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Media and News

IELTS/ Toefl speaking exam word list

ARTICLE a story based on the facts
CREDIBLE believable; worthy of belief or confidence; trustworthy credibility, incredible
CORRESPONDENT a person employed by a news organization to gather, report, or contribute news, articles, etc., regularly from a distant place
COLUMNIST a person who writes a regular (daily or weekly) article for a newspaper or magazine, such as a political columnist or a sports columnist
COLUMN a regular article or feature in a newspaper or magazine
CAPTION a sentence or phrase under a picture to identify or describe the picture
BYLINE a line at the beginning of a news article giving the writer’s name
BIAS when an editor or reporter expresses a personal point of view in a news article or in a series of articles
DATELINE ususally comes after the byline, gives the when (date) and where (city) the story took place (if confined to a specific city/country)
STORY a news article or report
SUBJECTIVE based on personal feelings
SOURCE someone who gives a reporter information; a supplier of information
SLANDER a false report maliciously uttered and tending to injure the reputation of a person
REPORTER a person who gathers and reports news for a news organization
the PRESS all the media and agencies that print, broadcast, or gather and transmit news
PLAGIARIZE to put forth as original to oneself the ideas or words of another
OPINION a person’s thoughts about a particular subject; a subjective point of view
EDITOR the head of a news organization; person who chooses the articles that will be printed each day
OMBUDSMAN /PUBLIC EDITOR a neutral individual employed by a news organization to receive, investigate, report on and (in some instances) resolve reader or viewer complaints against a news organization
OBJECTIVE not affected by personal feelings or prejudice; based on facts; unbiased
NEWS SERVICES news companies that have their own reporters. They sell their articles to the media. The Associated Press (AP) is the top news service used in the U.S. United Press International (UPI), Reuters and Agence France-Presse (AFP) are also used by the media.
NEWS a report of a recent event; what is reported about a recent event or events
the MEDIA all the means of mass communication (newspapers, TV, radio, websites, magazines)
LIBEL a lie that causes damage (misrepresents damagingly)
INTEGRITY soundness or moral character; honesty
HEADLINE title of any newspaper article
EDITORIAL leader (US), or leading article (UK) article written by the editor giving his opinion on a problem or event
FRONT PAGE the first page of a paper, usually carrying the most important story
FEATURE a special or regular article, usually displayed prominently
EYEWITNESS a person who sees an occurrence with his own eyes and is able to give a firsthand account of it
ETHICAL pertaining to or dealing with morals; pertaining to right and wrong in conduct
anchor (n.) a person who reads the news on TV Mainstream news networks often hire attractive news anchors to get more people to watch their news programs.
politician a person who works in politics or serves in the government Journalists often interview politicians about important government stories.
tabloids newspapers and magazines that focus on celebrity news and exciting stories Tabloids are very popular because people enjoy reading about celebrities and their relationships.
celebrity a person who is famous (usually an actor, actress, singer, etc.) Many people are interested in the love lives of celebrities. Many celebrities attended the awards show last night.
sensationalism (n.) exaggerated news that seeks to get people’s attention
sensationalize (v.) exaggerated news that seeks to get people’s attention Tabloids are often criticized for focusing on sensationalism and stretching the truth. I don’t trust tabloids because they tend to sensationalize the news.
coverage (n.) the attention given to a news story by a media outlet cover (v.) – to report about a story or issue The BBC gives a lot of coverage to international news. Tabloids tend to cover celebrity news and romantic stories.
manipulate – to change the truth and try to influence people to agree with your opinion People used to get their news from print and broadcast media, but in recent years more people have turned to online media for their news.
biased (adj.) having an opinion about an issue and being unwilling to consider other opinions Politicians often say the mainstream media is biased and unfair.
broadcast journalism news on television or radio
print journalism written news in newspapers, magazines, etc.
online journalism news on the internet
citizen journalism a new expression describing the kind of journalism based on images, audio and reports sent in to news groups by ordinary members of the public who witnessed events
independent media media groups which are not controlled by the government
rolling news non-stop news
24 hour news channels stations which provide news all day and night
tabloids newspapers (usually smaller than broadsheets) which contain lighter stories and focus more on entertainment and gossip
broadsheets newspapers (traditionally larger in size) which generally contain serious reports and analyses of news
to cover a story to report on an event or development
breaking news news which is just coming in
eyewitness reports descriptions of what happened by people who actually saw an event take place
to verify to check that something is correct
in-depth coverage of a thorough analysis of
circulation how many copies of a newspaper are sold each day or each week
advertising revenue the money a firm makes by selling space to other firms to advertise their products
Investigative journalism The use of detective-like reporting methods to unearth scandals.
Propaganda dissemination of information aimed at influencing the opinions or behaviors of large numbers of people. As opposed to impartially providing information, propaganda in its most basic sense presents information in order to influence its audience. Propaganda
Trial balloons Information leaked for the purpose of determining what the political reaction will be.
Talking heads A shot of a person's face talking directly to the camera. The debate was followed by hours of talking heads analyzing the candidates' performances.
Yellow journalism The term used to describe sensational news reporting.
B-roll video images shot specifically to be used over a reporter’s words to illustrate the news event or story, to cover up audio edits of quotes (to avoid the jerking head effect), or to cover up bad shots (out of focus, poorly lighted, etc.)
Created by: lumart2000
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