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FM1 Test 1
Question | Answer |
Menarche | Onset or beginning of menstral cycle |
Menopause | Permanent cessation of menstrual cycle |
Perimenopause | Period of transition of changing ovarian activity before menopause and through the first few years of anemonorrhea |
Prostaglandins (PGs) | Oxygenated fatty acids classified as hormones. Menstrual blood is potent in prostaglandins & are present in many of the body tissues; have roles in many reproductive tract functions; used to induce aborations and for cervical ripening of labor induction |
Sexual Response Cycle | The phases of physical changes that occur in response to sexual stimulation and sexual tension release |
Squamocolumnar Junction | Site in the endocervical canal where the columnar epithelium and squamous epithelium meet; also called the transformation zone |
Vulvar Self Examination (VSE) | Systematic examination of the vuvla by the woman |
Amenorrhea | Absence or cessation of menustration |
Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding | Excessive bleeding with no demonstrable organic cause |
Dysmenorrhea | Painful menustration beginning 2 to 6 months after menarche, related to ovulation or organic disease such as endometriosis or uterine neoplasm |
Endometriosis | Tissue closely resembling endometrial tissue located outside the uterus |
Fibroadenoma | Firm, freely movable solitary, solid, benign breast tumor |
Fibrocystic Change | Benign changes in breast tissue |
Leiomyoma | Benign smooth muscle tumor uterus |
Menorrhagia | Profuse or excessive menstrual flow |
Metrorrhagia | Abnormal bleeding from the uterus, particulary when it occurs at any time other than the menstrual period |
Oligimenorrhea | Abnormally light or infrequent menustration |
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) | Infection of the internal reproductive structures and adjacent tissues, usually secondary to sexually transmitted infections |
Lumpectomy | Removal of a wide margin of normal breast tissue surrounding the breast cancer |
Modified Radical Mastectomy | Surgery that includes removal of the breast and fascia over the pectoralis major muscle |
Radical Mastectomy | Surgey that includes total removal of the breast, as well as underlying pectoralis major and pectoralis minor muscles |
Simple Mastectomy | Surgery that includes removal of the breast without underlying muscle or fascia tissue |
Ballottment | Diagnostic technique using palpation of a floating fetus, when tapped or pushed, moves away and then returns to touch the examiners hand |
Braxton Hicks Sign | Mild, intermittent, painless uterine contractions that occur during pregnancy; occurs more frequently as pregnancy advances but are not true labor, decreases with ambulation |
Chadwicks Sign | Violet color of the vaginal mucous membrane that is viable from approximately the 4th week of pregnancy; caused by increased vascularity |
Chloasma | Increased pigmentaion over bridge of nose and cheeks of pregnant women; also known as "mask of pregnancy" |
Colostrun | Fluid in the breast present from early pregnancy into early postpartum period. Rich in antibodies and protein. Also speeds the elimination of meconium |
Epulis | Tumorlike benign lesion of the gingiva seen in pregnant women |
Funic Souffle | Soft, muffled, blowing sound produced by blood rushing through the umbilical vessels and synchronous wuth fetal heart beat |
Goodell Sign | Softening of the cerix, a probable sign if of pregnancy, occurring during the second month |
Heger Sign | Softening of the lower uterine segment that is classified as a possible sign of pregnancy, may be present during the second and third months of pregnancy, and is palpated during bimanual examination |
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) | Hormone that is produced by chorionic villi; the biologic marker in pregnancy tests |
Leukorrhea | White or yellowish mucus discharge from the cervical canal or the vagina that may be normal physiologically or caused by pathologic states of the vagina and endocervix |
Lightening | Uterine descent into the pelvis as fetal settles. Usually occurs 2 weeks prior to labor. "Drops" |
Linea Nigra | Dark pigmentaion present in some pregnant women during the latter part of pregnancy. Seen from the middle of the abdomen and extends to the symphysis pubis toward the umbilicus |
Montgomery Tubercles | Small, nodular prominences (Subaceous glands) on the areolas around the nipples of the breasts that enlarge during pregnancy |
Operculum | Plug of mucus that fills the cervical canal during pregnancy |
Palmar Erythema | Rash on the surface of the palms sometimes seen in pregnancy |
Ptyalism | Excessive salavation |
Pyrosis | Burning sensation in the epigastric and sternal region from the stomach. Heartburn |
Quickening | Maternal perception of fetal movement; usually occurs between 16 and 20 weeks of gestation |
Striae Gravidarum | Stretch marks |
Uterine Souffle | Soft, blowing sound made by the blood in the arteries of the pregnant uterus and synchronous with the maternal pulse |
Birth Plan | Tool by which parents can explore their childbirth options and choose those that are most important to them |
Lie | Transitional period during which ovarian and hormone production decline |
Couvade Syndrone | The phenomenon of expectant fathers experiencing pregnancy like symptoms |
Doula | Trained assistant hired to give the woman support during pregnancy, labor and birth and/or postpartum |
Nagele's Rule | One method for calculating the estimated delivery date |
Pelvic Tilt (Rock) | Exercise used to help relieve low back discomfort during menustration and pregnency |
Pinch Test | Determine whether nipples are everted or inverted. By having the thumb on the areola and pressing inward, the nipple will stand erect |
Supine hypotension | Shock; fall in BP caused by impaired venous return when gravid uterus presses on ascending vena cava, when woman is lying flat on her back. Vena Cava Syndrone |
Trimesters | One of 3 periods of approximately 3 months each into which pregnancy is divided |
Attitude | Relation of fetal parts to each other in the uterus (e.g. all parts flexed, or all parts flexed except neck is extended) |
Biparietal Diameter | Largest transverse diameter of the fetal head; measured between parietal bones |
Bloody Show | Vaginal discharge that originates in the cervix and consists of blood and mucus; increases as cervix dilates during labor |
Dilation | Stretching of the external os from an opening a few millimeters in size to an opening large enough to allow for the passage of a fetus |
Effacement | Thinning and shortening or obliteration of the cervix that occurs during late pregnanct |
Engagement | The entrance of the fetal presenting part into the superior pelvic strait and the beginning of the descent through the pelvic canal |
Fergerson Reflex | Reflex contractions of the uterus after stimulation of the cervix |
Fontanels | Broad areas or soft spots consisting of a strong band of connective tissue contiguous with cranial bones and located at the junctions of the bones |
Molding | Overlapping of cranial bones or shaping of the fetal head to accomodate or conform to the bony and soft parts of the mother's birth canal during labor |
Position | Relationship of a reference point on the presenting part of the fetus, such as the occiput, sacrum, chin or scapula, to its location in the front, back, sides of the maternal pelvis |
Presentation | That part of the fetus that first enters the pelvis and lies over the inlet; may be head, face, breech or shoulder |
Presenting Part | That part of the fetus that lies closest to the internal os of the cervix |
Station | Relationship of the presenting fetal part to an imaginary line drawn between the ischial spines of the pelvis |
Suboccipitobregmatic Diameter | Smallest diameter of the fetal head; follows a line drawn from the middle of the anterior fontanel to the undersurface of the occipital bone |
Valsalva Maneuver | Any forces expiratoy effort against a closed airway, such as holding one's breath and thghtening the abdominal muscles (BM or Pushing baby out) |
Vertex | Crown or top of the head |
Gravida | Woman who is pregnant |
Gravidity | Pregnancy |
Multigravida | Woman who has had 2 or more pregnancies |
Multipara | Woman who has completed 2 or more pregnancies to the stage of fetal viability |
Nulligravida | Woman who has NOT completed a pregnancy with a fetus or fetuses who have reached the stage of viability |
Parity | The number of pregnancies in which the fetus or fetuses have reached viability when they are born, not the number of fetuses (e.g. twins) born. Whether the fetus is born alive or stillbirth after viability is reached does NOT affect parity |
Postdate or Postterm | Pregnancy beyond 42 weeks gestation |
Preterm | Pregnancy that has reached 20 weeks of gestation but before completion of 27 week |
Primigravida | Woman who is pregnant for the first time |
Primipara | Woman who has completed 1 pregnancy with a fetus or fetuses who have reached the stage of fetal viability |
Term | Pregnancy from the beginning of week 38 of gestation to the end of week 42 of gestation |
Viability | Capacity to live outside the uterus; about 22 to 24 weeks since the last menstural period or fetal weight greater than 500 g |
Meconium | Meconium is the earliest stools of an infant. Unlike later feces, meconium is composed of materials ingested during the time the infant spends in the uterus |
GTPAL | Gravidy, Term, PreTerm, Aborations, Living |