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ch12 thorax and ab

ch 12 thorax and ab

What are the three planes of the body. Frontal, Sagital, transverse
what are the ten cavity's of the body. Cranial Cavity, Spinal Cavity, Caudal cavity, Thoracic Cavity, Abdominal Cavity, Pelvic Cavity, Abdominopelvic Cavity, Ventral Cavity
The Dorsal Cavity consists of what two cavity's. Cranial Cavity, Spinal Cavity
Name the four quadrants of the body. Right upper, Right lower, Left Upper, Left lower.
Name the three divisions of the right side of the abdomen. Right hypochondriac region, Right lumbar region, Right iliac region.
Name the three divisions of the middle abdomen. epigastric region, umbilical region, hypogastric region.
Name the three divisions of the left side of the abdomen. left hypochondriac, left lumbar, left iliac
How many ribs do we have. 12 pairs
What is in the thorax. the heart and lungs
How many true ribs do we have. 7
How many false ribs do we have. 5 (2 Floating)
How many floating ribs do we have. 2
What are the three parts of the bone that form the median line of the rib cage. Manubrium, xiphoid process, Sternum
What is the function of thoracic cage? Encloses and protects the heart, lungs, and organs of the upper abdominal cavity
What is respiration? The exchange of air between the lungs and atmosphere that occurs in breathing.
What is happening during respiration. exchange of O2 in the lungs with CO2 in the pulmonary capillaries
What is breathing? A largely an involuntary activity through nervous stimulation of the diaphragm & Intercostal muscles
What happens when you exhale? Your body gets rid of CO2 and other gases that your body doesn't need.
What are the eight main parts of the respiratory system? Nasal passage, mouth, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, alveoli, lung
What forms the trachea. smooth muscle and c-shaped cartilage rings
The trachea divides into what. two branches called bronchi that form the lungs
The bronchi branch into smaller and smaller tubes called what. Bronchioles
Clusters of tiny, thin-walled sacs located at the end of each bronchiole are called what. Alveoli
What happens in the Alveoli. exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
What does the alveoli exchange oxegen and CO2 with? Pulmonary capillaries
Right lung has how many lobes? 3
Left Lung has how many lobes? 2
What is the space between the L & R lungs that contains the heart, aorta, esophagus, & bronchi called. Mediastinum
What is the serous membrane called that surrounds the lungs and thoracic cavity? Pleura
Innermost serous membrane is what. Visceral pleura
Outermost serous membrane is what. Parietal pleura
What Lies between visceral and parietal pleura. Pleural cavity
What muscle muscle beneath the lungs helps move air in and out of the body. Diaphragm
What are the eight important pieces of anatomy associated with the circulatory system/heart. Right atrium, Tricuspid valve, Right ventricle, Left Ventricle, Aortic valve, Mitral valve, Left Atrium, Pulmonary valve
What is muscular tube that propels the food from the pharynx to the stomach. Esophagus
Where is the stomach located? Left upper quadrant
What does the stomach do. first line of digestion and food storage.
The small intestine is how long. 20-foot long
what are the three parts of the small intestine. Duodonem, Jejunum, Ileum
Most food absorption takes place where and what absorbs the food. Ileum; villi
What is the liver responsible for. production of bile
How does the small intestine use the liver. Emulsify and absorb fats.
What is the gallbladder. A storage are for bile.
What does the bile duct do. Carries stored bile from the gallbladder to the duodenum
What does the pancreas do. Provides digestive enzymes
What are the two main functions of the colon. Absorb water and minerals, Eliminate indigestible material
What is the first part of the colon called. Cecum
What is the wormlike projection that is hanging off of the cecum. Appendix
What are the five main parts of the colon. Cecum, Ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, rectum
What does the rectum do. Its a storage place for solid wastes until elimination via the anal canal
What are the major excretory organs of the body. The kidneys
What do the kidneys do other than void and create urine? Help regulate the water, electrolyte, and acid-base content of the blood.
What carries urine from the kidney to the bladder. Ureter
What is the bladder? Muscular membranous sac in the pelvis.
When inspecting the thorax and abdomen what are the six things we need to look for or be aware of? Guarding pattern, Breathing pattern, Discoloration of skin, Vomiting, Hematuria, Auscultation
When palpating the thorax and abdomen what are the six things we should touch? Sternum, Costal cartilage, Ribs, Spleen, Kidneys, Appendix
What are the five most common injuries to the thorax? Rib Fractures, Flail Chest, Costochondral Injury, Pneumothorax, Hemothorax
What is the acute MOI for a rib fracture? Direct blow to the anterior posterior, or the lateral side.
Implications of caution when dealing with a suspected lateral side rib fracture? lungs & internal organs may be threatened
How will patient present when dealing with a rib fracture? holding injured area or leans toward injured side
What are four things you can do to test for a rib fracture? Rib compression test, Deep breathing , Palpation for PT, Active ROM testing
What is flail chest? When four or more ribs are fractured in two places.
What are you looking for with flail chest? Fracture site area in question will collapse instead of expand with inspiration
With flail chest what happens with exhalation? The area in question will protrude as the rest of the chest wall contracts.
How do you get a Costochondral Injury? Arm forced into hyperflexion & horizontal abduction.
Signs and symptoms for a Costochondral Injury? Pain at injury site, Heard a ‘snap’ or ‘pop’, Pain increased w/ deep breathing, coughing, sneezing, & movement
How do we get a Pneumothorax? Air enters the pleural cavity due to a ruptured bleb or an object or rib punctures the pleural cavity.
What are the six main signs and symptoms of Pneumothorax? Difficulty breathing, Guarded posture, cyanosis, distension of neck veins, Tracheal deviation, absent breath sounds
When eval a pneumothorax what will we find when performing percussion? a hollow sound when compared with the opposite lung
What is a major sign of pneumothorax when talking about vital signs? Blood pressure drops rapidly
What is a hemothorax? Collection of blood in the pleural cavity
What is the MOI of a Hemothorax? internal chest wound that may have fractured rib lacerating a lung or rupture of a blood vessel within the chest cavity
What are the signs and symptoms for hemothorax? all the same for a pneumothorax but include hemoptysis.
what is hemoptysis? spitting or coughing up bloody sputum
MOI of a splenic injury? blow to the abdomen or thorax that compresses or jars the spleen
symptoms of a splenic injury? Pressure in the ULQ, Reffered pain in the LLQ ANT/POST and ULeft Shoulder.
What is the name for the reffered pain in the ULeft shoulder pain? Kehr's sign
When palpating a splenic injury what are the three things you will see? cold & clammy skin with onset of shock; tenderness in area over impact site; distention of ULQ
What can predispose you to a splenic injury? Mononucleosis
MOI for a contused or lacerated kidney? Blunt trauma or penetrating injury to the kidney
What are the five things when inspecting a possible contused or lacerated kidney? contusion or laceration ; blood visible in urine; S/S of shock may be present, Tenderness over impact sight & abdominal rigidity w/ palpation, Painful urination
What are seven things you will see with an appendicitis? Rapid onset, Diffuse pain in abdomen, Tender & rigid in LRQ, Nausea, Possibly vomiting, diarrhea or constipation
What are the five extended symptoms for an appendicitis? Sickly appearance, fever 99-101, rapid pulse, Pain with movement, Urination & bowel movements increases pain
Created by: shsuman152
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