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Car/Pul Unit 3

SPC Cardiopulmonary Physiology Unit 3 Exam 2

What is Oxygenation? O2 from the lungs to the systemic blood system, Blood caries the O2 and is moved by the heart, Cells utilize O2
What is Oxygen Transport? O2 is carried by hemoglobin and dissolved in plasma as a partial pressure. Process dependent on circulatory system i.e. Pulse Rate & Stroke Volume
What organ does C.O. represent? Heart
What organ does CaO2 represent? Lung
What is the anatomical location of the heart? 1. Apex located at the 5th intercostal space, between 5th & 6th ribs 2. Anterior & Inferior divisions of the mediastinum
What is the length of the heart in respect to the vertebrae? T5-T8
The apex of the heart is also the PMI which stands for what? Point of Maximal Intensity
Where is the origin of Coronary Circulation? At the Aortic Sinus at the base of the aorta
In coronary circulation posterior descending serves what? R & L Ventricles
In coronary circulation marginal branch serves what? R atrium & ventricle
In coronary circulation the right main line consists of what? 1. Posterior Descending 2. Marginal Branch
In coronary circulation the left main line consists of what? 1. Left Anterior Descending 2. Circumflex
Where is the terminate of Coronary Circulation? At the Coronary Sinus @ junction of SVC & R atrium.
What is depolarization? The loss of the negative charge with in the cell.
What is repolarization? The return of the negative charge with in a cell.
What is Heart Conduction? The SA node generates an impulse to regulate and stimulate the cardiac muscle
The P-Wave in a ECG is what? Arterial Depolarization
The QRS in a ECG is what? Ventricular Depolarization
The T-Wave in a ECG is what? Ventricular Repolarization
The QRS interval should not exceed what? 0.1 seconds
What is Ventricular Preload? The degree of myocardial stretch and is directly related to venous return
Increase VR =? Increase Stroke Volume
Decrease VR =? Decrease Stroke Volume
What is Ventricular Afterload? The resistance of force against which the ventricles must work to pump blood.
Increase in SVR/PVR will what? Decrease in Stroke Volume
Decrease in SVR/PVR will what? Increase in Stroke Volume
Increase in contractility is termed what? Positive Inotropism, this will increase Stroke Volume
Decrease in contractility is termed what? Negative Inotropism, this will decrease Stroke Volume
What are the 3 drugs that increase SVR? 1. Dopamine (Intropin) 2. Norepinephrine (Levophed) 3. Epinephrine (Adrenalin)
What are the 4 drugs that decrease SVR? 1. Nitroprusside (Nipride) 2. Morphine 3. Hydralazine (Apresoline) 4. Diazoxide (Hyperstat)
What are the 3 functions of Pulmonary Circulation? 1. Filtration of Venous Blood 2. Synthesis of Surfactant 3. Reservoir for L Ventricle
What are the 3 zones of perfusion at the lung with the pulmonary blood distribution? 1. Zone 1 @ Apex- Least Perfused 2. Zone 2 @ Mid Lung- Increasing Perfusion 3. Zone 3 @ Base- Gravity Dependent Area Best Perfused (GRAVITY RULES APPLIES)
What 3 "Blood Chemistry" factors increase PVR? 1. Acidemia (Low pH) 2. Hypercapnia (High PaCO2) 3. Hypoxemia
What "Mechanical Vent" factors increase PVR? PEEP/CPAP
What 3 "Disease/Disorder" factors increase PVR? 1. Pulmonary Emboli 2. Emphysema 3. Interstitial Pulmonary Fibrosis
What 3 drugs that decrease PVR? 1. Oxygen 2. Nitric Oxide 3. Aminophyline
What "Blood Chemistry" factor decrease PVR? Alkalemia (High pH)
Starlings Law "Fluid Out" Hydrostatic Pressure
Starlings Law "Fluid In" Osmotic Pressure & Capillary Membrane Permeability
Created by: Langhout1418
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