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GI,GU, and Multisyst

PCU training

Hormones that affect gastric enzymes to stimulate and inhibit gastric motility in small intestine *motilin, secretin, and cholecystokinin
Digestive enzymes of small intestine *amylase, trypsin, lipase
peritoneum the serouse membrane lining abdominal cavity and covering most of the intraabdominal organs*composed of layer of mesothelium supported by thin layer of connective tissue*serves as channel for blood vessels, lymph vessels, and nerves of abdominal organ
Peritoneum two functions *supports abdominal organs*surface area 1.7m
semipermeable membrane (peritoneum) *passive membrane *fluids solutes permitted;bacteria restricted to certain areas *clearing of bacterial from peritoneal cavity *fluid shifts caused by peritonitis and ileus
liver largest organ in the body*located in RUA*blood supply through hepatic artery or portal vein*bacteria and other foreign substances filtered out of blood thru kupffer cells*glisson capsule:connective tissue capsule covering the liver
Liver function *metabolize and store nutrients*synthesize clotting factors and breakdown of RBC's*detoxify bld *produce bile
Gallbladder* *movement of bile *blood supply through hepatic and cystic arteries *venous drainage thru cystic vein
Function of gall bladder *concentrate and store the bile being constantly produced by the liver*flow of bile important for keeping bilirubin concentration in plasma form becoming elevated
ct scan *shows slices of patient *good for detecting lesions/tumors >2cm
MRI *more detailed than CT shows lesions/tumors <2cm
Nuclear medicine scan *useful for detecting source of bleeding in GI tract especially when rate of bld slow.
angiography *used for evaluating bleeding in the lower GI*close monitoring after procedure required
Serum albumin *key transport mechanism for meds, horomones, and enzymes
serum proteins *levels in presence of injury,disease,autoimmune disease*maintains osmotic pressure within vascular bed
Clotting factors primarily produced by the liver INR, PT, PTT
lactate levels *high levels indicate liver not functioning well and/or pt is septic
Elevated serum amylase and lipase *if pancrease inflammedSerum amylase: pancreatitis indicated if elevated at least 5-10 times norm*lipase:indocator of pancreatitis but less exact
liver biopsy patient considerations *NPO 6 hrs before procedure *Inform MD of any med that might affect coagulation ex. ibuprofen,aspirin,herbal supplements
postprocedure patient considerations of liver biopsy *observe for signs of bleeding and possible pneumothorax *pain leves
paracentesis *procedure that removes fluid from abdomen due to infection, inflammation,cirrhosis, or cancer
Angiodysplasia *stretched and fragile blood vessels*ex portal htn in cirrhosis increases pressure in collateral blood vessels surrounding rectum
Upper GI bleed symptoms *vomiting bright red or coffee ground bld, bloody stool when bleeding is rapid.
lower GI bleed symptoms Blood per stool.
Signs of bleeding *Tachycardia,Hypotension,Cold clammy skin,decreased urine output,hypoxia
Patient management during bleeding *Supplemental oxygen, NG tube,IV access,F/C
clinical presentation of liver failure *jaundice(from bilirubin)*confusion*palmar erythema*bruising*met acidosis*ascites*spider agiomata*asterixis=abnormal muscle tremor and jerks in hands,tongue and feet
hepatic encephalopathy alteration in mental status that develops as a direct result of hepatic failure. *caused by inability of the liver to process by products of nitrogen metabolism, primarily ammonia. *decreased albumin because can't produce*hypoglycemia (liver=glycogen)
Patient characterstics and monitoring in hepatic encephalopathy. *cerebral edema in 80% of acute hepatic fail. monitor ICP*Cardiac dysrythmias resulting from the cerebral edema,hypoxemia,lactic acidosis and electrolyte imbalance*atelectasis,PNA,Pulmon Edema b/c compromised respiratory status
pt characterstics and monitoring in hepatic encephalopathy *Acute respiratory failure and ARDS resulting from compromised respiratory status*Acute renal failure resulting form hypoperfusion, acute tubular necrosis*hepatorenal syndrome resulting from the altereed renal perfusion.
categories of liver damage *cholestatic:related to bile transport within liver*hepatocellular:resulting from liver cell damage/destruction *mixed:combination of cholestatic and hepatocellular injury
clinical presentation of hepatitis *flu-like symptoms*loss of appetite,nause,vomiting,abd pain, fever*jaundice*dark urine*joint pain
Acute pancreatitis *two types pancreatitis and necrotizing pancreatitis(more severe and has systemtic effect such as SIRS)*pts with acute pancreattitis do not develop organ dysfunction or complications with other organs. *acute pancreatitis usually self-limiting
Chronic pancreatitis causes:ETOH, blocked or narrow pancreatic duct, heredity, idiopathic
autodigestion (chronic pancreatitis) Activation of pancreatic enzymes b4 they flow out of the pancreas (hallmark of pancreatitis)
acute pancreatitis symptoms *fever c/o sudden onset of pain in epigastric area radiating to back.Presence of Cullen's (bleeding in flank) signs.
Cullens sign bruise-like area under umbilicus (ascitic blood)
pancreatitis and bowl infarcts or acute mesenteric ischemia *appears very late/advanced stages. *results from a reduction in either venous or arterial blood flow.
Mesenteric Arterial Emboli *Pain may be the only presenting symptom: sudden in onset,severe,poorly localized,periumbilical,n/v and frequent BM's.Out of proportion to physical findings*abdomen may be soft with only mile tenderness*BS absent*Abd distention
Neuro nutritional needs *Dysphagia and weakness of swallowing muscles common in those with neurologic disorders,creating and increased risk of aspiration. Brain injury, wound, and burn pts require a high-protein feeding. If needs not met increased secondary brain injury can be
Pancreas (endocrine system) consists of islets of langerhans: alpha cells (secrete glucagon) beta cells (secrete insulin) delta cells (secrete gastrin, somatostaing or both)
Insulin promotes *glucose uptake from bld into target cells of the liver,k adipose tissue, and skeletel muscle *glucose storage within cells as either glycogen (for short term) or triglycerides (longterm storage)*lipogenesis (buildup of lipids)and protein synthesis
Glucagon regulation *catabolic hormone secreted by alpha cells*mobilizes glucose,fatty acid, and amino acids from stores into the blood
Release/secretion of glucagon *triggered by:decreased level of blood glucose*amino acids*stimulation of sympathetic nervous system*ihibition triggered by fatty acids, somatostatin and insulin
Somostatin helps regulate islet hormone secretion*inhibits both glucagon and insulin secretion*stimulated by hyperglycemia, glucagon, and amino acids*plays a role in carb,protein,and fat metabolism
Pituitary function (two glands) Adenohypophysis(anterior lobe)Neurohypophysis (post lobe)*located on superior surface of the sphenoid bone
Pituitary hormones TSH,ACTH(adrenal cortex)FSH and LH, GH, Prolactin,Endorphins
Posterior Pituitary Gland *ADH and oxytocin-made in hypothalamus.stored in and secreted by the posterior pituitary*released when norepinephrine receptors in brain stem are stimulated
Thyroid gland Thyroid hormones regulated through negative feedback loop.*keeps constant concentration of free T3 and free T4 in bld strm.*when T3 and 4 levels too high, pituitary inhibits TSH production.*when T3 and 4 too low pituitary produces more TSH
Thyroid hormone function *stimulated metabolic activity and o2 consumption*produces heat or thermogenesis*stiumlates carbohydrate,fat,&protein metabolism*increases rate of glucose absorption
Thyroid hormone function required for normal respiratory response to hypoxia and hypercapnia respir drive*increases Erythropoiesis
T4 thyroxine *causes adrenergic receptors to be activated. then causing stronger/greater hrt contractions, hrt rate and cardiac output
parathyroid *produces parathyroid hormone. *the major regulator of calcium.*inhibited by increase in serum calcium and vit D metabolites and Increas/decrease in mg levels
Adrenal medulla (inner organ) Epinephrine and norepi release*triggered by flight/fight,trauma, surgery,hypoxia,hemorrhage,low bld sugar, fluid loss,hypotension, increased hrt rate and CO
Adrenal medulla (inner organ) causes? *vasoconstriction of arterioles and release of renin from kidneys.*dilates bronchial smooth muscle *increase of breakdown of glycogen in liver-causes glycogen release form pancreas.
Vit D necessary for absorption of calcium and phophorous from food in small intestine. *prolonged doses cause hypercalcemia with anorexia, nausea,vomiting, polyuria,polydipsia,weakness,pruritus, and altered renal function
pituitary assessment *question HA's,confusion,or behavioral changes,recent trauma,head injury
thyroid assessment *family hx*fatigued,nervous,weak,change in appetite,weight changes,heat or cold intolerance,changes in sweating, or palpitations,VS,LOC,exophthalmos,skin turgor and texture,deep tendon reflexes,tenderness,lumps in neck
parathyroid assessment *question if pt been depressed,nervous,anxious,muscle cramps,abdominal pain,fatigue,polyuria,polydipsia
adrenal gland assessment *tremors,orthostatic hypotension,temperature,pigment changes,fat deposits in neck or facial areas,note tachycardia,murmurs, or extra hrt sounds
Type 1 DM *failure of body to produce insulin-beta cells in islets of langherhans destroyed.puts body into catabolic state*not treated fast=DKA
Type 2 DM Failure of body to properly use insulin *pt complains of fatigue,visual changes, and recurrent infections
Symptoms of DM *polyuria,polydipsia,and polyphagia
Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Nonketotic Syndrome (HHNS) Creates some insulin but no ketone
DKA *commonly occurs in pts with type I *presenting factor in newly dx pt*insulin deficiency
Symptoms DKA *nausea,vomiting,"polys",HA,dehydration,blurred vision,Hypotension,tachycardia,kussmaul's respirations,pt confused,dry flushed skin,dry mucous membranes,poor skin turgor,"fruity breath"
DKA lab *serum glucose >350*hyperkalemia*hyponatremia*elevated BUN and CR*pH <7.30*bicarb <15
DKA management *insulin *IV saline to help dhd and hyponatremia*
Hyperglycemia HHNS *occurs in pts with Type 2 DM*Hyperosmolarity and osmotic diureses result causing severe dhd and hypovolemia.*occurs commonly in elderly, following acute illness.*onset slow and insidious
HHNS assessment "Polys"*weight loss*weakness *muscle cramping.
HHNS s&s *increased pulse and respiratory rate*hypotension*dry mucous membranes and poor skin turgor *fluid deficit 9-12Liters
HHNS Labs *bld glucose <600 *serum osmolality >350 *normal or decreased K+,Mg,Ca,Phophate*elevated BUN CR*normal bicarb and pH *elevated Hmg and Hct
Pituitary Gland Disorders *DI*SIADH
Diabetes Insipidus *occurs when there is an ADH deficiency or an inability of the body to respond appropriately to ADH Result in massive Urine Out,excessive thirst,hyperosmolality*hypernatremia
Labs for DI *urine specific gravity <1.005*eventually Na >145 *if DI suspect then vasopressin test to confirm
SIADH *ADH is produced from sites other than the post pit and result in an ADH excess *causes-malignancies,CNS injury or disease,stressors,alteration in adrenal or thyroid gland
SIADH patho *renal tubules inhibited from excreting H20 and H20 retention results inducing dilutional hyponatremia.*aldosterone suppressed and normal Na regulation interrupted *low UO
S&S SIADH *lethargy,nausea,vomiting,lack of appetite,LOC,confusion
Labs SIADH *Na <120 *serum osmolality <250
Hyperthyroid *Graves disease *if not treated then can be Thyrotoxic crisis or storm*more common in women
Thyrotoxic storm *triggered by increase physical or emotional stress*extreme irritability,HTN,rapid hrt rate,vomiting, high fever,delirium,coma,death
Thyrotoxic storm patho *sharp rise in metabolic rate*eventual hrt failure,pulmonary edema*met acidosis=severe dhd from diarrhea, nausea, vomiting
thyrotoxic storm labs *no specific lab test *confirmed only through medical hx and clinical presentation
Hypothyroidism causes *current/ongoing inflammaiton of thryoid gland*radiation
Myxedema coma *Acute hypothyroidism (from MI,systemic infection,respiratory failure)not adequate hormone replacement *most common in women.
Patho of myxedema coma *severely decreased metabolic rate*decreased erythropoiesis*decreased glomerular filtration rate*hypoventilation*insufficient throid hormone*acidosis*hypothermia*increased capillary permeability
Clinical pres Hypoparathyroid *halmark sign=tetany Positive trousseau's(bld pressure cuff and then carpal twitch) and Chvostek signs(tap nerve on cheek-facial twitch) *ca <7 *phosphorous >7
Primary adrenal insufficiency=Addison's crisis *Inadequate function and cortisol secretion*disease progression-low corticol levels,low aldosterone secretion, hyponatremia,hyperkalemia,hypotension
S&S addison's disease *anorexia,weakness,malaise,e's imbalance*hypotension,hyperkalemia,hypglycemia
Cushings syndrome *condition resulting in excess cortisol levels
cushing disease s&S *rounded face (moon facies) *insomnia *increased total body fat *easy bruising *hair thinning*muscle wasting/weakness *HTN Na and water retention
Created by: Natalyjm
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