuning fork on head. Normal: SOund equal in both ears. Abnorm: Lateralizes to 1 ear. Will lateralize to the affected ear in conductive loss. Will lat to unaffected side in sensorineural loss.
Rinne test Compares AC & BC. Tuning fork on mastoid process. Norm: 2:1, AC>BC. In cond loss, this will demonstrate bone cond greater than air cond in affected ear.
Ototoxic Drugs Damages CN VIII, Hearing loss, tinnitus, vertigo. Antibiotics, diuretics, NSAIDS, chemotherapy. Many drugs may cause hearing loss that is irreversible.
Eustachian tube Connects mid ear with nasopharynx: allows drainage & passage of air to equalize, remains closed except when yawning and swallowing.
Middle ear Tiny air filled cavity inside temporal bone. Houses auditory aussicles: the malleus, incus and staples and the tympanic membrane.
Ossicles small bones which connect the tympanic membrane to the ear.
Inner ear contains bony labryinth, which holds orgrans for equilibrium and hearing. Cochlea: contains the central hearing apparatus. Doesn't sense sharp pain.
Exopthalmos Bulging eye balls from orbital.
Corneal abrasion indication If you see shattered light there is an abrasion
Abnormal eye findings Blepharitis-inflammation of the eyelid. Hordelum-stye, crusting.
Pterygium Opaque lesion of the eye can obstruct vision.
Xanthelasma soft raised yellow plaques on the lids at the inner canthus.
Corneal light reflex asymmetry of the light indicates deviation in the alignment due to eye muscle weakness or paralysis.
Anisocoria: Pupils 2 different sizes
Horner's syndrome (lesion of the sympathetic nerve) Ptosis(drooping lid), anhidrosis, unilateral, small regular pupil: does not respond to light and accommodation.
Cover/uncover test Part 2 of Corneal light reflex if needed. Strabismus: covered eye --if this is the weaker eye, once the macular immage is suppressed it will drift to relaxed position.
6 caridinal fields of gaze CnIII oculomotor, CN IV Trochlear, CN VI abducons, Nystagmus. Testing pt to see if they can move eyes in 6 directions.
Limbus Border between cornea and sclera
Iris and pupil constricts (CN 3), dilates (CN V)
Pupillary Light reflex & consensual light reflex Shine direct light in 1 and eye to see if other eye equally reacts. Checking visual reflexes in the cranial nerves.
Scleroderma Hardening of the connective tissue of the skin Pt skin becomes inflexible. autoimmune.
Cachetic appearance Sunken eyes, hollow cheeks exhausted expression, accompanies, chronic wasting diseases such as dehydration and starvation.
Myasthenias gravis lid lag/ loss of muscle control
allergic salute/crease morgan's line from rubbing of child's nose.
Bells' palsy Nerve damage CN VII. Complete paralysis on one half of the face.
Toricolis Hematoma on sternomastoid muscle. Limited ROM, head tilt, must be treated or will become permenant.
Atopic facies (allergies) indications Exhausted face, allergic shiners, morgan;s lines, central face pallor, allergic gaping (may lead to malocclusion of teeth and jaw)
Hydrocephalous Obstruction of CSF, increased ICP, enlarged skull, dilated scalp veins, frontal bossing, setting sun eyes.
Tension headaches tend to be occipital or frontal with "band like" tightness.
Migraines vascular, tend to be supra-orbital, retro orbital, or fronto temporal.
Cluster headaches Vascular, produce pain around the eye, temple, forehead and cheek .
Capillary refill indicates the status of the peripheral circulation. A sluggish color return takes longer than 1 or 2 seconds. Normal finding: <3 seconds.
Melanonychea striata Pigmented longitudinal bands. May commonly occur in the nail bed in approx. 90% or more of the all peopel with dark skin.
Abnormal conditions of the nail Kolionycha-spoon nails. Late clubbing, Onycholyaia-fungus, pitting, splinter hemorrages, Beau's line, paronychia, habit-tic dystrophy
The profile sign At the nail's profile it should be about 160 degress. Nail base firm at palp.
Clubbing angle straightens to 180 degrees. Nail feels spongy.
trichotillomania self induced hair loss. Usually due to habit shaped patches with broken off stublike hairs of varying length
Tension headaches tend to be occipital or frontal with "band like" tightness.
Migraines vascular, tend to be supra-orbital, retro orbital, or fronto temporal.
Cluster headaches Vascular, produce pain around the eye, temple, forehead and cheek .
Capillary refill indicates the status of the peripheral circulation. A sluggish color return takes longer than 1 or 2 seconds. Normal finding: <3 seconds.
Melanonychea striata Pigmented longitudinal bands. May commonly occur in the nail bed in approx. 90% or more of the all peopel with dark skin.
Abnormal conditions of the nail Kolionycha-spoon nails. Late clubbing, Onycholyaia-fungus, pitting, splinter hemorrages, Beau's line, paronychia, habit-tic dystrophy
The profile sign At the nail's profile it should be about 160 degress. Nail base firm at palp.
Clubbing angle straightens to 180 degrees. Nail feels spongy.
trichotillomania self induced hair loss. Usually due to habit shaped patches with broken off stublike hairs of varying length
Tinea Capitis: Ringworm causes rounded patchy hairloss. Leaves broken of hair or pustules and scales on skin. Fungal infection. Lesions are fluorescent under a Wood's light.
ABCD's of Melanoma Asymmetry, border, color, diameter, elevation/enlargement
Tinea versicolor yeast infection of the skin in thin coating.
Created by: pcneil34c
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