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History Midterm Exam

hope I don't fail

embargo government ban or restriction on trade
impressment policy of seizing people or property for military or public service happened during war
clan groups or families related through a common ancestor
middle passage the forced transport of enslaved persons from Africa to American from the 1500s to the 1800s
conquistador Spanish soldiers
house of burgesses representative assembly of colonial Virginia formed in 1619 first form of government in the colonies
enlightenment 18th century intellectual movement where European philosophers came to believe that all problems could be solved by reason and science
great awakening religious movement in the colonies during the 1730s and 40s, heavily inspired by evangelical preachers
federalism political system where power is shared between the national and state government
separation of powers powers of the government are divided between the executive, legislative and judicial branches
check & balances system in which each branch of the government has the power to monitor and limit the actions of the other branches
monroe doctrine declaration by President Monroe in 1823 that the US would oppose effort by outside powers to control a nation in the WH
sedition act 1798 law that allowed the prosecution of critics of the government, ppl were not allowed to criticize the government
compromise of 1850 agreement that tried to ease the tension over California becoming a free state, allowing other territories to decide on the issue of slavery
freedmen's bureau federal agency designed to aid to aid freed slaves and poor white farmers and relieve the south's immediate needs after the Civil War
gettysburg address speech by Lincoln where he dedicated a nation cemetery at Gettysburg and reaffirmed the ideas for which the Union was fighting for
total war war where a nation uses all of it's resources to destroy enemy troops and their resources
sharecroppers a farmer who farms someone else's land
second great awakening religious movement in the first half of the 1800s
tariff tax on imported goods
monopoly complete control over an industry by one person or company
sharecropping system where a farmer farms a portion of a planter's land and receives a share of the crop as a payment
trust a combination of corporations or firms bound by a legal agreement, used to reduce competition
tenement building divided into apartments to house several families, unsanitary conditions
settlement house community center organized to provide social services to the urban poor
muckrakers writer who uncovers and exposes conditions in factories
gospel of wealth Carnegie's doctrine calling for the wealthy to share their riches for the good of society
angel island island in San Francisco Bay that was an immigrant station for people from Asia
ellis island island in New York Harbor an immigrant station for many people, mainly Europeans
political machines a political organization where a boss or group commands the support a corps of supporters and businesses ?
platt amendment restricted rights of newly independent Cubans and brought the island into the US sphere
foraker act established a civil government in Puerto Rico
selective service act act that authorized a military draft for young men
espionage act act that allowed severe penalties to anyone in disloyal or treasonable activities banned certain paper materials
insurrection to rebel against US rule
imperialism policy where strong nations extend political, military, and economic control over weaker nations
moral diplomacy Woodrow Wilson statement that said the US would not force influence in the world but would instead work to promote human rights
big stick diplomacy depended on a strong military in order to get countries to do something
social darwinism statement that said life consists of competitive struggles and only the fittest survive
jingoism agressive nationalism
causalities soldiers killed, wounded, or missing during war
influenza a flu virus
creditor nation country which is owed more money by other countries that it owes other countries
sphere's of influence region dominated by an outside power
western front battlefront between the Allies and Central Powers during WWI
mass production rapid manufacture of large numbers of identical products
bull market period of rising stock market
ku klux klan organization that promotes hatred and discrimination against specific ethnic and religious groups
the jazz singer first movie with sound synchronized to action
scopes trail 1925 trail of a Tennessee school teacher for teaching Darwin's theory of evolution
a farewell to arms novel by Ernest Hemingway
prohibition forbidding by law of the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcohol
harlem renaissance period during the 1920s where AA novelists, poets and artists celebrated their culture
dawes plan agreement where the US loaned money to Germany letting them pay France and Britian
okies term used to describe Dust Bowl refugees during the Great Depression
speculation practice of making high risk investments investments in hopes of obtaining large profits
bonus army WWI veterans marched in Washington DC in 1932 demanding early payment of a bonus promised to them by Congress
federal art project division of the works progress administration, hired unemployed artists to create artworks, it sponsored art education programs
sit-down strike labor protests where workers stop working and occupy the workplace until demands are met
court packing scheme FDRs plan to add up to 6 new Supreme Court members after court had ruled some New Deal legislation unconstitutional
pump priming economic theory that favored public work projects b/c the they put money into the hands of consumers, stimulating the economy
welfare state government assures responsibility for providing for the welfare of the poor, elderly, sick and unemployed
works progress administration (WPA) key ND program that provided work relief through various public works
fireside chats informational radio broadcasts were FDR explained issues and ND programs
collective bargaining allowed employees to negotiate wages and condition with employers
social security 1935 law that set up a pension system for retirees, established unemployment insurance, and insurance for victims of work related activities
business cycle periodic growth and contraction of the economy
tenant farmers one who works land owned by another and pays rent in cash or in shares of produce
trickle-down economics theory that says that money lent to banks will trickle down to consumers
black tuesday October 29, 1929 stock prices fell sharply in the Great Cash
James Madison Designed the Virginia Plan.
Christopher Columbus Wanted to sail west to Asia, but ran into America instead
Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence
George Washington general during the American Revolution, first president
Andrew Johnston Lincoln's VP who fought with congress and was almost impeached
Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote the anti-slavery novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
Robert E. Lee Confederacy general in civil war
John Brown white abolitionist who led a slave revolt and was later execution
Vasco da Gama portuguese explorer and the first European to reach India by sea.
Andrew Jackson common man president, sent NA's on trail of tears
John D. Rockefeller head of the oil monopoly
Andrew Carnegie head of the steel monopoly
Ida B. Wells AA journalist, newspaper editor, suffragist, sociologist, feminist, helped civil rights movement.
Woodrow Wilson 28th president supported moral diplomacy president during the war of 1812 got rid of the "triple wall of privilege"
Margaret Sanger opened first birth control clinic
W. E. B. Du Bois civil rights activist who wanted AAs to have equal rights immediately
Gifford Pinchot led the Division of Forestry in the US Department of Agriculture, recommended that land set aside be protected
Booker T. Washington civil rights activist who wanted AAs to have equal right eventually
Henry Grady call the south the "New South" after civil war and said the economy would be mixed
Susan B. Anthony women's rights activist
Walter Rauschenbusch reformer thought that Christianity should be the basis of social reform
William Randolph Hearst newspaper publisher that made public dislike the spanish government
José Martí cuban patriot launched the war for independence from spain
William Howard Taft governor of Philippines president liked dollar diplomacy
Emilio Aguinaldo defeated the Spanish army to gain independence for the Philippines
John J. Pershing sent to capture Pancho Villa, and a war general in WWI
George Creel director of Committee on Public Information
Vladimir Lenin Led the Russian Revolt
Bernard Baruch Wall street investment broker that headed the Council of National Defence
Andrew Mellon wealthy banker, the secretary of treasury
Sigmund Freud austrian psychologist who stressed the importance of the unconscious mind
Langston Hughes AA author who wrote about the pain and pride of being AA
Herbert Hoover president who believed that the government shouldn't be involved with the economy
Mary McCloud Bethune black cabinet member who worked to improve educational opportunities for AAs
John Steinbeck author who wrote The Grapes of Wrath
Huey Long senator from LA who opposed the ND and wanted a share of wealth response to the ND
Douglas MacArthur general sent by President Hoover to disperse the Bonus Army, he used tear gas and bayonets, and burnt the camps
league of nations world organization established after WWI to promote peaceful cooperation between countries
red scare fear that communists were working to destroy the American way of life
Created by: opal.eddy
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