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What are the antiinfective drugs?
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What is Pentamidine indicated for?
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Antiinfective agents

respiratory pharm drugs

What are the antiinfective drugs? Pentamidine isethionate (NebuPent), ribavirin (Virazole), tobramycin (TOBI) and zanamivir (Relenza)
What is Pentamidine indicated for? the prevention of Pnuemocystis pneumonia (PCP) in high risk HIV infected patients
What is Ribavirin indciated for? the treatment of hospitalizaed infants with severe lower respiratory tract infection caused by RSV
What is Tobramycin indciated for? the management of chronic P. aeruginosa infection in cystic fibrosis.
Zanamivir is indciated for what? the treatment of uncomplicated acute illness caused by the influenza virus
Why is aerosol administration used for pentamidine? local traget delivery, with fewer side effects
How is pentamidine administrated? the Respirgrad II nebulizer, 5-7 L/min
Mode of action for Pentamidine? blocks RNA and DNA synthesis, inhibits oxidative phosphorylation and interfers with folate transformation. (unknown)
How can you prevent local airway reaction with pentamidine? use a beta-adrenergic like ipratropium
Concerns with using pentamidine are what? risk of infection with TB and exposure to the drug itself
What does RSV cause? bronchiolitis and pnuemonia
What is RSV-IGIV? respiratory syncytial virus immune globulin intravenous, a sterile liquid formulation of IgG containing neutralizing antibody to RSV
What is RSV-IGIV indicated for? the preventionof serious lower respiratory tract infection with RSV
What does RSV-IGIV offer? a prophylactic alternative to the treatment of acute RSV infection with aerosolized ribavirin
What is Palivizumab indciated for? the prevention of serious lower respiratory treact disease caused by RSV
What is Cystic Fibrosis? an inherited disease of the exocrine glands, affecting the pancreas, respiratory system and apocrine glands.
What is Respiratory Syncytial virus? a virus that causes formation of syncytial masses in infected call structures
What is PCP? Pneumocystis pneumonia, an interstitial plasm cell pneumonia caused by the oraganism pneumocystis carinii.
Created by: jaas4522
Popular Respiratory Therapy sets




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