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44 F musculoskeletal
focus musculoskeletal
Question | Answer |
fixation of a joint, often in an abnormal position, usually resulting from destruction of articular cartilage and subchondral bone | Ankylosis |
puncture of a joint with a needle to withdraw fluid; performed to obtain synovial fluid for diagnostic purposes | arthrocentesis |
surgical fusion of a joint | arthrodesis |
surgical repair or refashioning of one or both sides, parts, or specific tissues with in a joint | arthroplasty |
femoral head and neck in hip fractures when the vascular supply to the femoral head is or may become compromised | bi-polar hip replacement (hemiarthoplasty) |
A test of the rate of capillary refill; blanching means to cause to become pale by applying digital pressure | blanching test |
bony deposits formed between and around the fractured end of a broken bone during healing | Callus |
a fracture of the distal portion of the radius with in 1 inch of the joint of the wrist | Colles' fracture |
pathologic condition caused by progressive development of arterial compression and reduced blood supply to an extremity. increased pressure from external devices such as cast causes decreased blood flow causing in inschemic tissue necrosis | compartment syndrome |
sound that resembles the crackling noise heard when rubbing hair between the fingers or throwing salt in to an open fire. It is associated with gas gangrene, the rubbing of bone fragments, or the crackles in the lung in pneumonia | crepitus |
A musculoskeletal chronic pain syndrome of unknown etiology that causes pain in muscles bones and joints | fibromyalgia |
Abnormal condition of the vertebral column; characterized by in creased convexity in the curvature of the thoracic spine | kyphosis |
increase in the curvature at the lumbar spine region that throws the shoulder back making the appearance lordly or kingly | lordosis |
surgical procedure allowing fracture alignment under direct visualization while using various internal fixation devices applied to the bonea feeling of prickling or numbness | paresthesia |
curvature of the spine usually consisting of two curves; the original abnormal curve and a compensatory curve in the opposite direction | scoliosis |
fragment of necrotic bone that is partially or entirely detached from surrounding or adjacent healthy bone | sequestrum |
partial dislocation | subluxations |
calculi containing sodium urate deposits that develop in perarticular fibrous tissue; typically found in patients with gaut | tophi |
A permanent contracture with claw hand flexion of the wrist and finger and atrophy of the forearm; can occur as a result of compartment syndrome | Volkmann's contracture |
Volkmann's contracture |