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Early American Tests

Chapter 3: English Colonization

Mercantilism: They were looking to make more money
Land claims: Wanted to control more land/ stop Spain from growing in land claims
Dissenters/ lower- class citizens: They didn't want want jails to over crowd in England
Port for overseas navy: Wanted military presence that wasn't only in Europe
Religious freedom: People felt like they were being prosecuted for their religion in England
Land: They wanted to own land
Wealth: Wanted to find gold, and wanted to increase wealth
Participation in government: Wanted a say in government, unlike in Europe
Roanoke: John White was the leader, everyone disappeared, found the word "Croatian" in a tree
Jamestown: Lots of problems, people looked for gold instead of doing work, Joint stock company.
John Smith: Early Jamestown leader that implemented the "no work= no food" rule
John Rolfe: Begun to grow the cash crop(tobacco) in Jamestown, married Pocahontas
Slaves: First 20 African slaves arrived in Jamestown n 1619 on a Dutch ship.
Plymouth: One of the most successful colonies, probably most talked about colony.
What were the reasons why the Plymouth colony succeeded? (1-4) 1. Squanto helped Pilgrims learn to fish and plant crops. 2. They had a good crop harvest because of fertile soil. 3. Had a representative government with great political leaders 4. Had a peaceful relations with Wampanoag Indians
What were the reasons why the Plymouth colony succeeded?(5-7) 5. Women and children helped the colony survive at difficult times. 6. Spent time building shelter and learning to survive, instead of looking for gold. 7. Good location which provided the Pilgrims a fresh water source.
House of Burgesses: The first representative government (elected council) in Virginia.
Mayflower Compact: First plan of self government in the United States written because the Pilgrims landed far away from Virginia to be ruled by its government and wanted to prevent caos and make sure the country lasted a long time.
Town Colony: When adult males would gather to make community in a small town.
Charter: When a king or queen gives one or more persons permission to start a colony.
Headright system: Received 50 acres of free land when you paid your own way to America.
Joint- Stock Company: When a group of inventors put their money together to pay for a colony.
Indentured Servant: Working for someone for 4-7 years if you cannot pay your own voyage to America.
Quakers: Settled in Pennsylvania, against slavery, believed that all people were equal to God, non- violent.
Rodger Williams: Started the Rhode Islands colony, believed in religious and a separation of church and state
Harvard: First college in America
New England Colonies: Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, founded monthly for religious and political reasons.
Middle Colonies: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, breadbasket colonies.
Southern Colonies: Virginia, Maryland, North and South Carolina, Georgia, large plantations that grew cash crops such as tobacco and rice.
New England Colonies: My (Maryland) New (New Hamphsire) Red (Rhode Island) Car (Connecticut)
Middle Colonies: New (New York) Pencils (Pennsylvania) New (New Jersey) Day (Delaware)
Southern Colonies: Gary (Georgia) Made (Maryland) Nina (North Carolina) Very (Virginia) Silly (South Carolina)
Created by: jtica
Popular Histology sets




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