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CardioPulmonary Physiology - Final - SPC
Question | Answer |
Larynx | Transitional. Control Speech, prevent Aspiration. |
Single Cartilages of Larynx | Epiglottis(Attaches to medial surf of Thyroid), Thyroid(ADAM's Apple) sits cephalad to cricoid and gives Larynx triangular shape. Cricoid is a complete ring and singlet shaped. |
Paired Cartilages of Larynx | ARYTENOIDS - vocal chords attache dto vocal process@base, CORNICULATES - posterior wall of larynx on top arytenoids, CUNEIFORMS - anterior and lateral to corniculates |
Conducting Airways UPPER | Nose, Mouth, Pharynx, Larynx |
Conducting Airways LOWER | Trachea 1, Mainstem 2, Lobar 5, Segmental 18/19, Subsegmental, bronchioles, Terminal bronchioles |
Conducting Airways GAS EXCHANGE | Resp. Bronchioles, Alveolar Ducts, Alveolar Sacs, Avleoli |
Airway Landmarks | Trachea from C5-T5, cricoid to carina, Carina 21-23cm from lips, 11-13 cm long with 15-20 C shaped carts, 1.5-2.5 wide |
A-C Membrane | Alveolar epithelium, Alveolar Basement Membrane, Interstitium, Cap Base Membrane, Cap ENDOTHELIUM |
Lobes and Segments RIGHT | UPPER 3 - apical, posterior, anterior MIDDLE 2- Lateral and medial and LOWER 5 - Superior, Med. Basal, ant basal, lat basal, post basal |
Lobes and Segments LEFT | UPPER 4 - apical-post, anterior, Superior Lingular, Inferior Lingular. LOWER 4 - Superior, ant. medial, Lat medial, post medial |
Passive Inspiration Muscles | Diaphragm via Phrenic Nerve, External Intercostals |
Accessory Muscles INSPIRATION | Scalenes, sternocleidomastoid, Pectoralis major, trapezius |
Accessory Muscles EXPIRATION | Rectus AB, Transverse AB, External Oblique, Internal Oblique, Internal Intercostals |
Normal Compliance Value | 0.2L/cmH2O |
Normal Specific Compliance Value | 0.080 |
Normal Elastance Value | 5 cmH2O/L. Low indicates disease as emphysema |
Low Compliance Diseases | PA, PE, Pulm Fib, Atelectasis |
P-V curve Horizontal | Horrible Compliance as in PA, PE, atelectasis, Pulm Fibrosis(Silicosis)...Little V for lots of P |
P-V curve Vertical | Compliance goes up like Emphysems...Lots of V for little P |
Normal Airway Resistance (Raw) Value | 1-2 cmH2O/L/S High values indicate disease like ASTHMA, CHRONIC BRONCHITIS |
Normal Conductance (Gaw) Value | 0.5-1.5 L/Sec/cmH2O LOW values indicate disease like ASTHMA, CHRONIC BRONCHITIS |
Airway Resistance Factors | Bronchospasm, Secretions, Mucosal Edema, Low Elastance, Artificial Airways |
Poiseuille's LAW - Laminar Flow | Pr to the 4th power P=pressure, r=radius...16 fold jump in P as r decreases 50%. Radius is biggest factors affecting FLOW |
Reynold's Number - Turbulence | 2rvd/n, r=radius, v=velocity, d=density, n=viscosity. >2000=turbulent flow. |
Normal Time Constant Value (Kt)time for lung to empty 65% Vt | .2 sec. Kt= compliance x Raw |
Long Time Constant | 2.0 = ASTHMA, CHRONIC BRONCHITIS or 4.0=EMPHYSEMA |
SHORT Time Constant | .1 = PA, IRDS, ARDS, Pulm Edema |
Normal STROKE Volume | 60-130 |
STROKE V | CO/HR, increase HR = decrease SV, increase SVR/PVR= decreased SV(BAD), Increase Ventrical Preload or Venous return = increase SV |
Coronary Circulation | Originates at AORTIC SINUS @ base of aorta, terminates at COONARY SINUS @ junction of SVC and R atrium |
RIGHT Coronary Circulation | Think RPM - RIGHT, POSTERIOR DESCENDING (serves R and L ventricles), and MARGINAL R atrium and ventricle |
LEFT Coronary Circulation | LEFT ANTERIOR DESCENDING (serves R and L Vetricles), CIRCUMFLEX ( L atrium and Vent) |
SVR calculation | [(MAP-CVP)/CO]x80 |
Normal SVR | 800-1500 dynesxsecxcm |
Factors to INCREASE SVR | Vasoconstrictors - Dopamine, Norepi, Epi |
Factors to DECREASE SVR | Vasodilators - Morphine, Nipride, Apresoline, Hyperstat |
PVR Calculation | [(Mean PAP- PCWP)/CO]x80 |
Normal PVR | 120-240 dynesxsec.xcm |
Blood Chem of increased PVR | ACIDIC, Hypercapnic, Hypoxemia, fix w/PEEP CPAP, all due to constriction |
Diseases assoc w increaed PVR | Pulm. Emboli, Emphysema, Interstitial Pulm fibrosis |
Drugs to decrease PVR | O2, Nitric Oxide, Aminophylline causes Alkalemia |
Capillary Fluid Balance | Hydrostatic Pressure (B/P) pushes out. Osmotic Pressure(electrolytes, Prteins, glucose, solutes) push in oin cell |
Capillary Balance factors in Pulm Edema | Increased Hydrostatic P(CHF), Decreased Osmotic P(Ca), Increased Cap Membrane Perm(ARDS) |
High V/Q diseases >.8 | Pulmonary Emboli and Circulatory Shock = Deadspace. Responsive Hypoxemia. ABG = ALK, O2 above 100 |
Low V/Q diseases <.8 | Atelectasis, PA, Pulmonary Edema = SHUNT/Refractory Hypoxemia ABG = ACID, O2 - under 100 |
Fick's Law | Diffusion over A-C Membrane, directly proportional to SA, Press Gradient, and Diffusion Coefficient...INDIRECTLY to THICKNESS |
OxyHb curve p50 | Normal 27 |
Decreased p50 LEFT | LEFT=LOAD O2 is Easy in Lung and harder to unload in tissues |
Increased p50 RIGHT | RIGHT=RELEASE O2 in tissues but loading in Lung id harder |
LEFT shift factors | LEFT-L-aLkalemia, decreased CO2, decreased 2,3,DPG, Hypothermia |
RIGHT shift factors | ACIDEMIA, increased CO2, Increased 2,3,DPG, HYPERTHERMIA/FEVER, since O2 is RELEASE in tissues, that's why Fever is hot to touch |
Total O2 delivery calculation | CO x (CaO2x10) Normal is 5 x (20x10)=1000ml...if given dl, multiply by 10 |
O2 Consumption | CO x [C(a-v)O2x10], normal = 250ml.min |
Increased O2 consumption...common sense | FEVER, Exercise, Seizures, Shivering all >250 |
Decreased O2 consumption | Peripheral shunting, bllod not reaching limbs, Cyanide poisoning-block mitochondria from processing O2, Hypothermia-MET rate goes down, ,250 |
Normal a-v gap | 20-15 = 5ml/min |
Factors increased a-v gap | Exercise, Shivering, Fever, DECREASED CO, tissues are asking for more |
Decreased a-v gap | Peripheral shunting, cyanide poisoning, hypothermia, INCREASED CO |
O2 Extraction Ratio | O2ER = (CaO2-CvO2)/CaO2 NORMAL is (20-15)/20= 25% |
Shunt Calc (QS=shunted bl, QT=total bl flow, CCO2=content O2 in Pulm. Cap . Bed) | QS/QT = (CCO2-CaO2)/(CCO2-CvO2) |
Severity of shunt | <10%=NORMAL, 10-20%=MILD, 20-30%=MODERATE, >30%= SEVERE |
Control Centers for Ventilation - Cerebral Cortex | Conscious Control like singing and speech |
Control Center Vent. - DRG, VRG | DRG maintain norm breathing, VRG when exercise |
Control Center Vent - Apneustic Center | GASP, boosts INP effort, located in caudal PONS |
Control Center Vent. - Pneumotaxic Center | PANTING, increase rate and decrease Vt, located in cePhaled PONS |
Peripheral Chemoreceptors | Located at Aortic Arch(VAGUS) and Carotid Sinus(glossopharyngeal), PaO2 <60 and LOW pH makes them go crazy |
LOWEST Minute Ventilation (Ve) | LOW CO2, HIGH PO2, HIGH pH |
HIGHEST Minute Ventilation (Ve) | HIGH CO2, LOW PO2, LOW pH |
Vagal Reflexes 3 | Pulmonary Stretch Receptors, Irritant, and "J" |
Pulmonary Stretch Receptors | in Smooth Muscle of Conducting Airway, respond to Increased Lung V, Decreased intrapleural P...Inhibit INSP, BROCHODILATE, INCREASED HR |
Irritant Receptors | Between epithelial cells of large conducting airway. Respond to smoke, dust, chlorine, ammonia or froeign bodies. COUGH, HYPERNEA, BRONCOCONSTRICTION, EXP GRUNT |
"J" Receptors | in Pulmonary interstitum, respond to interstital edema and pulmonary emboli. HYPONEA, TACHYPNEA, EXP GRUNT |
Fetal shunts 3 | Ductus Venosus, Foramen Ovale, Ductus Arteriosis |
Ductus Venosus | Umbilical chord with IVC |
Foramen Ovale | Fetal Atria ( R and L atrium) one way valve |
Ductus Arteriosis | Pulmonry Artery with Descending Aorta |
Effect of Exercise Pulmonary | Increases Ve, increases diffusion capacity x 3, increases alveolar Ventilation(up to 65% of Max breathing Cap) |
Effect of Exercise Cardio | Increased O2 consumption, Increase Extraction Ratio, Decreased SvO2, Increased a-v gap, |
Normal Work of Breathing | 0.5 joules/L |
Increased WOB | INC Raw, LOW Gaw, LOW Compliance, LOW elastance |
O2 cost | is the total O2 consumption of RESP muscles = less than 5%(12ml/min out of 250) |
O2 cost increases with | INC Raw, Decrease Gaw, Decrease Compliance, Decrease Elastance...Emphysema >120 ml/min |
Tubular Structures | Glomerulus, Bowman's Cap, Proximal Tubule, Loop of Henle, Distal Tubule, Collecting Duct |
Monitor Renal Function | Creatinine is best indicatorn 16mg/min |
ADH | secreted by POST Pituitary Gland, infuenced by Serum Osmolarity, increased Osmolarity triggers ADH= decreased urine ourput=Water Retention |
Plasma Cations | Na -140, K-5, Ca-5 |
Plasma Anions | Cl-105, HCO3-24 |
Aldosterone | Adrenal hormone, releases in response to Hyponatremia, HyperKalemia, Hypovolemia, Decreaed CO...increases Na reabsorbtion and K secretion |