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Module 18.0 Sensory

Sensory Perception Pearson

What is the name of cranial nerve I and it's function? Pg.1279 Name: Olfactory Function: Sense of smell
What is the name of cranial nerve II and it's function? Pg.1279 Name: Optic Function: Vision
What is the name of cranial nerve III and it's function? Pg.1279 Name: Oculomotor Function: Eyeball movement, moves eye medially, elevates/depresses eye or rolls superiorly/inferiorly, elevates eye & turns it laterally, Raising of upper lid, Constriction of pupil, Proprioception
What is the name of cranial nerve IV and it's function? Pg.1279 Name: Trochlear Function: Eyeball movement, depresses eye & turns laterally
What is the name of cranial nerve V and it's function? Pg.1279 Name: Trigeminal Function: Sensation of upper scalp, upper eyelid, nose, nasal cavity, cornea, & lacrimal gland, palate, upper teeth, cheek, top lip, lower eyelid, tongue, lower teeth, chin, & temporal scalp Chewing
What is the name of cranial nerve VI and it's function? Pg.1279 Name: Abducens Function: Moves eye laterally
What is the name of cranial nerve VII and it's function? Pg.1279 Name: Facial Function: Movement of facial muscles Secretions lacrimal, nasal, submandibular, sublingual glands Sensation of taste
What is the name of cranial nerve VIII and it's function? Pg.1279 Name: Acustic/ Vestibulocochlear Function: Sense of balance, Sense of hearing
What is the name of cranial nerve IX and it's function? Pg.1279 Name: Glossopharyngeal Function: Swallowing, Gag reflex, Secretions of parotid salivary gland, Sense of taste, Touch, pressure, & pain from pharynx & posterior tongue, pressure from carotid arteries, Receptors to regulate BP
What is the name of cranial nerve X and it's function? Pg.1279 Name: Vagus Function: Swallowing, Regulation of cardiac rate & respirations, digestion, Sensation from thoracic & abdominal organs, proprioception, Sense of taste
What is the name of cranial nerve XI and it's function? Pg.1279 Name: Accessory Function: Movement of head & neck, Proprioception
What is the name of cranial nerve XII and it's function? Pg.1279 Name: Hypoglossal Function: Movement of tongue
What are common causes of Vertigo? Pg.1279 Causes: strokes, brain tumor, head trauma, viruses, idiopathic (no identifiable cause)
What is the most common cause of Vertigo? Pg.1279 Common cause: vestibular neuritis 50% of cases report a prior cold before vestibular neuritis development
What is the most widely diagnosed Vertigo? Pg.1279 Common type of Vertigo: Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) caused by disruption of the orientation of ear otoliths 42% of vertigo are diagnosed with BPPV
What is the most common variant in colorblindness? Pg.1279 Most common variant: red & greens Less common: blue & yellow
How does colorblindness occur? Pg.1279 Occurs when 1 or more pigments missing within the cones of the retina
What is a rare form of color blindness where individual only sees shades of grey? Pg.1279 Achromatopsia
What is most commonly associated with impaired olfactory function? Pg.1279 respiratory illness (ex.common cold)
Decreased sense of smell and taste is a normal part of aging? T/F Pg.1279 True
What are some medications that can alter ones sense of smell? Pg.1279 cholesterol-lowering meds or antibiotics
What are some causes of decreased smell? Pg.1279 smoking, radiation treatment for head/neck cancers, brain tumors, Parkinson’s Disease, or Multiple sclerosis
What is the most overlooked abnormality? Pg.1279 a) Vertigo b) Taste disturbances c) Color blindness d) Impaired olfactory function b) Taste disturbances
Ear and Hearing assessment. How do you preform the Weber test? Pg.1292 Place vibrating tuning fork on the midline vertex of client's head. Ask client if sound is equal
Ear and Hearing assessment. How can you tell if a Weber test is normal? Pg.1292 Sound is normally heard equally in both ears
Ear and Hearing assessment. What are abnormal results in a Weber test? Pg.1292 1. Louder on impaired side with conductive hearing loss & Softer on impaired side with sensorineural hearing loss. 2. Conductive hearing loss causes: cerumen build-up, infection otitis media), perforation of eardrum
Ear and Hearing assessment. What are the life span considerations for Weber and Rinne test? Pg.1292 1. Will not be able to perform until school age due to the need for cooperation 2. Consider clapping or alt. noise maker & observe if child looks for source. In clients with autism sudden loud noises are perceived as painful & result in strong response
Ear and Hearing assessment. How do you preform the Rinnie test? Pg.1292 Place the base of the vibrating tuning fork on the clients mastoid bane. Ask client to indicate when sound is no longer heard. The move tuning fork close to ear canal. Ask client to indicate when sound is no longer heard. Repeat on opposite side.
Ear and Hearing assessment. How can you tell if a Rinnie test is normal? Pg.1292 The client with no conductive hearing loss will hear the sound twice as long by air conduction as by bone conduction. Normal pattern AC>BC (air conduction greater than bone conduction)
Ear and Hearing assessment.What are abnormal results in a Rinnie test? Pg.1292 Bone conductions is greater than air conduction in the ear with a conductive loss.
Ear and Hearing assessment. How do you preform the Whisper test? Pg.1292 Ask client to occlude one ear with finger, stand 1-2 feet away on the unoccluded side, softly whisper numbers & ask client to repeat. Repeat on opposite side. Note whether you have to raise voice or stand closer.
Ear and Hearing assessment. How can you tell if a Whisper test is normal? Pg.1292 The client should be able to repeat the numbers or words whispered by the nurse without difficulty.
Ear and Hearing assessment. What are abnormal results in a Whisper test? Pg.1292 This test provides a rough estimate of hearing loss
Ear and Hearing assessment. What are the life span considerations for Whisper and Tympanogram? Pg.1292 Maybe difficult to perform on young children, because it requires understanding of the words spoken and cooperation
Ear and Hearing assessment. How do you preform the Tympanogram test? Pg.1292 Tampanogram is used to measure the pressure in the middle ear & observe the tympanic membranes response to waves of pressure. Ask client not to speak, move, swallow or jump during test.
Ear and Hearing assessment.How can you tell if aTympanogram test is normal? Pg.1292 Normal pressure within the middle ear is 100daPa
Ear and Hearing assessment. What are abnormal results in a Tympanogram test? Pg.1292 Fluid in middle ear, perforated ear drum, impacted earwax, or a tumor of the middle ear
What are two common eye charts used to test for nearsightedness? Pg.1285 Snellen or E chart
What is a common vision chart test for farsightedness? Pg.1285 Rosenbaum chart
Created by: Studying_Nurse
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