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Medical Terminology

Chapter 1

Is aden/o a word root or a combining form? Combining form
is carcin/o a word root or a combing form? Combining form
is chol/e a word root or a combining form? Combining form
is lith a word root or a combing form? Word root
is or/o a word root or a combining form? Combining form
is psych a word root or a combining form? combining form
brady- is it a combining form, prefix, or suffix? Prefix
-cele is it a combining form, prefix, or suffix? suffix
eu- is it a combining form, prefix, or suffix? prefix
-graphy is it a combining form, prefix, or suffix? suffix
hydr/o is it a combining form, prefix, or suffix? combining form
-iasis is it a combining form, prefix, or suffix? suffix
mal- is it a combining form, prefix, or suffix? prefix
phon/o is it a combining form, prefix, or suffix? combining form
-pathy is it a combining form, prefix, or suffix? suffix
bil/i is it a combining form, prefix, or suffix? Combining form
crani/o is it a combining form, prefix, or suffix? Combining form
-ectomy is it a combining form, prefix, or suffix? Suffix
gigant/o is it a combining form, prefix, or suffix? combining form
-iatrics is it a combining form, prefix, or suffix? suffix
intra- is it a combining form, prefix, or suffix? prefix
multi- is it a combining form, prefix, or suffix? prefix
-oid is it a combining form, prefix, or suffix? suffix
-plegia is it a combining form, prefix, or suffix? suffix
spher/o is it a combining form, prefix, or suffix? combining form
lith means stone
psych means mind
caud means tail
or means oral
derm/a means skin
cutane/o means skin
-al means pertaining to
-ous means pertaining to
a- means without
febrile means fever
ot/o means ear
-ic means pertaining to
-itis means inflammation
-logy means Study of
-plasty means surgical repair
write as a word : dys-+ -pnea dyspnea
write as a word : enter/o + ic enteric
write as a word : eu- + -pepsia eupepsia
write as a word : tonsill/o +- itis tonsillitis
write as a word : ur/o + -emia uremia
write as a word : anti- + anxiety antianxiety
write as a word : leuk/o + -cyte leukocyte
write as a word : appendic/o + -itis appendicitis
write as a word : hyper- + -emia hyperemia
write as a word : endo- + cardi/o + -al endocardial
What is the plural of atrium? atria
what is the plural of bacillus? bacilli
What is the plural of diagnosis? diagnoses
what is the plural of larynx larynges
What is the plural of varix varices
What is the plural of appendix appendixes
what is the plural of bronchus bronchi
What is the plural of ileum ilea
What is the plural of pharynx pharynges
What is the plural of prognosis prognoses
-er one who
-iatrician practitioner
-iatry medical profession or treatment
-ist one who
-logist one who specializes
-logy study of
cardi/o heart
crin/o to secrete
dermat/o skin
esthesi/o feeling
gastr/o stomach
enter/o intestines
ger/a,o or geront/o elderly
gynec/o female
Immun/o immune
ne/o new
nat/o birth
neur/o nerve
obstetr/o midwife
onc/o tumor
ophthalm/o eye
orth/o straight
ped/o child
ot/o ear
laryng/o larynx
path/o disease
radi/o radiation
rheumat/o rheumatism
rhin/o nose
ur/o urinary tract
instrument for cutting (suffix) -tome
instrument for viewing (suffix) -scope
Excision (suffix) -ectomy
formation of an opening (suffix) -stomy
incision (suffix) -tomy
process of destroying (suffix) - lysis
surgical crushing (suffix) -tripsy
surgical fixation (suffix) -pexy
surgical puncture (suffix) -centesis
surgical repair (suffix) -plasty
suture (suffix) rrhaphy
visual exam with an instrument (suffix) - scopy
aden/o gland
angi/o vessel
append/o appendix
bi/o life
blephar/o eyelid
cerebr/o brain
Chir/o hand
col/o colon
faci/o face
hepat/o liver
mamm/o breast
muscul/o muscle
myel/o bone marrow or spinal cord
oste/o bone
vas/o vessel
-algia pain
-cele hernia
-ectasia dilation
-edema swelling
-emisis vomiting
-emia blood
-malacia soft
-mania excessive preoccupation
-megaly enlargement
-oid resembling
-oma tumor
-osis condition
-pathy disease
-penia deficiency
-phobia abnormal fear
-ptosis prolapse
rrhage excessive bleeding
-rrhea discharge
-rrhexis rupture
-spasm cramp
-stasis stopping
diplo- double
hemi half
semi partial
hyper excessive
hypo less than normal
poly many
nulli none
pan all
primi first
super, ultra excessive
ab away from
ad toward
ante before
pre before
circum around
peri around
contra against
dia through
ecto, ex, exo, extra out
endo inside
epi above
infra below
inter between
intra within
ipsi same
meso middle
para beside
per through
post after
retro behind
sym, syn together
trans across
brady slow
dys difficult
eu good
mal bad
tachy fast
albin/o white
chlor/o green
cyan blue
erythr/o red
melan/o black
xanth/o yellow
cyt/o cell
gen/o beginning
gram to record
kinesi movement
leps seizure
lys destruction
malac/o soft
metr/o measure
phas/o speech
pleg/o paralysis
schis split
scler/o hardening
scop/o to examine
troph nutrition
aer/o air
blast/o embryonic form
cry/o cold
dips/o thirst
fibr/o fiber
hist/o tissue
myc/o fungus
narc/o stupor
necr/o dead
py/o pus
top/o position
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