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behavior terms


Acting out behavior inappropriate behavior, more damaging and serious than others
Applied behavior analysis – ABA behavior scrutiny determines how-why child responds to certain events,situations, environment and allows for training component of rewards and reinforcemts to help learn target behavior
Alternative school ed unable to function in traditional public school bc uncontrolled behaviors
Antecedent stimulus used in behavior management and modification occurs before behavior and established reason for behavior
Behavior intervention strategies or actions used to extinguish, change, or redirect inappropriate behavior –3 types are positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, and aversive intervention.
Behavior rating scales eval tool lists specific observable behaviors to assess severity, frequency, and type of seem behaviors completed by staff, parents, or student
Consequences stimulus used to increase or decrease behavior
Contingency contract written agreement with student and teacher outlines expected performance and consequences or reinforcers used.
Discrete trial training strategy function/task broken down in steps and rewards right away trial by trial basis
Manifestation determination team review of relationship between student’s inappropriate behavior and disability, required under IDEIA when student violates code of conduct
Modeling imitation of desired behavior
Negative reinforcement used in behavior mod where student motivated to use desired behavior to avoid negative consequence
Preservation behavior continues repeatedly beyond typical endpoint and student unable to switch tasks
Positive reinforcement student motivated to use desired behavior to be rewarded
Response generalization application of learned behavior or skill to another setting
Target behavior behavior selected for intervention, most often to be extinguished or changed, although it may be positive it should be used in other school situations.
Created by: amjshock
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