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Medical Vocb

Criminal Law crimes committed against the state.
Civil Law wrongful acts that result in physical injury to a person.
Tort under civil law, a wrong committed by one person against another.
Prudent careful or cautious.
Malpractice failure of a professional person, such as a physician, to render proper services through ignorance or negligence or through criminal intent, especially when injury or loss follows.
Liable legally responsible.
Diagnosis the identification of a medical condition.
Informed Consent the legal condition in which a person agrees to terms , after he or she understands it all.
Resultant resulting in action.
Defamatory statement that causes injury to another's reputation.
Slander a spoken statement of false information about another person.
Libel written statement of false info about another person.
Assault the threat to bodily harm to another
Battery carrying out the threat of bodily harm to another.
Felony a serious crime offense that carries a penalty of imprisonment for more then one year and possibly the death sentence.
Harassment verbal or physical abuse of a person because of race of race, religion, age, gender, or disability.
Misrepresentation untruth or lie.
False Impisonment a civil tort in which a person is held or retained against their will.
Invasion of Privacy a civil tort that unlawfully makes public knowledge of any private or personal info without consent of wronged person.
Reportable Conditions situation that need to be reported such as abuse of a patient.
Negligence failure to perform in a reasonably prudent manner.
Reasonable Care legal obligation of health care workers. Giving care the way would in the same situation.
Sexual Harassment an "unwelcome advance, request for sexual favors and other verbal and physical contact
HIIPA Health Insurance Portability Act........ It regulates the sharing of personal info.
Bill of Rights adopted by the AMA... the basic rights of a patient when in a care facility.
Living Will An advanced Directive.... a will in which the signer request not to be kept alive by medical life support systems in the event of a terminal illness.
Durable Power of Attorney a type of advance medical directive in which legal documents provide the power of attorney to another person in the case of an incapacitating medical condition.
Scope of Practice a legal set of directives developed by a state board that governs practice for a health care professional.
Dignity the quality of value and worth.
Accountable responsible for your actions.
Informed Consent the legal condition in which a person degrees to terms, after he or she understands all the facts and implications of an action event.
Appropriate suitable, correct.
Ethics social values, conduct, description of what is right and wrong.
Codes of Ethics represents ideal behavior for a group of people.
Created by: nperez123
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