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TSO Acronyms
189 IS
Term | Definition |
AADC | Area Air Defense Commander |
AAMDC | Army Air and Missile Defense Command |
ABN | Airborne |
ACA | Airspace Control Authority |
ACF | Analysis, Correlation Fusion |
ACM | Airspace Control Measure |
ACMREQ | Airspace Control Measure Request (USMTF message) |
ACO/ACP | Airspace Control Order/ Airspace Control Plan |
ACOC | Air Combat Operations Center |
ADCON | Administrative Control |
ADOCS | Automated Deep Operations Coordination System |
ADP | Air Defense Plan |
ADS | Airspace Deconfliction System |
AFDD | Air Force Doctrine Document |
AFFOR | Air Force Forces |
AFLE | Air Force Liaison Element |
AFSOC | Air Force Special Operations Command |
AFSOD | Air Force Special Operations Detachment |
AFSOE | Air Force Special Operations Element |
AFSOF | Air Force Special Operations Forces |
AIRREQSUP | Air Request Support |
AIRSUPREQ/ASR | Air Support Request |
ALLOREQ | Air Allocation Request (USMTF message) |
AMC | Airborne Mission Commander/Coordinator |
AMD | Air Mobility Division |
ANG | Air National Guard |
AOB | Air Order of Battle, Advanced Operations Base |
AOC | Air Operations Center |
AOD | Air Operations Directive |
AOR | Area of Responsibility |
ARN | Air Request Net |
ARSOA | Army Special Operations Aviation |
ARSOC | Army Special Operations Command |
ARSOF | Army Special Operations Forces |
ARSOTF | Army Special Operations Task Force |
ASD(SO/LIC) | Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict |
ASOC | Air Support Operations Center (conventional Army) |
ASOS | Air Support Operations Squadron (TACPs) |
ATACMS | Army Tactical Missile System |
ATO | Air Tasking Order |
ATOC | Air Terminal Operations Center, Allied Tactical Operations Center (NATO) |
AWACS | Airborne Warning and Control System |
BAO | Battlefield Airman Operations |
BCD | Battlefield Coordination Detachment |
BCT | Brigade Combat Team |
BDA | Battle Damage Assessment |
BE Number | Basic Encyclopedia Number |
BFT | Blue Force Tracker |
BN | Battalion |
BUD/S | Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL |
C2 | Command and Control |
C3 | Command, Control, and Communications |
C3I | Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence |
C4I | Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence |
CA | Civil Affairs |
CAA | Combat Aviation Advisors |
CAB | Civil Affairs Battalion |
CAF | Combat Air Forces |
CAO | Civil Affairs Operations |
CAP | Crisis Action Planning |
JFMCC | Joint Force Maritime Component Commander |
JGAT | Guidance, Apportionment and Targeting (now known as TET) |
JIC | Joint Intelligence Center |
JIOC | Joint Information Operations Center |
CAS | Close Air Support |
CBRNE | Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and High Yield Explosives |
CBT | Combating Terrorism |
CCDR | Combatant Commander |
CCIR | Commander's Critical Information Requirements |
CCO | Chief of Combat Operations |
CCT | Combat Control Team |
CD | Counter-Drug |
CFF | Call For Fire |
CG | Commanding General |
CHOP | Change of Operations Control |
CI | Counterintelligence |
CJCS | Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff |
CJSOAC | Combined Joint Special Operations Air Component |
CJSOTF | Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force |
CJTF | Commander, Joint Task Force |
CMA | Collection Management Authority |
COA/COAA | Course(s) of Action/ Course of Action Approval |
COC | Combat Operations Center |
COCOM | Combatant Commander/Combatant Command(Command Authority) |
COG | Center of Gravity |
COIN | Counterinsurgency |
COMAFSOF | Commander, Air Force Special Operations Forces (In-Theater Component) |
COMJTF | Commander, Joint Task Force |
COMSOC | Commander, Special Operations Command (In-Theater Component) |
CONOPS | Concept of Operation |
CONPLAN | Operation Plan in Concept Format |
CQB | Close Quarters Battle |
CRA | Command Relations Agreement |
CRC | Command and Reporting Center |
CRO | Combat Rescue Officer |
CSAR | Combat Search and Rescue |
CT | Counter-Terrorism |
CTAPS | Contingency Theater Air Planning System (archaic) |
CVBG | Carrier Battle Group (Navy) |
CWS | Combat Weather Squadron |
DA | Direct Action |
DAP | Defensive Armed Penetrator |
DCO | Director of Combat Operations |
DIRLAUTH | Direct Liaison Authorized |
DIRMOBFOR | Director of Mobility Forces |
DMPI | Desired Mean Point of Impact |
DNIF | Duty Not Including Flying |
DS | Direct Support |
DZ | Drop Zone |
E | Escape and Evasion |
EALT | Earliest Anticipated Launch Time |
ECM | Electronic Counter Measures |
EEFI | Essential Elements of Friendly Information |
ELINT | Electronic Intelligence |
EMCON | Emissions Control |
EOB | Electronic Order of Battle |
EPA | Evasion Plan of Action |
ETA | Estimated Time of Arrival |
EW | Early Warning |
EWO | Electronic Warfare Officer |
EXORD | Executive Order |
FAC | Forward Air Controller |
FARP | Forward Arming and Refueling Point |
FDO | Foreign Disclosure Officer |
FID | Foreign Internal Defense |
ODA | Operational Detachment- Alpha |
ODB | Operational Detachment- Bravo |
OGA | Other Government Agency |
OPCON | Operational Control |
OPLAN | Operation Plan |
FLOT | Forward Line of Troops |
FM | Field Manual (Army) |
FOA | Forward Operating Agency |
FOB | Forward Operating Base |
FOL | Forward Operating Location |
FRAGORD | Fragmentary Order |
FSA | Fire Support Area |
FSB | Forward Staging Base |
FSCL | Fire Support Coordination Line |
FSCM | Fire Support Coordination Measure |
FSO | Fire Support Officer |
FW/RW | Fixed Wing/Rotary Wing |
GCC | Geographic Combatant Commander |
GCCS | Global Command and Control System |
GLO | Ground Liaison Officer |
GOB | Ground Order of Battle |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GRG | Grid Reference Guide |
GS | General Support |
GWOT | Global War on Terror |
HA | Humanitarian Assistance |
HAHO | High Altitude High Opening Parachute Technique |
HALO | High Altitude Low Opening Parachute Technique |
HD/LD | High Demand/Low Density |
HIDACZ | High-Density Airspace Control Zone |
HLZ | Helicopter Landing Zone |
HN | Host Nation |
HPW | High Performance Waveform |
HUD | Heads-Up Display |
HUMINT | Human Intelligence |
HVAA | High Value Airborne Asset |
HVT | High Value Target |
HVU | High Value Unit |
IADS | Integrated Air Defense System |
IDAD | Internal Defense and Development |
IFF/SIF | Identification, Friend or Foe/Selective Identification Feature |
IFR | Instrument Flight Rules |
IMC | Instrument Meteorological Conditions |
IPB | Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace |
IPOE | Intelligence Preparation of the Environment |
ISOPREP | Isolated Personnel Report |
ISR | Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance |
IW | Information Warfare |
J1, G1, S1, N1 | Personnel/Admin Section |
J2, G2, S2, N2 | Intelligence Section |
J3, G3, S3, N3 | Operations Section |
J4, G4, S4, N4 | Logistic Section |
J5, G5, S5, N5 | Plans Section |
J6, G6, S6, N6 | Communication Section |
JAAT | Joint Air Attack Team |
JACE | Joint Air Coordination Element |
JAOC/CAOC | Joint/Combined Air and Space Operations Center |
JAOP | Joint Air Operations Plan |
JCAMT | Joint Combat Airspace Management Team |
JCEOI | Joint Communications Electronics Operating Instructions |
JCET | Joint Combined Exercise for Training |
JCMOTF | Joint Civil Military Operations Task Force |
JCS | Joint Chief of Staff |
JCSE | Joint Communications Support Element |
JFACC | Joint Force Air Component Commander |
JFC | Joint Force Commander |
JFLCC | Joint Force Land Component Commander |
SOS | Special Operations Squadron |
SOSB | Special Operations Support Battalion |
SOSCOM | Special Operations Support Command |
SOTSE | Special Operations Theater Support Element |
SOW | Special Operations Wing |
JIPCL | Joint Integrated Prioritized Collection List |
JIPTL | Joint Integrated Prioritized Target List |
JISE | Joint Intelligence Support Element |
JMEM | Joint Munitions Effectiveness Manual |
JOA | Joint Operating Area |
JOC | Joint Operations Center |
JOPES | Joint Operational Planning and Execution System |
JOPP | Joint Operation Planning Process |
JPG | Joint Planning Group |
JPOTF | Joint Psychological Operations Task Force |
JPRC | Joint Personnel Recovery Center |
JSCP | Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan |
JSOA | Joint Special Operations Area |
JSOACC | Joint Special Operations Air Component Commander |
JSOC | Joint Special Operations Command |
JSOTF | Joint Special Operations Task Force |
JSST | Joint Space Support Team |
JTAC | Joint Terminal Attack Controller |
JTCB | Joint Targeting Coordination Board |
JTF | Joint Task Force |
JTL | Joint Target List |
JTTP/MTTP | Joint Tactics, Techniques and Procedures/Multi-Service TTP |
JVB | Joint Visitors Bureau |
JWAC | Joint Warfare Analysis Center |
LNO | Liaison Officer |
LOAC | Law of Armed Conflict |
LRC | Logistics Readiness Center |
LZ | Landing Zone |
MAAP | Master Air Attack Plan |
MAGTF | Marine Air Group Task Force |
MARFOR | Marine Corps Force |
MARLE | Marine Liaison Element |
MARSOC | Marine Forces Special Operations Command |
MARSOF | Marine Special Operations Forces |
MCADS | Maritime Craft Air Delivery System |
MEF | Marine Expeditionary Force |
METL | Mission Essential Task List |
MEU(SOC) | Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable) |
MFP | Major Force Program |
MIM | Mission Information Manager |
MISO | Military Information Support Operations |
MISREP | Mission Report |
MOCC | Maintenance Operations Coordination Center |
MOE | Measures of Effectiveness |
MOP | Measures of Performance |
MPA | Mission Planning Agency |
MSA | Mission Support Agency |
MSOB | Marine Special Operations Battalion |
MSOC | Marine Special Operations Company |
MSOT | Marine Special Operations Team |
NAI | Named Area of Interest |
NALE | Naval and Amphibious Liaison Element |
NAR | Non-conventional Assisted Recovery |
NAVSOC | Navy Special Operations Component |
NAVSOF | Navy Special Operations Forces |
NAVSPECWARCOM | Navy Special Warfare Command |
NCA | National Command Authorities |
NEO | Non-Combatant Evacuation Operation |
NFA | No-Fire Area |
NGA | National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (formerly NIMA) |
NGO | Non-Government Organization |
NIMA | National Imagery and Mapping Agency |
NMJIC | National Military Joint Intelligence Center |
NOD | Night Observation Device |
NRO | National Reconnaissance Office |
NSA | National Security Agency |
NSAV | Non-Standard Aviation |
NSC | National Security Council |
NSWTG/U | Naval Special Warfare Task Group/ Unit |
OPSEC | Operations Security |
OPSUM | Operation Summary |
PBA | Predictive Battlespace Awareness |
PED | Processing Exploitation Dissemination |
PFPS | Portable Flight Planning System |
PGM | Precision Guided Munitions |
PIR | Priority Intelligence Requirement |
PJ | Para Jumper (Air Force) |
POG | PSYOP Group |
PR | Personnel Recovery |
PRT | Provincial Reconstruction Team |
PSYWAR | Psychological Warfare |
PSYOP | Psychological Operations |
RADC | Regional Air Defense Commander |
RAT | Rapid Augmentation Team |
RATTV | Rescue All Terrain Vehicle |
RCC | Rescue Coordination Center |
REQCONF | Request Confirmation |
RFA | Restrictive Fire Area |
RFI | Request For Information |
RIB | Rigid-hull Inflatable Boat |
RJ | Rivet Joint |
ROE | Rules of Engagement |
ROK | Republic Of Korea |
ROZ | Restricted Operations Zone |
RPA | Remotely Piloted Aircraft |
RTL | Restricted Target List |
SA | Security Assistance |
SAAFR | Standard Use Army Aircraft Flight Rules |
SAR | Search And Rescue |
SATCOM | Satellite Communication |
SBT | Special Boat Team |
SBU | Special Boat Unit |
SCA | Space Coordination Authority |
SDV | SEAL Delivery Vehicle |
SEA | Senior Enlisted Advisor |
SEAD | Suppression of Enemy Air Defense |
SEAL | Sea Air Land |
SERE | Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape |
SF | Special Forces |
SFA | Security Forces Assistance |
SFG | Special Forces Group |
SFOB | Special Forces Operations Base |
SFOD | Special Forces Operational Detachment |
SIGINT | Signal Intelligence |
SJA | Staff Judge Advocate (Military Lawyer) |
SME | Subject Matter Expert |
SO | Special Operations |
SO/LIC | Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict |
SOAR | Special Operations Aviation Regiment |
SOC | Special Operations Command |
SOCAFRICA | Special Operations Command Africa |
SOCCE | Special Operations Command and Control Element |
SOCCENT | Special Operations Command Central |
SOCEUR | Special Operations Command Europe |
SOCJFCOM | Special Operations Command Joint Forces Command |
SOCKOR | Special Operations Command, Korea |
SOCOM | Special Operations Command |
SOCOORD | Special Operations Coordination Element |
SOD | Special Operations Division |
SODARS | Special Operations Debrief and Retrieval System |
SODO | Special Operations Duty Officer |
SOF | Special Operations Forces |
SOG | Special Operations Group |
SOLE | Special Operations Liaison Element |
SOLL | Special Operations Low Level |
SOMPE | Special Operations Mission Planning Environment |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure |
SORTIEALOT | Sortie Allotment (USMTF message) |
SOWT | Special Operations Weather Team |
SPINS | Special Instructions |
SR | Special Reconnaissance |
SSE | Sensitive Site Exploitation |
SSO | Security/Stabilization Operations |
ST/STT/STS | Special Tactics Team/Squadron |
STO | Special Tactics Officer/ Special Technical Operations |
SWCC | Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewmen |
SWCS | Special Warfare Center & School (US Army JFK) |
TACLAN | Tactical Local Area Network |
TACON | Tactical Control |
TACP | Tactical Air Control Party |
TAP | Theater Air Planner |
TBMCS | Theater Battle Management Core Systems |
TDC | Theater Deployable Communications |
TET | Targeting Effects Team (formerly known as GAT) |
TF | Task Force |
TG | Task Group |
TGO | Terminal Guidance Operations |
TIC | Troops In Contact |
TLAM | Tomahawk Land-Attack Missile |
TMD | Theater Missile Defense |
TNL | Target Nomination List |
TOC | Tactical Operations Center |
TOT | Time On Target |
TPFDD | Time Phased Force Deployment Document |
TSOC | Theater Special Operations Command |
TST | Time Sensitive Target |
TTP | Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures |
UAR | Unconventional Assisted Recovery |
UAS | Unmanned Aerial System |
UAV | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle |
UDT | Underwater Demolition Team |
UNAAF | Unified Actions Armed Forces |
USAID | US Agency for International Development |
USASOC | United States Army Special Operations Command |
USCENTCOM | United States Central Command |
USJFCOM | United States Joint Forces Command |
USSOCOM | United States Special Operations Command |
UW | Unconventional Warfare |
VFR | Visual Flight Rules |
VMC | Visual Meteorological Conditions |
WMD | Weapons of Mass Destruction |
WOC | Wing Operations Center |