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3.AR-Vestibular syst

Aural Rehab SLP401

Balance systems Somatosensory, Visual, Vestibular
Somatosensory Input from hips, legs, ankles, feet based on surface we are standing on. Major role in maintenance of balance. Transmits info you are conscious of: touch, pain, temperature.
Visual system Visual input is compared and contrasted with other systems in perception of the world around us. Discrepancies can result in sensory conflict within the CNS (motion-sickness) and equilibrium probs.
Vestibular System 1. semicircular canals and 2. vestibule
Semicircular canals Fluid-filled. Changes of head position/planes of motion (angular acceleration). Linked to vis. system to maintain a stable visual image (vestibulo-ocular reflex). Cranial nerves, processing centers, eye muscles coordinate with inner ear structures.
Vestibule One of the otolith organs (ampullae are the other) which respond to linear acceleration (elevator - up & down; car- forward & backward).
Vestibular-ocular reflex (VOR) Eye movement that stabilizes and centers images on the fovea (area of retina) during head movement.
Nystagmus VOR adjustments of the eye muscles.
Vestibular Testing Audiologic, head rotation testing (Rotary Chair, Videonystagmography),balance testing (Computerized Dynamic Posturography - CDP)
Rotary Chair Test rotational chair ✤ light-restricted booth ✤ head secured ✤ records eye movement (usually) ✤ eyes should move opposite to the direction and plane of head movement
Videonystagmography infrared goggles capture eye movements ✤ recordings are computer analyzed ✤ evaluates inner ear structures, sensory and motor function of ocular muscles and brainstem processing ✤ caloric subtest irrigates each ear with cold/warm water.
Computerized Dynamic Posturography - CDP ✤ Tests balance under various condition w/ pressure-sensitive footplate ✤ computer measures shifts in body weight and center of gravity. ✤ useful in documenting deficits in balance performance
VRT Vestibular rehabilitation treatment
BPPV Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
Created by: ashea01
Popular Speech Therapy sets




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