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3802 #3

Medication Administration I, II, III

Name the four processes that influence effects of a drug - absorption - distribution - metabolism - excretion
the passage of a substance from administration site into the blood stream absorption
The most common medication errors resulting in client death is ______. wrong dose
most commonly PO drugs are absorbed by the GI tract to exert a _____ effect systemic
The bioavailability of PO drugs is decreased because after absorption, the drug is circulated to the ____ and metabolized before reaching circulation liver (first pass)
refers to the process by which a drug is transported by the blood to the site of action distribution
the rate of diffusion is influenced by the drug's protein-binding capacity, its _____, the amount of drug in the plasma solubility
refers to the enzymatic process by which a "free" drug is converted to an inactive and harmless form that can be excreted metabolism
The ____ are the most important route of excretion because they eliminate both the pure drug as well as metabolites of the parent drug kidneys
For pts on feeding tube, if possible administer medications through ____ a prepped side port
Tube feeding: Because some medications precipitate when mixed with formulas, the tube should be flushed pre and post medication administration with ___ to ___ mL warm water 20 to 30 mL
For pts on feeding tube, prep side port w/anitmicrobial swab & flush small-bore continuous feeding tube every ___ hours and before and after medication administration with a minimum of __ to __ mL warm tap water, using __ mL syringe to prevent tube clog 4 hrs 20 to 30mL 60 mL syringe
propellant-driven medication dose actuation
causing enslavement to some habit addiction
undesirable, usually unperdictable medication effect; may be immediate or take months to develop adverse reaction
an antigen-antibody reaction or hypersenstivity to a substance allergy
a shock state due to an antigen/antibody reaction to a foreign substance (eg medication) anaphylaxis
partial or complete loss of sensation with or without loss of consciousness as a result of injury, disease, or administration of a drug anesthesia
sterile, condition free from germs and infection aseptic
to remove by suction aspirate
metabolic conversion of a drug into inactive metabolites that are readily excreted from the body biotransformation
protective secretion produced by the outer ear canal cerumen
movement of blood in a circular coarse, exiting through the aorta and coming back into the heart via the vena cavae circulation
able to mix with another substance without destructive changes compatible
the presence of an excessive amount of blood or fluid in an organ or in a tissue congestion
to soil, stain, or pollute; to render impure contaminate
any circumstance indicating the inappropriateness of a form of treatment otherwise advisable contraindiction
the amount of medicine to be administered to a pt at one time dosage
any substance that when taken into the living organism may modify one or more of its functions drug
a subjective feeling of difficulty in breathing dyspnea
irregularly formed hemorrhagic area of the skin; bruise ecchymosis
common or general name for a drug as opposed to a brand name generic
slowly pouring or dropping a liquid into a cavity or onto a surface instillation
within the dermal layer of the skin; injection here used for testing allergies, immune responses intradermal
within a muscle; injected medication is rapidly absorbed due to rich vascular supply intramuscular
administration into a vein for immediate drug action intravenous
medication administration record MAR
a drug or remedy medicine
the biological process of changing a substance so that it is less active and can be excreted metabolism
a controlled substance that depresses the central nervous system, thus relieving pain and producing sedation narcotic
a device for breaking a drug into small particles to produce a mist or fog for inhalation nebulizer
topical route for administering eye medications ophthalmic
topical route for administering ear medication otic
absorption route for administering medications other than the GI tract requiring injection parenteral
a progressive, wavelike movement that occurs involuntarily in the intestines of the body peristalsis
predictable, unavoidable secondary effects produced by the medication at the usual dose (eg constipation, nausea, drowsiness side effect
third layer of skin which contains fat, with few blood and lymph vessels; route for injected medication. Results in slower absorption subcutaneous
pertinent to the whole body rather than one specific area systemic
having medicinal or healing properties therapeutic
state of normal tension (eg muscular) or normal osmolality (body fluid) tonicity
A verbal order must be signed by the physician within ___ 24 hrs
Three rules to follow when accepting a verbal order are ____ 1. repeat order 2. have prescriber spell out the name of teh medication and dosage 3. have another person listen to the order as well
If an anaphylactic reation occurs, administer epinephrine
What are the six drugs are considered JCAHO high alert drugs and require another nurse to double check the dosage 1. insulin 2. potassium chloride 3. morphine 4. hydromorphone HCl 5. heparin 6. warfarin sodium
In the event of a medication error, notify ___ immediately physician
check pts daily MAR with previous day's MAR every ___ hours fr each drug's dosage 24
Any new medications, discontinued medication, or altered dosage must be identified and verified with _____ physician's orders
Under "Right Medication" a nurse must know what five characteristics about the drug being given 1. action 2. dosage 3. method of adminstration 4. side effects 5. allergies the pts may have to drug
The medication label should be checked ___ times before administering, what are the times to check 3 - when retrieving from storage area - when preparing - when returning to storage area
Created by: Black88cat
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