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abd comp qs 3
abdomen comp questions 3
Question | Answer |
What is the order of blood supply to the kidney? | abdomen aorta, renal artery, segmental arteries, lobar arteries, afferent arteriole, efferent arteriole, peritubular capillaries |
What is the path of bile drainage? | R and L hepatic ducts into common hepatic duct. Common hepatic and cystic duct into common bile duct, joins with pancreatic duct through ampulla of vater and sphincter of oddi. |
What is the ligament of treitez? | a suspensory ligament attaching at the duodenojejunal junction |
Describe blood supply to the liver | abdominal aorta to celiac trunk to common hepatic artery |
How is the liver drained? | via the hepatic portal vein to the IVC. |
Approximately how long is the small intestine? | 22 feet |
Approximately how long is the duodenum? | 8-10 inches |
What are the parts of the duodenum? First/superior/duodenal bulb, descending, horizontal, ascending. | |
How much of the small intestine is the jejunum? | upper 2/5 |
How much of the small intestine is the ileum? | lower 3/5 |
Approximately how long is the large intestine? | 5 feet |