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academic vocabulary

STAAR reading academic vocabulary

fiction not real
plot the actions or events in a story, book, movie, or play
climax the turning point of the story; the moment when the highest suspense reaches its peak
rising action a series of events that leads up to the climax of the story. This is where problems start to arise.
falling aciton a series of events that lead to the resolution of the conflict
resolution resolving the conflict
exposition it provides background, establishes setting, and introduces characters
theme the lesson or message in a story
characterization the characters physical traits, feelings, personality, actions and reasons for actions
summarization to make a summary
summary an account of the main ideas of a text
stanzas group of lines in poems
lines a poetry line in a stanza
line break line ends and continues on the next
meter the poem's pattern of sounds
rhyme is a poem in which some of the verses end with the same sound
biography a written account of another person's life
autobiography an account of a person's life written or otherwise recorded by that person
metaphor a figure of speech that compares two things by saying that one thing is something else; does not use like or as
simile a figure of speech that compares two things using the word "like" or "as"
onamateopia the use of words that sound like what they mean. Ex: POW, ZIP, CRACK
imagery a mental image
personification giving non-human objects human qualities. Ex: the sun smiled on the angry clouds
scene smaller sections within an act
act the main sections of a drama
characters persons, things or animals in a play
dialogue the conversation between characters in a drama
audience people watching the play
stage directions instructions on how the characters are to look, speak, and act
narrator tells the story
playwright a writer of plays
script the written play
informational text a text that provides facts and true details about a topic
glossary an alphabetical list of words and their meanings found at the end of a book
chart a graphic that organizes information in rows and columns
graphic a text feature that presents information visually
caption explains what a photograph or illustration is about
index tells what pages the reader can find certain topics
table of contents tells the names of chapters and what page the chapters can found
bold print shows what words are important or what words can be found in the glossary
italics shows that a word is important
photograph shows what something looks like (taken with a camera)
fact a statement that can be proven to be true
opinion a personal belief that cannot be proven true
cause the reason why something happens
effect what happens as a result of a cause
draw conclusions take information from the text and figuring out what will happen or charactersinferences wlldo
inferences clues in the story and things you already know, can tell you what may happen next
text evidence clues from the text that support inferences and conclusions made by the reader
main idea the most important idea about the topic
summarize to know how to find , organize and retell important facts or story elements from the text
supporting details facts and information that help support the main idea
free verse a form of poetry that has no set meter or rhyme
lyrical poetry a form of poetry that has rhyme and meter, and each stanza is usually the same number of lines
rhyme scheme the pattern of rhyming lines
rhythm the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a poem
rhyme words that end in the same sound
Created by: iolivares
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