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Therapeutic procedures during labor and birth

What is amnioinfusion? NS or LR solution into the amniotic cavity?
What are indications for amnioinfusion? Oligohydramnios, fetal cord compression (secondary to macrosomia), and meconium-stained amniotic fluid.
What is amniotomy? AROM
What is external cephalic version (ECV)? Attempt to put a malpositioned fetus into normal vertex cephalic presentation.
What are contraindications for ECV? previous c-section, cephalopelvic disproportion, oligohydramnios, placenta previa
What diagnostic procedure is done before ECV? ultrasound scanning
What is Bishop score? determine maternal readiness for labor by rating: cervical dilation, effacement, consistency, position; and station of presenting part
What Bishop score indicates labor readiness? - 9 or more for nullipara - 5 or more for multipara
What is cervical ripening? chemical or mechanical methods to promote cervical readiness for labor.
What are chemical agents applied to cervix for ripening? Prostaglandin gel: Cytotec, Cervidil, Prepidil
What are mechanical methods for cervical ripening? Insertion of balloon catheters, dilators, and sponges
What is induction of labor? deliberate initiation of contractions to stimulate labor.
What are indications for labor induction? postterm pregnancy, dystocia, Prolonged ROM, maternal complications, fetal demise, chorioamnionitis
What is augmentation of labor? stimulation of hypotonic contractions once labor has spontaneously begun.
What is episiotomy? incision made into perineum to enlarge vaginal opening.
What are risk factors associated with vacuum-assisted births? cephalohematoma,subdural hematoma, scalp lacerations, maternal lacerations.
What are risk factors associated with forceps-assisted birth? maternal laceration, bladder injury, baby facial bruising and nerve palsy.
What is cesarean birth? birth through abdominal and uterine incision.
What is VBAC? Patient who delivers vaginally after having previous c-section.
Created by: odbal24
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