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Urinary Elimin

Stack #222501

Urinary Retention occurs when urine is produced normally but is not excreted completely from the bladder.
Urinary Incontinence any involuntary loss of urine that causes such a problem
When does a person feel the need to void 150-250ml in an adult
The process of emptying the bladder Mictuiation, voiding, or urination
Enuresis intentional or involuntary urination into bed or clothes that occurs after an age when continence should be present
Nephrotoxic capable of causing kidney damage;
Hematuria blood in the urine; caused by anticoagulants
Urinary Diversion involves the surgical creation of an alternate route for excretion of urine
Anuria 24 hour output is less than 50ml; kidney shutdown or renal failure
Dysuria painful or difficult urinating
Frequency increased incidence of voidung
Glycosuria presence of sugar in the urine
Nocturia awakening at night to urinate
Oliguria scanty of greatly diminished amount of urine voided in a given time
Polyuria excessive output of urine
Proteinuria protein in the urine; indication of kidney disease
Pyuria ous in the urine; appears cloudy
Supression stoppage of urine production; normaylla the adult kidenys
Urgency stong desire to void
Urinary Incontinence Involuntary loss of urine
Specific Gravity urine is a measure of the density of urine compared with the density of water.
Hesitancy a delay or difficulty in initiating voiding
When does urinary retention occur the bladder fills up ro 3,000-4,000ml
Transient Incontinence appears suddenly and lasts for 6 months or less
Stress Incontinence occurs when there is an involuntary loss of urine related to an increase in intra abdominal presure
Urge Incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine that cccurs soon after feeling anurgent need to void
Mixed Incontinence inducates that there is urine loss with features of two or more types of incontinence
Overflow Incontinence the involuntary loss of urine is assoicated with overdistention and overflow of the bladdder
Functional Incontinence is urine loss caused by the inability to reach the toilet because of enviromental barriers, physical limitations, losss of memory, or disorinentation
Reflex Incontinecne expericane emptying of the bladder without sensation of the need to void
Total Incontinence is a continous and unredictable loss of urine as a result of surgery, trauma, or pysical malformation
Post Void Residual the amount of urine remnaing in the bladder immediatly after voiding; can be measured by the traditional method of catherization or use of a portable ultraousnd evice that scans the bladder; most accurate in supine position;
Indwelling Urethral Catheter continous drainage; retention or foley catheters; balloon is inflated inside
Intermitternt urethral catheters straigh catheters are used to drain the bladder for shorter periods
Suprapubic Catheter is used for long term continuous drainage; entered surgically through the pubic symphisis
Bacturia when bacteria is present in the urine
external condom catheter soft, pliable sheath made of silicone material is applied externally to the penis
ileal conduit is a cutaneous urinary divison; ileal conduit involves a surgical resection of the small intestine, with transplanation of the ureters to the isolated segment of the small bowel
Created by: Kimmy0414
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