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Stems of Doom

All the stems from 8th grade

OPIA sight
VAC empty
IZE make
FUG flee
PUSILL small
NEPO nephew
STHEN strength
LESS without
SCEN stage
SPIR breathe
SYN together
MAN hand
VITA life
SUB under
INE nature of
BON good
CHRON time
FIL thread
POT drink
LOG reason
PHOR carry
LOCO place
SCHIZO divide
THEO god
EU good
FUS pour
AMOR love
SYM together
NYM name
IDEO idea
APO up/away
COSMO universe
META change/beyond
CURS run
FUNI cord
VECT carry
FULG shine/flash
DIGN worthy
FRACT break
GNO know
MISS send
CO together
LIQU flow
PROTO first
ANA up
AGON actor
SUR over
POS put
PRO forward
STA stand/stop
PHYS nature
HEDON pleasure
VALE farewell
SACRO flesh
MAGN great
PHAG eat
LECT gather
MORT death
NOM name
ACRO high
JECT throw
TRIB pay
ANTI against
SOMN sleep
NOMY law
CRYPT hidden
LUCT struggle
DIA across
INFRA beneath
CISE cut
LOGY science
GYN woman
SINE without
MIS hatred
TAUTO same
MIR wonder
MEL honey
XENO stranger
MORPH shape
PSYCH soul
ANN year
BIO life
AN not/without
EQUI equal
TRACT pull
HAGIO saint
BELL war
GRAPH write
PAR equal
FIC make
AB away
DIS away
TIG touching
PUNCT point
ALGIA pain
NOM name
ACRO high
JECT throw
TRIB pay
ANTI against
SOMN sleep
NOMY law
CRYPT hidden
LUCT struggle
DIA across
INFRA beneath
CISE cut
LOGY science
GYN woman
SINE without
MIS hatred
TAUTO same
MIR (wonder)
MEL (honey)
XENO (stranger)
MORPH (shape)
PSYCH (soul)
ANN (year)
BIO (life)
AN (not/without)
EQUI (equal)
TRACT (pull)
HAGIO (saint)
BELL (war)
GRAPH (write)
PAR (equal)
FIC (make)
AB (away)
DIS (away)
TIG (touching)
PUNCT (point)
ALGIA (pain)
THANATOS (death)
OPIA (sight)
VAC (empty)
IZE (make)
FUG (flee)
PUSILL (small)
NEPO (nephew)
STHEN (strength)
LESS (without)
SCEN (stage)
SPIR (breathe)
SYN (together)
MAN (hand)
VITA (life)
SUB (under)
INE (nature of)
BON (good)
CHRON (time)
FIL (thread)
POT (drink)
LOG (reason)
PHOR (carry)
LOCO (place)
PHOBIA (fear)
SCHIZO (divide)
THEO (god)
EU (good)
FUS (pour)
AMOR (love)
SYM (together)
NYM (name)
IDEO (idea)
APO (up or away)
COSMO (universe)
META (change or beyond)
CURS (run)
FUNI (cord)
VECT (carry)
FULG (shine or flash)
DIGN (worthy)
FRACT (break):
GNO (know)
MISS (send)
CO (together)
LIQU (flow)
PROTO (first)
ANA (up)
AGON (actor)
SUR (over)
POS (put)
PRO (forward)
STA (stand/stop)
PHYS (nature)
HEDON (pleasure)
VALE (farewell)
SACRO (flesh)
MAGN (great)
PHAG (eat)
LECT (gather)
MORT (death)
PLIC (fold)
CLIV (slope)
ECO (house)
FIRM (strong)
CARN (flesh)
VERT (turn)
ANTHO (flower)
META (beyond)
PLATY (flat)
PLEO (more)
SENS (feel)
IM (in/not)
OSS (bone)
SAP (taste/know)
MENT (mind)
TEN (hold)
NASC (born)
IDIO (peculiar)
NOD (knot)
DUR (hard)
Created by: numnum
Popular Languages sets




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