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Econ. U. I. Vocab
Words/concepts that class should know relating to economics and undoc immig
Question | Answer |
Citizen | Member of a nation |
Civics | Study of what it means to be a citizen |
Government | An authority that acts on the behalf of a group of people |
Quota | Limit on the number of immigrants who may enter a country |
Refugee | Person who flees persecution and is seeking safety |
Native Born | A citizen who was born in the U.S. |
Visa | A document that allows people from one country to enter another country |
Suburb | A residential community near a large city (neighborhood) |
Urban | A large city or town |
Rural | A region of farms or small towns |
Migration | The movement of people from region to region |
Sunbelt | U.S. region made of states in the South and West |
Alien | Person who lives in a nation but is not a citizen of that nation |
Deport | To force a person to leave a nation, usually returning to their nation of origin |
Naturalization | Legal process by which aliens become citizens |
Census | Official count of the number of people in a country |
Birthrate | Annual number of live births per 1,000 members of a population |
Deathrate | Annual number of deaths per 1,000 members of a population |
Angel Island | Los Angeles processing center for immigrants |
Traditional economy | Based on customs or beliefs, often involves bartering and survival based decisions |
Command Economy | Government controls all means of production |
Free Market Economy | Buyers and sellers make all decisions regarding market |
Mixed Economy | Limited government regulation with private business ownership the primary source of income |
Embargo | One country refusing to trade with another |
Blockade | Physically cutting off trade from one country to another |
Import | Bringing goods into a country |
Export | Shipping goods out of a country |
Diversity | Variety |
Specialization | One country producing more of a good than other countries (Banana Republic) |
Literacy Rate (LR) | Percentage of people who can read or write |
Standard of living | Measurement of a populations "well being", income, life expectancy, education, etc. |
Gross Domestic Product | Total amount of goods and services made in a country on a yearly basis (annually) |
Human Capital | People's skills and abilities |
Capital Goods | Items used to make a product |
Entrepreneur | Risk taker, decision maker, total liability |
Loan (credit loan) | Borrowing money to invest in economic decisions |
Opportunity Cost | What someone must give up to achieve a more desired goal |
Consumer | People who buy goods and services |
NAFTA | Agreement between the United States, Canada and Mexico |
European Union | Trade Alliance between European countries |
Tariff | Tax on imported goods and services |
Cargo | Goods carried on a ship, aircraft, or motor vehicle |
Moratorium | Temporary prohibition of an activity |
Executive Order | Mandate or law from the President of the United States |
Latin America | Mexico, Central America and South America |
Reasons for immigration | Political freedom and economic opportunity |
Anchor babies | Born to a non-citizen which has the constitutional birthright of citizenship |
Local governments are struggling to pay for the security of these borders, setting up civilian militias | Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and California |
Contributions of contemporary immigrants | Music, visual arts, literature, achievements in science and engineering |
Capitalism | System of economy based on competition and free markets |
Famine | Widespread scarcity of food, resulting in starvation and death |
Assimilation | "Blending" in to a new culture, learning the language and customs |
Steerage Class | Lower level of passenger ships where immigrants often traveled to America, historically |
Nativist | Person who wants to eliminate foreign influence |
Prejudice | Negative opinion that is not based on facts |
Melting pot | Theory of many cultures living together and blending into one |
Salad bowl | Theory of many cultures living together and retaining their own cultural identity |
Ellis Island | Processing center for immigrants on the East Coast |
Statue of Liberty | Gift from France, symbol of hope and freedom for arriving immigrants |
Chinese Exclusion Act | Law prohibiting this group for entering U.S. for 10 years |
Coyote | Someone who smuggles people across the U.S. border |
Subsidy | Money from government to help an industry or business, usually given to regulate prices |
Telecommuting | Work from home, using the internet |
Outsourcing | Obtain goods or service from a foreign supplier (GM did this with factory worker's jobs) |
Adam Smith | Scottish philosopher, father of economics |
Wealth of Nations | 1776, Inspired the Industrial Revolution |
Unemployment Insurance | Pays benefits to workers who have lost their jobs |
Progressive movement | Aim was to eliminate problems caused by Industrial Revolution, i.e., widespread corruption in government and labor |
Sanctuary City | Promise of local government officials not to release information for the purpose of deportation |
Economic Equity | Fairness as an economy distributes resources |
Economic System | Government's way of coordinating production |
Traditional Economy | Decisions are based on custom (think tribal, usually isolated) |
Bolchevik Revolution | 1917 Revolt Against Czar |
Kim Jong Un | Dictator of North Korea |
Russia, China and South Korea | Countries that are providing aid to North Korea |
Nationalism | Fierce loyalty and patriotism to a country |
Socialism | Needs are controlled by government; healthcare, education, energy and transportation |
Embargo | Cutting off trade |
Utopia | A perfect environment where all needs will be addressed |
Product Market | Goods and services sold by firm (business) |
Circular Flow Model | Model to show the transfer of goods and services |
Factor Payments | Funds paid to households |
Industrial Revolution | 1800s economic growth in the U.S. |
Household | Providing labor, often owning factors of production |
Incentives Matter Principle | No reason to productive or competitive |
Public Works | Highways, sewer system and dams for example |
Profit Motive | Money earned by a business after subtracting its costs |
Intellectual Property | Creations of the mind (i.e., a novel) |