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Chapt. 5 Key Terms

Surgery and the Integumentary System

acellular dermal replacement trunk, arms, legs; first 100 sq cm or less, or 1% of body area of infants and children.
adjacent tissue transfer involve the transfer or transplantation of healthy, flat sections of skin or other tissue adjacent to a wound, scar or other lesion
aspiration a hope or ambition of achieving something.
autogenous graft bone grafting involves utilizing bone obtained from the same individual receiving the graft.
benign lesion is non-cancerous whereas a malignant lesion is cancerous.
biopsy an examination of tissue removed from a living body to discover the presence, cause, or extent of a disease.
burn (of a person, the skin, or a part of the body) become red and painful through exposure to the sun.
class findings based from the CPT coding
clean-contaminated wound is, the risk of infection, and where the wound is located on the body
clean wound They show no signs of infection or inflammation. They often involve the eye, skin, or vascular system.
complex repair requires more than a layered closure, viz., scar revision, debridement, extensive undermining, or stents or retention sutures.
contaminated wound Other wet or dry dressings may also be used. Your healthcare provider may also drain the wound to clean out pus
debridement the removal of damaged tissue or foreign objects from a wound.
decubitus ulcer technical term for bedsore.
defect site is a type of point defect in a crystal. Crystals inherently possess imperfections, sometimes referred to as crystalline defects
dermal autograft any tissue or organ for implantation or transplantation
dermatome the lateral wall of each somite in a vertebrate embryo, giving rise to the connective tissue of the skin.
dermis the thick layer of living tissue below the epidermis that forms the true skin, containing blood capillaries, nerve endings, sweat glands, hair follicles, and other structures.
destruction the action or process of causing so much damage to something that it no longer exists or cannot be repaired.
diagnostic procedures an examination to identify an individual's specific areas of weakness and strength in order determine a condition, disease or illness.
dirty and infected wound which bacteria or other microorganisms have colonized, causing either a delay in wound healing or deterioration of the wound.
donor site a section of epidermis and dermis which has been completely separated from its blood supply in one part of the body
downcoding designate (a medical procedure or insurance claim) with a lower value.
epidermal autograft donor site is either sutured closed directly or covered by a split-thickness skin graft
epidermis the outer layer of cells covering an organism, in particular.
escharotomy a surgical procedure used to treat full-thickness (third-degree) circumferential burns.
excisional biopsy When an entire lump or suspicious area is removed
fine needle aspiration a procedure in which a thin needle is used to draw cells or fluid from a lump or mass under the skin.
first-degree burn affect only the outer layer of the skin. They cause pain, redness, and swelling
fragmenting break or cause to break into fragments.
free graft a graft transplanted without its nourishing blood supply; must undergo revascularization from the recipient bed.
full thickness graft technique in which sheets of skin containing both the epidermis and the dermis are used
global days a period of time starting with a surgical procedure and ending some period of time after the procedure
global package defines the surgical package as services provided by the physician for specific services that are.
graft a shoot or twig inserted into a slit on the trunk or stem of a living plant, from which it receives sap.
hematoma a solid swelling of clotted blood within the tissues.
heterodemic graft transplantation of a tissue or organ into a position that it normally does not occupy.
homograft a tissue graft from a donor of the same species as the recipient.
homologous graft tissue obtained from the body of another animal of the same species but with a genotype differing from that of the recipient; a homograft or allograft.
hyperkeratotic thickening of the stratum corneum (the outermost layer of the epidermis)
imaging guidance devices such as fixed C-Arms, CT scanners or MRI scanners. Most image-guided surgical procedures are minimally invasive.
incision and drainage (I&D) clinical lancing are minor surgical procedures to release pus or pressure built up under the skin, such as from an abscess
integumentary system consists of the skin
intermediate repair A complex repair requires more than a layered closure, viz., scar revision, debridement, extensive undermining, or stents or retention sutures
malignant lesion can be categorized according to whether or not they are caused by cancer.
mammary ductogram an imaging technique which is used to evaluate lesions causing nipple discharge
mastectomy a surgical operation to remove a breast.
mastotomy Incision of the breast. Also called mammotomy .
Mohs micrographic surgery a precise surgical technique used to treat skin cancer
National Correct Codding Initiative (NCCI) improper payment when incorrect code combinations are reported
ostectomy is a procedure involving the removal of bone
pedicle flap a flap which is left attached to the original site by a narrow base of tissue to provide a blood supply during grafting
pilonidal cyst a cyst or abscess near or on the natal cleft of the buttocks that often contains hair and skin debris.
pinch graft harvesting technique in which small bits of partial or full-thickness skin are obtained by "pinching"
recipient site ,calcified connective tissue forming the major portion of the skeleton of most vertebrates.
repair fix or mend (a thing suffering from damage or a fault).
scalpel a knife with a small, sharp, sometimes detachable blade, as used by a surgeon.
second-degree burn marked by pain, blistering, and superficial destruction of dermis with edema and hyperemia of the tissues beneath the burn.
shaving the removal of the skin
skin tags hey look like a small piece of soft, hanging skin. Skin tags are also known as an acrochordon
split-skin graft including the epidermis and part of the dermis. Its thickness depends on the donor site and the needs of the patient.
split-thickness autograft composite graft is a small graft containing skin and underlying cartilage or other tissue.
split-thickness graft consists of the epidermis and the entire thickness of the dermis.
subcutaneous situated or applied under the skin.
surgical package concept includes the pre-operative, intra-operative and post-operative services, and are considered included in the specific CPT code.
therapeutic procedures are medical treatments that can help prevent, cure, or at least improve a person's condition
third-degree burn severe burn characterized by destruction of the skin through the depth of the dermis and possibly into underlying tissues, loss of fluid, and sometimes shock.
tissue-cultured epidermal autograft based from tissue ,
ulcers an open sore on an external or internal surface of the body, caused by a break in the skin or mucous membrane that fails to heal.
unbundling market or charge for (items or services) separately rather than as part of a package.
wedge excision a surgical procedure to remove a triangle-shaped slice of tissue.
xenograft a tissue graft or organ transplant from a donor of a different species from the recipient.
Abbreviation Definition
Bx or bx biopsy
C&S culture ad sensitivity
derm dermatology
FS frozen section
HSV herpes simplex virus
ID intradermal
I&D incision and drainage
KOH potassium hydroxide
sc or sub-q subcutaneous
UV ultraviolet
Created by: K.Lindsey
Popular Surgery sets




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