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Med Surg Reumth. A

Rheumathoid arthritis Chronic Systemic inflamatory Dz or immune complex disorder
Causes of Rheumathoid arthritis Combination of environmental/genetic factors
Rheumathoid arthritis leads to destruction of connective tissue/synoval membrane w/in the joints
Rheumathoid arthritis produces weakness and dislocation of the joint leading to permanent deformity
Pannus in Rheumathoid arthritis occurs at the junction of synovial tissue and articular cartilage, projecting into the joint cavity
Pannus complications Can lead to necrosis
Exacerbation of Rheumathoid arthritis Phycsical or emotional stress
Rheumathoid arthritis exacerbation risk factors exposure to infectious agents, fatigue and stress
Vasculitis Can cause malfunction and eventual failure of an organ or system
Assessment in Rheumathoid arthritis Inflammation, tenderness, stiffness of the joints
Pain in Rheumathoid arthritis Moderate to severe pain and AM stiffness lasting longer >30min
Clinical Manifestations of Rheumathoid arthritis Joint deformities, muscle atrophy, decreased ROM, spongy feeling in the joints
Rheumathoid arthritis symptoms Low grade temp, fatigue, weakness, anorexia, weight loss, anemia
Diagnostic tests for Rheumathoid arthritis Rthrocentesis,Sedimentation rate, rheumathoid factor, X ray, Synovial tissue biopsy
Sedimentation rate elevated in Rheumathoid arthritis
Rhemathoid factor Nonreactive 0-39 iu/mlweakly reactive40-79iu/mlreactive>80iu/ml
Pain tretment for Rheumathoid arthritis Salycilates, NSAIDs, Corticosteroids, Antineoplastic, Gold Salts
Salycilates-ASA. monitor for SE-tinnitus, GI upset, PTTAdmin with food, monitor for bleeding..
NSAIDS. Combine with ASA if pain/inflammation have not decrease in 6-12weeks.
NSAIDS. monitor for SE GI upset, CNS, skin rash, HPT, fluid retention, changes in renal function.
corticosteroids. During exacerbation
Antineoplastic In pt with life threatening RA
Gold Salts Along with ASA/NSAIDS to induce remission and decrease pain/inflamation
Physical Mobility in RA ROM exercise to mainatain joint motion/muscle strength, balance rest and activity
Exercise with RA Consisten, ONLY to the point of pain, avoid weigth bearing exercise on inflammed joints.
Reduce RA pain Apply heat/cold , parafin baths, massage as ordered
Fatigue in RA anemia-admin iron, folic acid, vitamin suplements, minitor for occult blood
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