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Chapter 15 Section 2

The Second New Deal Takes Hold

Who was Dorothea Lange? A photographer of the Great Depression who got to know her subjects (migrant workers) before photograhing them. Her photographs were funded by the government and she had a limp from Polio.
Who was Eleanor Roosevelt? FDRs wife who was a social reformer who combined her humanitarian impulses with great political skills
Who won the 1936 election? Why? FDR, because people held confidence in him and the New Deal
When the Supreme COurt shut down the AAA what did they enact in its place? The Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act which paid farmers to cut production of crops and rewarded them for practiving soil conservation methods. Later a new AAA was brought about
What did the Resettlement Administration and the Farm Security Administration do? They provided support to tenant farmers and migrant workers as well as paying Lange, Shahn, Evans, Rothstein and Mydens to take pictures of rural towns and sell the cause
What was the Works Progress Administration? It created jobs for people. these people did public works of lasting value to the nation and it gave people (especially unskilled workers) dignity and purpose. It aimed to help young people, women and the poor.
What was the National Youth Administration? A program designed to provide jobs, recreation and education for young people. It helped children pay for schooling and provided jobs for those who had dropped out of school
What was the National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act) It protected workers rights to unionize and collectively bargain. It also prohibited management from threatening workers and protected workers rights in the workplace.
What was the Social Security Act? It provided old age insurance, unemployment compensation, and aid to families with dependent children or children with disabilities.
How did the New Deal expand and regulate utilities? It brought electricty to rural towns, and prevented holding companies from creating utility monopolies.
Created by: KoriLeigh
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