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Exam one block 2 bsn

Exam 1 block 2 bsn

pH: 7.30, PCO2: 50, HCO3: 24 Respiratory acidosis
pH: 7.50, PCO2: 30, HCO3: 25 Respiratory Alkalosis
pH: 7.32, PCO2: 40, HCO3: 20 Metabolic Acidosis
pH: 7.53, PCO2: 41, HCO3: 29 Metabolic Alkalosis
What does SBAR stand for? Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation
What is Eriksons newborn/infant stage? Trust vs. mistrust
What is Eriksons Toddler stage? Autonomy vs shame and doubt
What is Eriksons preschool stage? Initiative vs guilt
What is Eriksons school age stage? industry vs inferiority
What is Eriksons adolescence stage? identity vs role confusion
What is Eriksons young adult stage? intimacy vs isolation
What is Eriksons middle age stage? generativity vs stagnation
What is Eriksons old age stage? ego integrity vs despair
Normal ph level 7.35-7.45
Normal PCO2 35-45
Normal HCO3 level 22-26
Are aspirin and CO2 acidic or alkalatic? acidic
What is the reversal agent for opiod narcatics? Narcane
What is the reversal agent for benzodiapes? Ramazacon
What happens during a p wave? Atrium depolarizing
What happens during QRS? Ventricle depolarizing
What happens During a t-wave? Repolarization
Whats the pathophsiology of the heart? SA node > Av valve >bundle of His > Purkinje fibers
What are the 4 questions one should ask when interepting a EKG? Is it regular? Does it have a P wave? Is there a P wave for every QRS? Is the QRS skinny?
What are the 2 labs that are checked for MI? CK-MB, Tropin, Myoglobin, LDH
No t waves on a EKG means what? Hypokalemia
Larger t-wave then QRS means what? Hyperkalemia
What drug brings down the K+ level? Kaxalate
When you think Na what system should you think of? Neuro changes
When you think K+ what system should you think of? Heart and muscle changes
When you think Calcium what system should you think of? Muscle
When you think Magnesium what system should you think of? Muscle
Ape to Man? Aortic area, Pulmonic area, Tricucspid area, Apex
What is happening to a person with coronary artery disease? Narrowing of the arteries
What are the 4 steps in dealing with a person having chest pains(angina)? O2, Nitro, Aspirion, Morphine
How long does lasix last and what electolyte should you watch? Lasts 6 hoursWatch K+
SX of a pt with right sided heart failure? Pitting edema in feet, legs, scrum, back and buttocksdistended neck veinstenderness of right upper quadrantAbd pain, bloatinganorexiaSigns evident in SYSTEMIC CIRCULATION
SX of pt with left sided heart failure? cough, dyspnea on exertion, orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dysneacrackles on auscultationconfusion and disorientationsings of cerbral anoxiasigns evident in PULMONARY SYSTEM
ACE inhibitor drugs usally end with? PrilRemember APRIL- A for ace inhibitor and Pril for the suffix of the drug name
Beta blockers drugs usally end with? ololRemember Bolol- B for beta blocker and OLOL for the suffix of the drugs name
What does CABE mean? Coronary artery bypass graft
Anterior Pitutary excrets what 7 hormones? GH, FSH, MSH, ACTH, TSH, LH, Prolactin
Posterior Pitutary excrets what 2 hormones? ADH, Oxytocin
Normal K+ level 3.5-5
Normal Na level 135-145
Normal Calcium level 8.5-10
Normal Phosphorus level 2.7-4.5
Normal Magnesium level 1.6-2.6
SX of Hypokalemia fatigue, muscle weakness, Cramps, Decreased muscle tone and reflexes, Confusion, Tachycardia, Flat t wave
SX of Hyperkalemia drowsiness, irritablilty, anxiety, muscle weakness, Peaked t waves, diarrhea
SX of Hyponatremia CNS problems, confusion, flushed skin, hypertension
SX of Hypernatremia Fluid excess, fluid deficit
SX of Hypocalcemia + Chvosteks (Facial twiching)+ Trousseau'sNumbness and tingling in extremitiesseizuresabd cramping and distentionHyperreflexia
SX of Hypercalcemia anorexia, anusea, constipation, CNS depression, pathological fractures, dysrthythmias
Sx of Hypophosphatemia Cardiovascular, shallow respirations, neuromuscular, CNS, Hematological
Sx of Hyperphosphatemia + Chvosteks and trousseaus, neuromuscluar irritablitiy, numbness and tingling in extremities, seizures, hyperreflexia
Calcium and Phosphate have what type of relationship Inverse- When one is up the other is down and vice versa
sx of Hypomagnesemia Shallow respriations, hyperreflexia, seizures, tachycardia
Hypermagnesemia sx cardiovascular changes, respiratory insufficiency, neuromuscular changes
D5W, 0.9% NS, LR are what type of solution Isotonic
0.33% NaCL, 0.45% NaCL are what type of solution Hypotonic
D5/0.45% NaCL, D10W, D5NaCL 0.9% are what type of solution Hypertonic
What is Freud's five psychosexual stages? Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Genital
TSH and T4/T3 have what type of relationship? Inverse. When one up the other is down and vice versa
Sypmtoms of Hypothyroidism? Hair loss, intolerance to cold, facial and eyelid edema, extreme fatigue, lethargy, brittle hair/nails, constipation
Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism? Intolerance to heat, bulging eyes, tachycardia, weight loss, localized edema, diarrhea, finger clubbing, tremors
What are the 3 polys of Diabetes? Polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia
Sx of Cushings syndrome Hyperglycemia, moon face, CNS irritability, Increased susceptibilty to infection, fat deposit on back, osteoporosis, na & fluid retention, thin extremities, GI disturbances, thin skin, purple strire, Hypernatremic, HypoKalemic, buffalo hump,
Sx of Addisons disease bronze colored skin, hypoglycemia, weight loss, weakness, HyperKalemic, Hyponatremic
SX of diabetes insipidus Polyuria, polydipsia, too little ADH, Hypernatremic
SX of SIADH Too much ADH, decreased urine output, fluid retention, electrylytes decrease
Number one cause of Cushings? Long term Steroid use
what rhythm starts at the SA node and has a rate between 60-100/min Normal sinus rhythm
What rhythm starts at the SA node and has a rate of 60 or less bpm Sinus Bradycardia
What drug would you treat Sinus Bradycardia with? Atrophine
What rhythm starts at the SA node and has a rate of 100-160 bpm Sinus Tachycardia
Treatment for Sinus Tachycardia? Vagal stimulation, Valsalva maneuver, adenosine, diltiazem, metopolol, atenolol
What happens during a premature atrial contractions (PAC) 1 p wave was stimulated from someplace else in the artium other then the SA node
Treatment for PAC Beta blockers
What are the carateristics of Afib (atrial fibrillation) blood pooling in the heart, cardiac output drops, no P waves, no atrial contraction-just quivers
What are the characteristics of atrial flutter? Rate of 250-350bpm, Lots of P waves(looks like saw tooth), Reduces cardiac output
What are the characteristics of Premature Ventricular Contraction (PVC) No P-waves, Wide QRS, Cardiac muscle contracts without stimulation
What are the characteristics of Ventricular Tachycardia (Vtach) Run of 3 or more PVCs in a row
What is Asystole? Absence of ventricular activity
How long does Angina usually last? 5 to 15 mins
The ride side of the heart pumps what kind of blood into where? Deoxygenated blood into the lungs
What does the left side of the heart do? Pumps oxygenated blood out to the organs and tissues
Created by: nate7722
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