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FCAT Reading Terms

Words & Phrases to test your knowledge and prepare for the reading test

Purpose The reason for which something is done, made, or used.
Explain To make plain or clear; to interpret
Main Idea The overall central thought or message of a paragraph or text
Compare To examine (two or more objects, ideas, people, etc) in order to note similarities or differences
Describe To tell in written or spoken words
Argument A statement, reason or fact for or against a point
State To make known; to express
Author's point of View The author's attitude or opinion about the subject; the viewpoint from which something is written.
Author's Purpose What the author is trying to accomplish through the writing.
Cause The reason, or motive, for an action; why something happens.
Context The parts of a written or spoken statement that comes before or follow a specific word or passage, usually influencing its meaning.
Contrast To compare in order to show differences
Characterize To describe the individual quality of
Contrast To show differences when two or more things are compared.
Passage A portion or section of a written work
Theme Central Idea of the story, article, etc. The statement about life or human nature a particular work is trying to convey to the reader.
Suggest To mention for consideration
Conclusion A result or outcome; final decision
Emotional Words Uses words that appeal to a person's emotions rather than to his/her ability to reason. (Sometimes these words are so general that they are meaningless.)
Diagram A drawing that shows how an item is made or how it works.
Difference The way in which two or more things are not the same.
Effect The result, or consequence, of an action.
Fact A statement that can be proven or tested to be true or false.
Graph An illustration of quantity or amount and how it relates to another variable (examples: bar graph, circle graphs, line graphs).
Inference A combination of one's own knowledge and information supplied in the text which leads to a conclusion or generalization about a subject.
Main Idea The most important point that the writer makes in a reading selection; it can be stated or implied.
Map A small-scale representation of an actual piece.
Most Accurate Most correct based on the information provided.
Opposing Point of Views Opposite ideas or opinions on the same topic.
Outcome The result of something; the way something turns out; the effect.
Primary Sources An informational test passage or graphic representation such as in map, chart, photo, graph, illustration, advertisement, statistical table, letter, autobiography, works of literature, historical document, interview, or first hand source of information
Relevant/Supporting Details The small pieces of information that support, develop, or explain the main idea.
Similarity The way in which two or more things are the same.
Support To confirm a statement or opinion
Statistics Facts or data or a numerical kind which represent significant information about a given subject.
True Not false; real; that which is so.
Alliteration The repetition of initial consonant sounds in neighboring words (example: Betty, the bug, bit Bob, the boy.)
Central Problem The primary struggle, or conflict, faced by the main character in the plot of a literary work
Character A person or animal who takes part in the action of a literary work; also the qualities and traits that define an individual's personality.
Character Development The ways in which a character changes, or grows, throughout the course of literary work (a dynamic character changes; a static character does not change)
Conflict The "problem" in a story which triggers the action; struggle between two opposing forces.
Dialogue Conversation between characters in a story, work of nonfiction, novel, or play.
Fiction Writing that comes from a writer's imagination; it is not factual but may be based on facts, real experiences, or people the writer has known.
Imagery Words and phrases that appeal to the reader's senses, help readers to imagine and paint a picture in the reader’s mind
Literary Form A term used to specify the distinct types or categories into which literary works are grouped; also known as genre (examples include fiction, drama, nonfiction, poetry, short stories, and novels).
Major Events The most important incidents that occur in a work of literature; the events that cause the greatest impact on the characters of a literary work.
Metaphor A comparison of two unlike things in which no words of comparison are used (example: That test was a bear!)
Mood The feeling the author wants to convey to the reader through a work of literature, such as excitement, anger, sadness, happiness, or pity.
Nonfiction Prose writing about real people, places, things, and ideas.
Personification A figure of speech in which human qualities are attributed to an object, animal, or idea.
Plot The sequence of events in a work of literature; the action in a story.
Repetition The repeating of sounds, letters, words, or lines, which helps give poetry and writing its meaning, form, and sound.
Resolution The final part of a plot; the events in the story that work out the problem or the conflict.
Rhyme The similarities or likeness of sound existing between two or more words.
Rhythm The pattern of accented and unaccented syllables in poetry; it brings out the musical quality of language and can create a particular mood.
Viewpoint An opinion, attitude or belief about something
Setting The time, place and conditions under which a story takes place.
Simile A comparison of two unlike things using the words like or as (example: When he's mad, Mr. Carter's eyes are like charging bulls.)
Assume To take for granted; or without proof
Tone The author's attitude toward his/her subject. A particular style or manner, as in writing or speech
Illustrate To clarify one's words with examples
Assert To state strongly or positively; affirm
Assumption Something taken for granted
Cite To quote; to refer to as an example
Dispute To engage in an argument or debate
Imply To indicate or suggest without being explicitly stated
Infer To figure out by reasoning; conclude based on evidence presented
Contradict To state the opposite of
Created by: jdmarovich
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