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psychiatric #21760

Stack #21760

personality enduring patterns of percieving, relating to and thinking about the environment and oneself
psychoanalytic theory Freud (id, ego, superego)
Freud's psychoanalytic theory id, ego, superego
id - freud pleasure principle - immediate gratification - birth
ego - freud rational self, reality principle 4-6 yrs age
superego - freud perfection principle 3-6 yrs age good and bad behavior
freud - conscious individual's awareness, phonenumbers, birthdays, dates of special holidays, lunch - ego
freud - preconscious includes all memories that have been forgotten - suppress unpleasant memories - superego
freud - unconscious memeries that one is unable to bring to conscious awareness - unpleasant that have been repressed, retrieved through therapy, dreams
freud - cathexis id invests energy into an object in an attempt to achieve gratification - turns to drink
anticathexis - freud ego and superego to control id impluses
Psychosexual Development Freud stages (oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital
Freud's oral stage birth-18 mo anxiety through oral gratification of needs
freud's anal stage 18-3yrs - learning independence and control, with focus on the excretory function
freud's phallic stage 3-6 yrs - identification with parent of same sex; development of sexual identity; focus on gential organs
freud's latency stage 6-12 yrs. sexuality repressed, focus on relationships with same sex peers
freud's genital stage 13-20 yrs ; libido reawkwned as genital organs mature; focus on relationships with members of the opp sex
Interpersonal theory Sullivan - believed that individual behavior and personality development are the diret result of interpersonal relationships
Sullivan's interpersonal theory concepts anxiety, satisfaction fo needs, interpersonal security, self-system
Infancy stage of development on SUllivans interpersonal theory 0-18 mo. relief from anxiety through oral fratification of needs
childhood stage of Sullivan's interpersonal theory 18-6yr learning to experience a delay in personal gratification without undue anxiety
juvenile stage of Sullivan's interpersonal theory 6-9 yrs. learning to form satifactory peer relationships
preadolescence stage of Sullivan's interpersonal theory 9-12 yrs learning to form sat relationships with persons of same sex
early adolescence stage of Sullivan's interperosnal theory 12-14 yrs. learning to form sat relationships with persons of opposite sex
late adolescence stage of Sullivan's interperonal theory 14-21 yrs. establishing self identiy. develop a lasting opposite sex relationship
theory of psychosocial development erikson - process of development of personality
Created by: beautimouslove
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