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Comp1 Grammar

Flash cards

Always capitalized names a specific person, place, thing, or idea.(Rembrandt, Stratford, The Night Watch, New Deal Christianity) Proper Nouns
A general name for a person, a place, a thing, or an idea, not capitalized.(optimist, cafeteria, computer, freedom) Common Nouns
Names group or a unit. (family, audience,crowd, committee, team, class) Collective Nouns
Names a thing that is tangible (can be seen, touched, heard, smelled, or tasted). child. the black keys. gym. village. microwave. pizza Concrete Nouns
Names an idea, a condition, or a feeling in other words, something that cannot be seen touched, heard, smelled, or tasted. beauty. Jungian psychology. anxiety agoraphobia. trust Abstract Nouns
Refers to one person, place, thing or idea. (apple. laboratory.lecture.note.grade.result) Singular Noun
Refers to more than one person, place, thing, or idea.(apples.laboratories.lectures.notes.grade.results). Plural Noun
Indicates whether a noun is masculine, feminine, neuter, or indefinite.(father.king.mother.queen.notebook.monitior.professor.cutomer Gender Nouns
Tells what role the noun plays in a sentence. (nominative. possessive. objective) Case Nouns
A noun that is used as subject. The subject of a sentence tells who or what the sentence is about. (Dean Henning manages the College of Arts and Communication) Nominative case
Shows possessive or ownership. In this form. it acts as an adjective. Our( president's) willing to discuss concerns Possessive case
Serves as an object of the preposition, a direction object, an indirect object, or an object complement. To survive, institution of higher (learning) sometimes cut (budgets) in spite of (protests) from (students) and (instructors) Objective case
Refers to a specific person or thing (she) (convertible) Personal Pronouns ex; I, me, my, mine
Formed by adding-self or selves to a personal pronoun. Can act as a direct objective or an indirect objective of a verb, (himself) Reflexive Pronouns ex; myself, yourself, itself
Intensifies or emphasizes, the noun or pronoun if refers to.(Leo himself taught his children to invest their lives in others). Intensive Pronouns
Relates an adjective dependent (relative) clause to the noun or pronoun it modifies. freshman (who) believe they have a lot to learn are absolutely right. Relative Pronouns ex; who, whose, whom, which
Refer to unnamed or unknown people, places, or things. (Everyone. Nothing) Indefinite Pronouns ex; all, another, any, anybody
Ask questions( when it modifies a noun, it functions as an adjective) ( so which will it be highlighting) Interrogative Pronouns ex; who, whose, whom, which
Points out people, places, or things We advise (this). (Those) are useful tools. (That) is the solution. Demonstrative Pronouns ex;this, that, these, those
Action Verbs Transitive and Intransitive
Have direct objects that receive the action Transitive verbs ex; The health-care industry( employs) more then 7 mill (workers) in the US.
Communicate action that is complete in itself. They do not need and object to receive the action Intransitive verbs ex; My new college roommate (smiles) & (laughs) a lot.
Help to form some of the tenses, the mood, and the voice of the main verb. Auxiliary (Helping) Verbs ex; is, am, are, was, were, be, being, been, can, could, will, would, shall, should, may, might, must
Indicates whether the subject is acting or being acted upon. Voice of a Verb
Indicates that the subject of the verb is performing the action. Active voice ex; People (update) their resumes on a regular basis.
Indicates that the subject of the verb is being acted upon or is receiving the action. Passive voice ex; Your resume (should be updated) on a regular basis.
Forms of Verbs Person, Voice, Mood of Verbs
Indicates the tone or attitude with which a statement is made Mood of a Verb
Mood of Verbs Indicative, Imperative, subjunctive
Common Linking Verbs am, are, be, become, been, being, is, was, were
This mood, the most common, is used to stat a fate or to ask a question. Indicative mood ex; (Can) any theme (capture) the essence of the complex 1960's
This mood is used to give a command. Imperative mood ex; (Ask) not what your country can do for you (ask) what you can do for your country.
This mood is used to express a wish, an impossibility or unlikely condition, or a necessity. Often used with if or that Subjunctive mood ex; If I (were) rich, I would travel for the rest of my life.
A word that is made from a verb, but if function as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. Verbals three types Gerund, Infinitive, Participle
Ends in ing and is used a noun Gerund ex; (Walking) (subject) each morning is first challenge.
Is to and the base form of the verb. May be used as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. Infinitive ex;( To succeed) is not easy.(noun)
Ends in ing, and functions as an adjective. Present Participle ex; The (studying) students were annoyed by the( partying) ones.
Ends in ed ( or another past tense form) and also functions as an adjective Past Participle ex; The students (playing) loud music were (annoying).
Are created from proper nouns and are capitalized Proper Adjectives ex;( English) has been influenced by advertising slogans.(pronoun)
Follows a form of the be verb (or other linking verb) and describes the subject. Predicate Adjectives ex; At its best advertising is (useful); at its worst, (deceptive).(useful and deceptive modify the noun advertising).
Forms of Adjectives Positive, comparative, superlative
The adjective in its regular form. I describes a noun or a pronoun without comparing it to anyone or anything else. Positive Form ex; Joysport walking shoes are (strong) and (comfort)
(er, more, or less) compares two things.(more and less are used generally with adjective or two or more syllables) Comparative Form ex; Air soles make Mike Eaters (stronger) and (more comfortable) than Joysports.
(est, most, or least) compares three or more things.(most or least are used most often with adjective of two or more syllables) Superlative form ex; My old Canvas Wonders are the (strongest), (most comfortable) shoes of all!
Forms of Adverbs (three forms) Positive, Comparative, Superlative
The adverb in its regular form. It describes a verb, an adjective, or another adverb without comparing it to anyone or anything else. Positive Form ex; fast, effectively
(er, more, or less) compares two things. (more or less are used generally with adverbs of two or more syllables) Comparative Form ex; faster, more effectively
(est, most, or least) compares three or more things. (most, or least) are used most often with adverb of two or more syllables) Superlative Form ex; fastest, most effectively
Irregular Adverbs 1. (Positive) well, badly, 2. (Comparative) better, worse, 3. (Superlative) best, worst
A word ( or group of words) that shows the relationship between its objects (a noun or pronoun following the preposition) and another word in the sentence. Preposition ex; aboard, about, above, concerning, considering
Includes the preposition, the object of the preposition, and the modifiers of the object. It may function as an adverb or an adjective. Prepositional Phrases
Connects individual words or groups of words. Conjunction ex;( When) we came back to Paris, it was clear (and) cold (and) lovely.
Usually connect a word to a word, a phrase to a phrase, or a clause to a clause. Coordinating Conjunctions ex; and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet
Are type of coordinating conjunction used in pairs. Correlative Conjunctions ex; either, or, neither, nor, not only, but, but also, both, and, whether, or
Connect two clauses that are not equally important. Connects a dependent clause to an independent clause. Subordinating Conjunctions ex; after, although, as, as if, as long as, because, before, even though, if, in order that
A word or phrase that communicates strong emotion or surprise(oh, ouch, hey, help, and so on). Punctuation (often a comma or an exclamation point) is need to set off Interjection ex; Hey! Wait!, Well, so much for catching the bus.
Created by: agordon57
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