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integumentary, eye, ear, nose oral cavity
Question | Answer |
adipose | of or pertaing to fat |
anigioma | tumor consisting of a mass of blood or lyphatic tissue |
blanchable | An erythematous lesion that loses all redness when pressed |
bulla | an elevation of skin filled with serous fluid |
cyanosis | bluish discoloration of the skin |
dermatitis | inflammation of the skin |
diphoresis | sweat |
ecchymosis | purple or black and blue area resulting from a bruise |
edema | swelling form excessive accumulation of serous fluid in tissue |
erythema | abnormal redness of the skin resulting from dialation of blood vessels |
hemangioma | benign anioma consisting of a mass of blood vessels; some appear as birth marks |
hyperemia | increased blood in an organ or other body part |
hperkeratosis | hypertrophy in the stratum corneum layer of the skin |
jaundice | yellowing of the eyes or skin due to accumulation of bile pigment in the blood |
lipoma | tumor or mass containing fat |
macule | a patch of skin that is discolored but not usually raised |
melanoma | malignant tumor arising from the melanocytes |
necrosis | the localized death of living cells |
papule | A small inflamed elevation of skin that is non-supportive (as in chickenpox) |
petechiae | a minute reddish or purplish spot containing blood that appears |
plaque | a small abnormal patch on or inside the body |
purpura | any of several blood diseases causing subcutaneous bleeding |
seborrhea | a condition in which overactivity of the sevacieous glands causing skin to become oily |
subcutaneous | pertaining to under the skin |
uremia | accumulation in the blood nitrongenous waste products that are usually excreted in the urine |
vesicle | a small anatomically normal sac or bladderlike stucture (espeicially one containing fluid) |
amblyopia | visual impairment without apparent organic pathology |
aural | of or pertaining to the ear |
conjunctivia | a transparent membrane con vering the ecyball and under the surface of the eyelid |
diplopia | visual impairment in which an object is seen as two objects |
myringotomy | surgical incision into the middle or inner ear |
otitis media | inflammation of the middle ear; commmon in children |
PERRLA | Equal diameter of the pupils |
photophobia | a morbid fear of light |
presbyopia | farsightedness resulting from a reduced abilit to focus caused by loss of elasticity of the crystalline lens with age. |
retinopathy | any disorder of the retina |
tympanic membrane | the membrane in the ear that vibrate to sound |
tympanoplasty | surgical correction or repair of defects in the eardrum of the bones of the middle ear |
anisocoria | a difference in pupil size |
buccal mucosa | membrane inside the cheek |
caries | soft decayed area in a tooth; progressive decay can lead to death of tooth |
edentulous | having lost teeth |
gingivitis | inflammation of the gums |
peridontitis | disease of the periodontium characterized by inflammaion of the gums resorption of the alvelor bone |
periungal | swelling associated with a localized nail |
pharyngitis | inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth |
stomatitis | inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth |
sublingual | beneath the tounge |
tonsillitis | inflammation of the tonsils |
tympanonplasty | surgical correction or repair of defects or injuries in the eardrum or the bones of the middle ear. |