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Normal changes, nutrition, cultural issues, childbirth education

What is recommended weight gain during pregnancy? usually 25-35 lb
How much increase in daily calorie is recommended for pregnancy? 300 caloric increase (during pregnancy postpartum: 200-500 caloric increase)
What foods are high in folic acid? leafy veggies, dried peas and beans, seeds, and orange juice
What increases iron absorption? Vit C (milk and caffeine interfere with iron absorption)
Caffeine intake should be limited to how much? 300g daily
Large amount of caffeine increases the risk for what? risk for spontaneous abortion or IUGR
What are H/H range for pregnant women? Hgb: 10.5-16 g/dL Hct: 32 to 47%
What is hyperemesis gravidarum? persistent n/v during early pregnancy resulting in dehydration, wt loss, electrolyte imbalances
What is pregnancy anemia? Hgb <10.5 Hct <32%
What are common side effects of iron supplementation? constipation and darkened stools
What are folic acid supplements recommended for pregnancy? to prevent neural tube defects in fetus
What is Naegele's rule? to estimate date of delivery = Last menstrual period - 3 mo. + 7 days
Around what wk is fundus at level of umbilicus? 20 wk
What are changes in reproductive system during pregnancy? increase cervical mucous plug, larger bluish vagina with more acidic pH, ovulation ceases
What are changes in breasts during pregnancy? increase in size and vascularity, darker areola, more erect nipple, colostrum
What are changes in CV system during pregnancy? RBc increase 20%, Fe supplementation needed, WBC 2x and during labor from exertion, increase plasma fibrinogen
What are changes in respiratory system during pregnancy? increase 15-20% O2 consumption, RR deeper, renal excretion of HCO3 to compensate for resp alkalosis
What are effects of progesterone on body systems? decrease airway resistance, decrease gastric motility, loosens joints, heartburn, N/V,
What are effects of estrogen on body systems? increase vascularity of mucous membranes in upper resp tract, edema in nose, fullness in ears and earaches, bleeding gums
What is true? Breathing becomes thoracic rather than abdominal during pregnancy.
What are changes in GI system during pregnancy? gingivitis, bleeding gums, excess salivation, heartburn, N/V, increase gastric emptying time,
What are changes in urinary system during pregnancy? increase frequency and urgency, increase UTI, decrease creatinine and urea
What are changes in integumentry system during pregnancy? increase circulation, hyper-pigmentation, linea negra, striae gravidarum, hair grows more rapidly
What are changes in mucsculoskeletal system during pregnancy? wide stance, waddling gait, abd rectus, leaning backward to maintain balance, muscles stretch
What are changes in endocrine system during pregnancy? prolactin produces milk, progesterone inhibits contraction, increase thyroid & parathyroid hormones, increase BG, increase cortisol and aldosterone
What are presumptive indications of pregnancy? amenorrhea, N/V, urinary frequency, breast and skin changes, excessive salivation
What are probable indications of pregnancy? abd enlargement, positive pregnancy test, cervical changes, changes in uterus
What are cervical changes during pregnancy? - Chadwick's sign: blue cervix, vulva - Hegar's sign: softening of cervix - Goodwell's sign: softening of cervix at 6-8 wk
What are positive indications of pregnancy? FHT ascultation, fetal movement by examiner, fetal visible on ultrasound or x-ray
What does GPTPAL stand for? G: pregnancy, P: birth T: term, P: preterm, A: abortion, L: live births
What are common discomforts of pregnancy? N/V, heartburn, backache, urinary frequency, variscosities, hemorrhoids, constipation, leg cramps
What is drug category pregnancy A? well-controlled studies have failed to show a risk in fetus.
What is drug category pregnancy D? Evidence of fetal risk, but benefits may warrant drug use in pregnant women.
What are some danger signs during pregnancy? swelling of fingers, continuous HA, visual disturbances, epigastric pain, painful urination, persistent vomiting, change in strength of fetal movement
What are maternal psychological responses during first trimester? uncertainty, ambivalence, self as primary focus
How often should mother count fetal movement? recommended to count fetal activity 2-3 times /day for 60 min each time
What should pt do for N/V? eat crackers or dry toast 1 hr b/4 rising in AM; avoid an empty stomach,spicy greasy or gas-forming food; drink fluids b/2 meals
What should pt do for breast tenderness? wear a bra that gives adequate support
What should pt do for urinary frequency? empty bladder frequently, limit fluid before bedtime, wear pads, perform Kegel exercises
What should pt do for UTI? wear cotton underpants, drink plenty of fluid, yogurt and cranberry juice intake, wipe from front to back, urinate b/4 and after sex, urinate as soon as urge occurs, report malodorous blood or pus containing urine
What should pt do for heartburn? eat small frequent meals, sit up 30 min after meals, check with MD before using any OTC meds
What should pt do for hemorrhoids? warm sitz bath, witch hazel pads
What should pt do for backaches? exercise regularly, perform pelvic tilt exercises, good posture
What should pt do for SOB and dyspnea? maintain good posture, sleep with extra pillows, avoid overloading stomach, contact MD if worsen
What should pt do for leg cramps? if negative Homan's sign, extend legs and dorsiflexing feet, massage and apply heat over affected muscle, notify MD if frequent cramping occurs
What should pt do for varicose veins and lower extremity edema? rest with legs elevated, avoid constricting clothes, avoid sitting or standing in one position for a long time, do not cross legs, frequent walking to stimulate venous return, drink fluid for natural diuretic effect
What should pt do for gingivitis, nasal stuffiness, and epistaxis? gently brush teeth, observe good dental hygiene, use humidifier, normal saline nose drops/spray
What should pt do for Braxton-Hicks contractions? change position or walking should subside contractions
What should pt do for supine hypotension? lie in a side-lying or semi-sitting position with knees slightly flexed
Created by: odbal24
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