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Types of Maps

Basics to Human Geography Chapter 1 - Types of Maps

Equal Area Projection projection that keeps the size or area intact but distorts shape
Goodes-Homsoline Projection is an equal area map
Goodes-Homsoline Projection breaks up the globe into continents and seperates the oceans
Conformal Maps maps that distort the area but keep the shapes intact
Lambert Conic Projection is a conformal map
Lambert Conic Projection projection on which the distance between latitude lines increases the farther one moves away from the common line of latitude
Mercator Map map in which all the lines of latitude and longitude meet in right angles
Effect of Right Angles forces the top and bottom of the globe to stretch out, creating more distortion of the polar regions
Distortion of Mercator Map greatly exaggerates the landforms around the polar regions
Mercator Map is useful for determinig distance on the surface of the earth
Effect of Distortion on Poles Greenwich looks as though it is the size of Africa
Four Map Classes cylindrical,planar,conic,and oval
Cylindrical Map shows true direction but loses distance
Cylindrical Class Map mercator map
Planar Projection shows true direction and examines the earth from one point
Planar Projection any azimuthal map
Azimuthal Projection a map projection in which the plane is the most developable surface
Planar Projection polar projection
Polar Projection all points from the pole go either north from the south pole point or south from the north pole point
Conic Projection puts a cone over the Earth and tries to keep distance intact but loses directional analities
Oval Projection is a combination of the cylindrica; and conic projection
Oval Projection mollewide projection
Thematic Maps map that displays one or more variables
Thematic Maps are used to determine geographic properties
Flow-Line Maps determine movementsuch as migration
Flow-Line Maps thematic map
Choropleth Maps puts data into a spacial format and are useful for determining demographic data by assigning colors or patterns to areas
Demographic Data infant mortality rates
Choropleth Maps thematic map
Choropleth Maps chart and assign data by size
Choropleth Maps often shows population by size
Choropleth Maps shows countries with a latrger population appear larger on the map
Four Greatest Popultaions China, India, United States, Indonesia, Brazil
Dot Maps thematic map
Dot Maps uses points to show the precise locations of specific observations and occurrences
Dot Maps may show occurences like crimes, car accidents, or births
Proportional Symbol Maps thematic map
Proportional Symbol Maps map in which the size of a chosen symbol indicates the relative magnitude of some statistical value for a given geographic region
Isoline Map thematic map
Isoline Map a map with continuos lines joining points with the same value
Isoline a line that connects points of the same value
Other Thematic Maps area class maps, area symbol maps, digital images, and point symbol maps
Mental Map a map that the person beleives to exist
Mental Map proves uefull tools in communication
Cognitive Map an inmage of a portion of the Earth's surface that an individual creates in his or her mind
Fuller Projection a type of map projection that maintains the accurate size and shape of landmasses but completely rearanges direction
Fuller Projection the four cardinal directions have no meaning
Four Cardinal Directions north, south, east, and west
Map Projection a amathematical method that involves transferring the Earth's sphere onto a flat surface
Map Projection has distortion
Preference Map map that displays individual preferences for certain places
Reference Map mapthat shows reference information for a particular place
Reference Map is useful for finding landmarks and navigating
Robinson Projection projection that attempts to balance several possible projection errors
Robinson Projection does not completely maintain area shape, distance, or direction but minimizes erors in each
Topographic Map map that uses isolines to represent constant elevations
Created by: torresj
Popular AP Human Geography sets




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