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Nursing Concepts Mod.1

Learning? Act or process of acquiring knowledge
Self-directed learners? Must be flexible; motivated; and able to recognize their own strengths
Discovery learning? Allowing the learner to find answers for his or herself.
What are Types of Discovery learning? -Performing experiments, Looking up answers, Finding new ways of doing things, Learning by trial and error, Using the process of elimination, breaking concepts apart, and putting together pieces of info
What are responsibilities of an adult learner? -Find info, Ask why, Identify weaknesses, Use resources to obtain information, Practice skills
Identify facilitator's responsibilities. -Prevent overwhelming frustration, Assist with guided practice skills, Explain difficult/confusing concepts
What are learner's responsibilities? -Self-directed, Problem based learning. Simulation. Case studies. Imagery and role play.
What are facilitators responsibilities? - Lecture & Questioning. Demonstration. Group discussion. Clinical Logs or Journals.
What are the different types of learning styles? Visual, Auditory, and Tactile/Kinesthetic
What is a Visual learner? Most people receive and process information best visually. -Reading watching, or other activities where sight is used work best for visual learners.
What is an Auditory learner? People who learn best by hearing are auditory learners. - Tape recorders are valuable tools for auditory learners
What is a tactical/kinesthetic learner? Some people learn best through touching and doing. -Interactive computer programs work well for these learners
What is uncomfortable for most people and what are the keys? Change is uncomfortable for people, the key is to be flexible, and it is a group effort.
What is sensory intelligence? -Visual/ spatial ( Image Smart) - auditory vibration (sound) -Kinesthetic/Tactile (Doing)
What is psycho-social intelligence? -Verbal/linguistic (word smart) -Logical/mathmatical (logic smart) -Naturalist (natural smart) -Intrapersonal(SELFsmart) -Interpersonal(PEOPLEsmart)
Verbal/linguistic? focuses on language, its format, and the use of words. Students with this intelligence know how to communicate effectively.
Musical/Rhymthmic? Involves the unusual ability to be aware of patterns in pitch, rythm, and timbre. All people can enjoy, but some have a special talent in sound and movement.
Logical/Mathematical? Includes the ability to reason inductively and/or deductively. These students think abstractly and like to problem solve and think critically.
Visual/Spatial? Involves the ability to create mental images and transform them into an art form. These students can discriminate between different color, texture, shapes, and dimensions.
Bodily/Kinesthetic? focuses on the ability to manipulate ones body. connects the body and mind these students generally excel at sports
Intrapersonal? involves the skill of comprehending ones feelings. These students know THEMSELVES and are in tune with their OWN emotions.
Interpersonal? is concerned with other individuals. These students understand other people and relate well with them.
Naturalist? Includes the ability to recognize flora and fauna readily and make distinctions about nature. These students are good at growing things and caring for plants and animals.
What is an acronym? a memory cue for a word or phrase formed by the initial letters of words to remember. The technique works well for visual and auditory learning styles.
What is a Loci system? A visualization technique in which you associate each thing to be remembered with a familiar location. This strategy works best for visual learning styles and visual/spatial intelligence.
What is Rhymes? An auditory cue in which words or images of the information to be learned are linked with corresponding sounds or rhythms. Works for auditory learners.
What is visualizing? a technique that involves making a mind picture of the information to be learned. Drawing a picture on paper helps pull together sounds, concepts and ideas.
What is a Concept map? Another way of visualizing information. Hooks together related information for the brain.
What is a Double-entry journal? A way for you to think through what you have learned- a way to "talk-back" to yourself.
Created by: Saraheliza14
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