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Albania PC unit 1

Review for unit one

Agim/i sunraise
amerikan/ e america
bëj to do/ to make
çfare what
detyrë shtëpie homework
ditë day
duhur (i/e) appropriate, right
faleminderit thank you
faqe/ ja page OR cheek
figurë picture
fshat/i village
fshehur (i/e) hidden
gjej to find
gjuhë/a language, tongue
hyj to enter
jam to be
jo no
keq bad
ku where
kur when
kush who
libër/i book
lidh This word has three meanings - to match, to tie, to connect
me with
mëngjes/i morning, breakfast
mesnatë midnight
mirë (i/e)(adj) and mirë (adv) good (adj), well(adv)
natë/a night
në (prep) in, on, at, to
nga from,by
numër number
orë/a clock, watch, hour
ora clock, watch, hour
paradite before noon
pasdite afternoon
përdor to use, to utilize
perëndim/i west, sunset
përkthej to translate
përshëndetje/a greetings
përshtas to fit, to adjust
plotësoj fill in
po yes
pse why
qytet/i town/city
sa how many, how much
saktë correct
shkruaj to write
shqipëri/a Albaina
shqiptar/e Albanian
si how
sonte tonight
vendos to put, to decide, to place
vjeç years old
Mirë se erdhët! Welcome!
Mirëdita Good afternoon!
Mirëmbrëma Good evening!
Mirë se ju gjeta! Good to see you!
Gëzohem që u njohëm! Nice to meet you!
Gjithashtu! Me too! or As well!
ti je you are
jam I am
Ne jemi we are
ju jeni you are (formal)
ata/ato janë They are
Ti Je? And you?
When someone calls your name you should say...? Urdhëro! or urdëroni! (yes!)
Urdhëro/ni librin! Here is the book!
Si Urdhëroni! Yes sir At your orders!
Urdhëroni brenda! (come in, please!)
banoj to inhabit
cili/ cila Who, What, which? (Depends on context as to how it translates but mainly it is used as which.)
çmim price
drejtor/i director, principal
filloj to start
fletore/ja notebook
hyrjee/a introduction, entrance
infermiere/ja nurse
jetoj to live
karrotë carrot
kushton itcosts
laps/i pencil
lek/u albanian currency
lexoj to read
madh(i) madhe(e)(adj) big
mësues/i teacher
mjek/ u doctor
monedhë coin
ndryshoj to change
nuk don't, doesn't
nxënës/i pupil, student (first to 12th grade)
pacient.i patient
para/ja currency, money
përgjigjem to answer
pi to drink
punë/a work
quhem my name is (lit. I am called)
ri (i)/ re(e) (adj) new, young
SHBA-ja United States of America (shortened)
shkollë school
shtëpi/a house
shumë much, many, a lot, so much
stilolaps/ i pen
student/i university student
tani now
vetëm alone, only
vjetër old
vullnetar/i volunteer
sa kushton? how much does it cost?
si quhesh ti? OR the formal - Si quheni ju? What is your name?
Përsëriteni, ju lutem! Repeat it, please!
Ke të drejtë you are right.
Kujes! OR Hap sytë! Be careful! Watch out!
A të rinj osa të vjetër? New lek or old lek?
arkitekt/i architect
bashki/a municipality/ city hall
berber/i barber
dentist/i dentist
elektricist/i electrician
fermë/a farm
fermer/i farmer
kamarier/i waiter
korpus/i corps
lokal/i cofee bar
mbiemër/i family name, last name
mekanik/u mechanic
mësim/i lesson
nëpunës/i clerk
papunë (i/e) unemployed
paqe/ja peace
parukier/e hairdresser
përkthyes/i interpreter, translator
profesion/i profession
shitës/i seller, vendor, sales person
shok/u friend
shtëpiake/ja housewife
shtet/i state
specialist/i specialist
të bëftë mirë! An expression used when you sit down to eat means "Enjoy your food!"
bëfsh qeif! Have fun!
bëj muhabet to chat
bëj drekën to prepare lunch
Mos the negative - like "Nuk" but used when you are giving a command
mos bëj naze! don't be spoiled!
bëj të pamundurën. to do the utmost/impossible.
çfare pune bëj ? What do you do?
Unë kam I have
ti ke you have
ai/ajo ka he/she has
ne kemi we have
ju keni you have
ata/ato kanë they have
unë bëj I make, I do
ti bën you make, you do
ai/ajo bën s/he makes, S/he does
ne bëjmë we make, we do
ju bëni you make, you do (formal)
ata/ato bëjnë They make, They do
Unë jam mësuese. I am a (female) teacher
Unë jam vullnetare I am a (female) volunteer
akoma yet, still
atje there
bar/i bar
çantë bag
dyqan/i shop, store
fëmijë/a child
film/i film
im/e my
italian/i italian
këtu here
kjo this
klasë/a classroom
kompani/a company
krah.u arm
ky this
letër letter
martuar (i/e) married
qendër shëndetësore health center
qendër/a (n,f) center
restorant/i restaurant
telefon/i telephone
televizor/i televison
xhanxha uncle (from father's side)
zog/u bird
zyrë/a office
Për çfare? What for?
Created by: joey97501
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