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Cree Unit Five

kiskinohamâkosi VAI To Learn
nisitohta VTI To Understand NI
nehiyawe VAI To Speak Cree
itamahciho VAI To Feel (In Terms of Health)
mîyomahciho VAI To Feel Good/Fine
nestosi VAI To Be Tired
nohtekate VAI To Be Hungry
nohtekwasi VAI To Be Sleepy
nitohta VTI To Listen To (It) NI
wahwâ Express. Gee, Gosh, Golly
wâcistakâc Express. Gosh, Darn, Gee Whiz
mâmaskâc Express. It's a Miracle
tâpwe pikwâni Express. Very True Indeed
âyiman Express It is Hard, Difficult
wehcasin Express. Easy, Simple
ma Express. Listen
pitamâ Part. A While
âta Part. Although
ap'sis Part. A Little
mistahi Part. A Lot, Many, Ver Much
nohte- Pre Verb Part. Would, Like Want
nihtâ Pre Verb Part. Good At , Excel At
Pe- Pre Verb Part. Come and...
tân'si Conversation Hello, how are you?
namoya nân'taw Conversation I'm Fine
ekwa kîya. Conversation And you?
kinisistohten cî Conversation Do You Understand?
ehâ apsis ninisitohten Conversation Yes, I Understand a Little.
kinisistohten cî nehiyawewin Conversation Do You Understand Cree?
ehâ âta ninisitohten nehiyawewin maka namoya ninihtânehiyawân Conversation Yes, even though I understand Cree, I do not speak fluently.
kinihtânehiyawân cí Conversation Do you Speak Cree Fluently?
tân'te ekînehiyaw'kiskinohamâkosiyan Conversation Where did you learn Cree?
nîkinâhk ekîkiskinohamâkosiyân Conversation I was taught it at home.
tânsehtamahcihoyan Conversation How are you feeling?
nagoya, nimîyomahcihon Conversation I don't feel well.
enohtekwasiyan cî Conversation Are you sleepy.
ehâ enhotekwasiyân Conversation Yes, I am Sleepy.
enestosiyan cî Conversation Are you tired?
ehâ enestosiyân Conversation Yes, I am Tired.
kinohtekatân cî Conversation Are you Hungry?
tâpwe pikwâni Conversation Very True Indeed.
kinohtemîc'son cî Conversation Do you want to eat?
namoya, namoya ninohtemîc'son Conversation No, I don't want to eat.
awîna enohtewâpamat Conversation Who do you want to see?
Richard enohtewâpamak Conversation I want to see Richard.
kîkwây enitaweyihtaman Conversation What do you want? What would you like?
nimaskisina enitawwey'htamân Conversation I want my shoes.
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