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9.2 Spanish Vocab

zona comercial business comercial
oficinas office
tiendas store
la gente people
la zona industrial the industrial zone
las afueras outskirts
obreros workers
todo el dia all day
la fabrica factory
la zona residencial residential zone
apartamentos apartments
condominios condominium
casas privadas private house
plano plan
plaza town square
calle street
la avenida avenue
el bulevar boulevard
ancha wide
callecita narrow street
pintoresca picturesque
barrio neighborhood
viejo old
semaforo traffic light
esquina corner
peatones pedestrians
caminar to work
acera sidewalk
cruzar to cross
el cruce crossing intersection
esperar to wait
salir to leave
trabajar to work
parade del bus bus stop
el huerto vegetable garden
el manzano apple tree
la manzana apple
el peral pear tree
la pera pear
cerdos pig (pork)
gallinas hen
vacas cow
ganado cattle
criar to raise
otono autumn
cosechar to harvest
maiz corn
trigo wheat
primavera spring
cereal grain
sembrar to sow or plant
cultivar to grow
finca farm
pueblo pequeno small down
casa de campo country home
campesino farmer
los campos fields
el campo country
ranura slot
meter to put
el tique ticket
torniquete turnstile
la escalera mecanica escalators
la boca del metro subways
Created by: 18hayma
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