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Who did Arabs worship before Islam?
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What are the Pillars of Islam?
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Who did Arabs worship before Islam? Many gods
What are the Pillars of Islam? faith, prayer, charitable giving, fasting, taking a pilgrimage to Mecca
Where do Muslims go to worship? Mosque
What are the main holy books for Islam? The Quran and the Sunna
What do Muslims believe about Jesus? He was a prophet, his mother Mary was a virgin, he is the Messiah
When is the Islamic holy day? Friday
What is the religious leader in Islam called? Imam
How many times do Muslims pray each day? 5 times
What do Muslims call Jews and Christians? People of the Book
What was the shrine dedicated to Abraham called? Kaaba
What is the holy city in Islam called? Mecca
What is the Islamic month called when Muslims fast? Ramadan
What was built after Muhammed's Night Journey? Dome of the Rock
What direction must Muslims face when they pray? Towards Mecca
What do Muslims believe they will have to determine if they go to heaven or hell? Judgement Day
What was Arabia like before Islam was founded? They worshiped many idols
Why do Muslims not portray Muhammad in pictures? They don't want it to lead to idol worshiping
What were the Sunnis and the Shi'ites arguing about? Muhammad's successor
What is Shari'a law? Based on the Quran and Sunna, group of laws that tell Muslims how they should act, and was divinely inspired.
What do the Shi'ites belive? Only members of Muhammad's family can be leaders, there have been 12 imams, and the first 3 caliphs were not legitimate
Created by: Ensmingern
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