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Name the accessory organs of the digestive system
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What are the borders of the abdominal cavity?
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abd comp qs 1

abdomen comp questions 1

Name the accessory organs of the digestive system teeth, salivary glands, liver, pancreas
What are the borders of the abdominal cavity? diaphragm and superior bony pelvis
What structures are found in the abdominal cavity? stomach, sm. intestine, lg. intestine, liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas and kidneys.
Where does the pelvic cavity lie? within the borders of the bony pelvis
What structures are found in the pelvic cavity? rectum and sigmoid of the large intestine, urinary bladder and reproductive organs
What is the retroperitoneum? the cavity behind the peritoneum
What structures are found in the retroperitoneum? kidneys and pancreas
Where does the liver lie? on the right extending inferiorly to L4
Which lobe of the liver is larger? the right
Name the lobes of the liver right, left, quadrate, caudate
What is the other name for the hilum of the liver? porta hepatis
Function of the liver? formation of bile, filtration
Function of the gallbladder? concentrate, store and evacuate bile
Function of the pancreas sugar metabolism
Where might the gallbladder be found in a hypersthenic patient? more superior and away from the midline
Where might the gallbladder be found in an asthenic patient? more inferior and toward the midline
What type of gland is the pancreas? endocrine and exocrine
What is the functional unit of the pancreas? islet cells or islets of langerhans
What do the islet cells of the pancreas do? produce insulin and glucagon
What is the function of the spleen? produce lymphocytes, store and remove dead or dying RBCs
which layer of the peritoneum lines the walls of the abdominal cavity? parietal
which layer of the peritoneum creates the mesentery and omenta? visceral
what is the space between the parietal and visceral peritoneum called? peritoneal cavity
what scale of contrast is desired on an abdominal radiograph? low contrast/long scale
Created by: annaluz87
Popular Radiology sets




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