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1. Sponges are sessile, but they have flagella. Give 2 functions of the flagella in sponges. · Sperm· Collar cells have flagella (take-in water)
What is the feeding of sponges called? · Filter-feeding
What is spongin? · Soft “sponge-like material made of a sulfur-protein”
What is a cnidocyte? What are nematocysts? How do they help the cnidarians survive? · Cell that produces nematocyst “stinging-cell”· nematocyst = “stinging-cell”· protection and capture food
6. Which phylum of invertebrates has a gastrovascular cavity? Where is it located? What is its job? · Cnidarian, in the center, digestion
7. Explain the nervous system of cnidarians. nerve net, NO brains
8. How are Portuguese Man-O-Wars different than other jellyfish’s body structure? · Man-O-War looks like a medusa jellyfish, however, they are a colony of polyps· Float on water, move by wind b/c of “sail”
What type of symmetry to cnidarians have (include both stages) radial (medusa and polyp)
What are archeocytes (amoebacytes)? Transfer food particles and make spicules
What type of symmetry do Platyhelminthes have? Bilateral
List the organ systems present in Planaria. · Digestive, excretory, nervous, reproductive
13. How do flatworms exchange gases Directly form the environment
Is cephalization present in flatworms? yes
What is a flame cell? What type of worm has them? What do they do? Flame Cells – connected to an excretory tubule; collects the excess water· Planaria (flatworm)
Explain how flatworms feed. Pharynx - a muscular tube that extends from themiddle of the planarian body; used to ingest food· Acoelomate- no true body cavity· Waste is released through pharynx
How is Schistomiasis transmitted? Contaminated Water
What is a proglottid? (hint: part of a tape worm) Stucture that contains both male and female sex organs
19. What is the function of a scolex in adult tapeworms? Attach itself to the intestinal wall of its host.
What type of body cavity does a Nematoda have? Pseudocoelomate
List parasites of Roundworms Loa loa, elephantiasis, Guinea worm
List several locations in the human body these parasites live. Eye, subcutaneous, muscle, intestinal wall, connective tissue,
How can people get infected with round worms? · Drinking contaminated water· Eating contaminated food· Insect bite
Who causes the disease elephantiasis Wuchereria bancrofti (Filial worm)
Function of mastax? Grind food
26. How are Rotifers similar to Flatworms? Flame cells and cephalization
What are setae? bristlelike structures on some annelids’ bodies
Annelids have what type of body structure? segmetation
What organ is the ‘stomach’ for an earthworm? What does it look like? Gizzard- muscular structure that grinds soil· Looks “bean” shaped
What is the function of nephridia, and hydrostatic skeletons and in annelids? skeleton-consisting of a fluidfilled cavity,coelom,surrounded by muscles The pressure of the fluid and action of the surrounding muscles are used to change anorganism's shape and produce movement, such as burrowing or swimming.
Explain the evidence to support cephalization in Annelids. Bilateral symmetry and cerebral ganglia
33. What is the function of the clitellum on an Earthworm? A noticeable swelling around the sex organs during reproduction
List examples of Mollusca Clams, snails, octopus, squid, mussels, slugs
What does a trochophore look like? What is it? Larval stage of most mollusca
36. Give the structure and function of the following parts of a mullosk’s body: mantle, foot. Radula,visceral mass, shell. · Mantle- thin layer of tissue that covers a mollusk’s body· Foot- spade-shaped burrowing structure· Textured tongue-like structure used for scraping moss and algae off surfaces· Visceral Mass- “houses” organs· Shell- rigid protective covering
What does a radula look like? What does it do? Textured tongue-like structure used for scraping food off surfaces
Do mollusks have a true coelom? What is it? yes, coelomate
How do gastropods prevent water loss? Mucus plug, retreating into shell
40. What is unique about nudibranchs? Is that an appropriate name? Shell-less mollusk, YES. “NUDE"
41. What are some examples of gastropods? Snail, conchs, nudibranchs, slugs
How do Bivalvia feed? filter feeders
What is the function of a chromatophore? Camouflage to avoid predation or to capture food
Where is the shell on a squid? internal
What is the job to the siphon in a mollusk? Tube-like structure through which water enters the mollusk’s body
Explain the body structure of centipedes. Include the # of segments, and the # of legs per segment 15-170 segments w/ 1 pair of legs attached to each segment
Describe thee appendages of arthropods? Include the part of the body they are attached to. Jointed extensions such as legs and antennae found in Arthropods· Connected to abdomen (body wall)
Be able to label the body parts of a grasshopper. Head, thorax, and abdomen
Why insect’s eyes are called compound eyes? What are they primarily used for? Eyes composed of many individual light detectors, each with its own lens; found in most arthropods.
What is the tough covering of the cephalothorax on a crayfish called? Where is thecephalothorax located on a crayfish? Tough covering is carapace which is located near the head
What type of arthropod (class) is a crayfish? crustacean
52. What is “molting”? Why do arthropods need to molt? Growth of an arthropod· Due to the fact that the exoskeleton is hard arthropod can not growth w/o shedding this covering
Know how grasshoppers breathe. Through tracheal tube
Who lays the eggs in an ant society? queen
What are book lungs? Paired sacs in the abdomen with many parallel folds that resemble the pages of a book.· The folds provide a larger surface area for gas exchange.· Found in chelicerates (spiders)
How is the body of insects divided? Paired jointed appendages
What is the difference between complete and incomplete metamorphosis? Insect passes through 4 distinct stages through the life cycle
Give and example of a chelicerate spider
How are Echinoderms like vertebrates? They contain an endoskeleton
Explain the skeleton of echinoderms. Have endoskeleton composed of calcium carbonate plates
Body parts of echinoderms usually occur in multiples of _____? 5
What part of an echinoderm acts like a suction cup? foot
What is a madreporite? What system is it part of? A sieve-like plate on the Aboral surface where water enters the water-vascular system.
How are open circulatory systems different than closed? · Open- pumps blood into cavities· Closed- bloods is pumped through vessels
What is the difference between: asymmetrical. Radially symmetrical and bilaterally symmetrical? · Radial – animals with many lines of symmetry· Bilaterally- animals with one line of symmetry forming 2 identical halves
Why don’t animal cells have cell walls? We do not produce glucose, which forms cellulose, which is part of cell wall
what does cephalization mean? · the concentration of sensory and brain structures in the anterior end· Having a “head”
In a protostome, what does the blastopore become? Becomes mouth
What is sessile? Non-motile· Spend entire adult life attached
What is meant by: dorsal, ventral, anterior and posterior? · Dorsal- top· Ventral- bottom· Anterior- head· Posterior- tail (end)
What percentage of animals has vertebral columns? 5%
What is a hermaphrodite? Animals with both male and female sex organs
What organ allows animals to breathe under water? gills
Fertilization that occurs outside the body is called _________? external fertilization
What is a blastopore? Inward folding of the blastula
Created by: adorethetor
Popular Biology sets




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