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Respiratory System


Respiratory System Is comprised of structures that exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body.
Lungs Pair of organs that are located in the thorax that constitute the main organ of the respiratory system.
Bronchi Large air passages in the lung through which air is inhaled and exhaled.
Trachea Tube-shaped structure in the neck that extends from the larynx to the bronchi.
Larynx The voice organ that connects the pharynx with the trachea.
Vocal Cords Sound or speech is produced.
Pharynx Tubular structure that extends from the base of the skull to the esophagus.
Acute Pharyngitis Or what is commonly called a "sore throat".
Influenza A highly contagious respiratory disease that is caused by various viruses.
Pneumonia Is a condition in which liquid, known as "exudate" and pus infiltrate the lung and cause an inflammation.
Bronchitis An inflammation of the bronchus.
Acute Bronchitis Is a inflammation of the bronchus that lasts for a short period.
Chronic Bronchitis Is a prolonged inflammation of the bronchus, lasting for more than 3 months and occurring for 2 consecutive years.
Chronic Sinusitis Which is a prolonged inflammation of one or more of the sinus cavities.
Tonsils Protect the entrance to the respiratory system from invading organisms.
Emphysema A loss of lung function due to progressive decrease in the number of alveoli in the bronchus of the lung.
Aspiration Pneumonia Occurs when a solid or liquid is inhaled into the lung.
Drainage Procedures Are completed to remove a fluid from an area.
Intranasal Biopsy Which is a biopsy that is completed within the nasal cavity.
Nasal Polyps Are growths in the nasal cavity that are commonly associated with rhinitis.
Nasal Polyp Excision The polyp's shape allowed it to be removed easily because it's usually hanging from a stalk.
Extensive Nasal Polyp Excision The polyp's shape or thickness, or the number of polyps present, may not require more skill and effort for removal.
Rhinophyma Is a rosacea condition of the skin of the nose.
Rhinectomy Is the removal of the nose.
Rhinotomy Is a surgical procedure in which an incision is made along one side of the nose.
Rhinoplasty Surgical repair of the nose.
Septoplasty A septal repair.
Secondary Rhinoplasty Also known as revision rhinoplasty.
Nasal Vestibular Stenosis Which is the narrowing of the nasal vestibule.
Spreader Grafting or Lateral Nasal Wall Reconstruction An incision is made in the upper lateral cartilage of the nose and continued into the medial aspect of the nasal bones.
Choanal Atresia Occurs when there is an occlusion of the openings between the nasal cavity and the pharynx.
Synechia Is an adhesion.
Frontal Sinuses These are located within the frontal bone behind the eyebrows.
Ethmoid Sinuses These are located between the eyes.
Sphenoid Sinuses These are located directly behind the nose at the center of the skull.
Maxillary Sinuses These are located below the eye and lateral to the nasal cavity.
ARD Acute Respiratory Distress
ARF Acute Respiratory Failure
BAL Brochial Alveolar Lavage
COLD Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
CPAP Continuous Positive Airway Pressure
CXR Chest X-ray
DOE Dyspnea on Exertion
LLL Left Lower Lobe (of lung)
LUL Left Upper Lobe (of lung)
PFT Pulmonary Function Testing
RF Respiratory Failure
RLL Right Lower Lobe (of lung)
RUL Right Upper Lobe (of lung)
SOB Shortness of Breath
TLC Total Lung Capacity
V/Qscan Ventilation-perfusion scan.
Laryngectomy Surgical removal of the larynx.
Sinus Cavity that is located in the skull close to the paranasal area.
Ethmoidectomy Removal of the ethmoid sinus
Maxillectomy Removal of the maxillary sinus
Maxillary Sinusotomy An incision made into the maxillary sinus
Sphenoid Sinusotomy An incision made into the sphenoid sinus
Frontal Sinusotomy An incision made into the frontal sinuses
Diagnostic Nasal Endoscopy The inspection of the entire nasal cavity
Surgical Nasal Endoscopy When a nasal endoscope is used to complete a surgical procedure.
Partial laryngectomy (Hemilaryngectomy) Is the partial removal of the larynx
Pharyngolaryngectomy Surgical excision of the hypopharynx and larynx
Arytenoidectomy Surgical excision of the arytenoid cartilage
Epiglottidectomy Surgical excision of the epiglottis
Endotracheal Intubation Endotracheal tube is placed into the trachea to keep it open
Direct Laryngoscopy The direct viewing of the larynx and adjacent structures by use of a laryngoscope
Indirect Laryngoscopy The viewing of the larynx by use of two mirrors
Tracheostomy An incision made into the trachea
Bronchoscopy An examination of the bronchi using an endoscope
Rigid Bronchoscope (open-tube bronchoscope) Is inserted through the mouth
Flexible Bronchoscope Is inserted through the mouth or nose
Throracostomy An incision made into the chest wall
Thoracotomy A surgical opening into the thoracic cavity
Plurectomy The surgical removal of the pleura
Chemical Pleurodesis A chemical is placed into the pleural space to cause inflammation and thereby reduce the effusion of the area
Pneumothorax A accumulation of air or gas in the pleural cavity
Throracoscopy The examination of the pleura, lungs, and mediastinum
Backbench Work The physician prepares the donor organ prior to transplantation
Extraperiosteal Pneumonolysis Which is the separation of the surface of the lung from the inside surface of the chest cavity
Created by: Diasia Ryals
Popular Respiratory Therapy sets




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