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NIC unit 1

RID Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
NAD National association of the Deaf
MCE Manually coded English
SEE Signed exact English
AVLIC Association of visual language interpreters of Canada
NIC National Interpreter Certification
CDI Certified Deaf Interpreter
CI Certificate of Interpreting
CT Certificate of Transliterating
OTC Oral Transliteration Certificate
SC:L Special Certification Legal
MCSC Masters Comprehensive Skills Certificate
CSC Comprehensive Skills Certificate
IC Interpreting Certificate
TC Total Communication
QA Quality Assurance
EIPA Educational Interpreter Performance Assessment
EdiTOR Educational Interpreters and Transliterators
DOE Departments of Education
LSQ Lalangue de signes Qubecoise
IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act
ASL American Sign Language
LRE Least Restrictive Environment
IEP Individual Education Plan
BEI Board for Evaluation Interpreters
ITP Interpreter Training Program
IEP Individualized Education Plan
SSS Sign Supported Speech
CASE Conceptually Accurate Signed English
CEU Continuing Education Unit
VRS Video Relay Service
TRS Telecommunication Relay Service
VRI Video Relay Interpreting
FCC Federal Communications commission
LTA Local Test Administratiors
NTID National Technical Institute of the Deaf
PSE Pidgeon Signed English
LOVE Linguistics Of Visual English
CPC Code of Proffessional Conduct
CODA Children of Deaf Adults
HVO High Visual Orientation
HLAA Hearing Loss Assocciation of America
DPN Deaf President Now
SSP Sighted Support Personnel
WASLI World Association of Sign Language Interpreter
WFD World Federation of the Deaf
SPP Standard Practice Papers
NMM Non Manual Markers
Morpheme The smallest meaningful unit in the grammar of a langauge
Phoneme The smallest unit in the sound system of a language
Bound Morpheme A grammatical unit that never occurs by itself, but is always attached to another morpheme
Morphology The study of patterns of word formation in a particular language, including inflection, derivation and composition
Semantics The meaning, or the interpretation of the meaning, of a word, sign, sentence, etc
Pragmatics The analysis of language in terms of the situational context within which utterances are made, including the knowledge and beliefs of the speaker and the relation between speaker and listener
Lexicon The total inventory of morphemes in a given language
Prosody The stress and intonation patterns of an utterance
Pronominalize To replace a noun or noun phrase with a prnoun
Discourse Communication of thoughts by words; talk; conversation longer than a sentence
Created by: mlcoatney1017
Popular Languages sets




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